
Emergent Speak...Of the Week.

Emergent's have a way of speaking, without saying anything.

THis is a classic example of Emergent Speak. Brian McLaren says that being a Christian is like being an Atheist. An Atheist is one who goes against the grain according to McLaren.

No. That's now what an Atheist is. A Atheist says "There is No God." and McLaren, I am no Atheist. Speak for yourself.

Are there any emergents that would like to take a moment to explain.

Comment Below.

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New T-Shirt!

This morning out of anger and frustration to the whole abortion movement I made a T-Shirt in which I am proudly wearing now. I placed the T-Shirt on CafePress where you can get it for 19.99. I want people to have the shirt so I am not making much profit off of it. In fact I only make 1 Dollar with the sale of every shirt.

The shirt says the Following.

Planned Parenthood Profits from UNplanned Parenthood.

It's gorgeous.

With that being said, if anyone knows where I get T-shirts made a whole lot cheaper then CafePress please let me know. I look forward to seeing these all over the place. (Yea right)

Click Here to buy.

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Abortion is Racism, but this is genocide.

One of the things I am incredibly passionate about is Abortion.No I am not passionate about Abortion the practice, I am passionate about seeing abortion end. I lookforward to the day.


This will be a stepping stone tha launches the pro-life revolution.

A while back ago John Piper gace a sermon about abortion being Racism. He called it a mass genocide. 1/3 of all abortions are from African Americans. You can watch this here...I beg you to view this.


Recently a pro-life group drew the conclusion that donating to Planned Parenthood is pretty much extermination of a race. So it beg's the question "Can I donate to a certain minority group, to eliminate their race as much as I can?"

A Pro-Life group recently made a series of phone calls asking if they could donate their money to Planned Parenthood to give abortions to Blacks because they were racist. The callers were very excited about their racism.

Planned Parenthood was just as excited about helping them out.

I feel so utterly helpless. I hate sitting behind this computer desk pounding on this keyboard in hopes that I am actually making a difference to help these children.

Is there something we can do? As citizens of the United States must we just sit and blog?

I mean where are the marches? Where are the Rallies? This should be Every Day.

There are rallies everyday at DC demanding the impeachment of George Bush. I like the man. But the point is if there are more rallies, protests and outcries demanding the removal of a president then those demanding the elimination of genocide from within our borders. We need to seriously rethink our priorities.

Anyone willing to plan a Million Man March for Life?

I am.

Send Me.

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Weekend Emergent Caption Fun!

OK. So this is how it works. The picture below needs a caption. A funny satirical quote to describe what is going on in the photo. To leave a caption just add your comment to the blog. I will announce the winner Monday Morning.

Here is mine.

Rob Bell on CNN discusses his utter disappointment that elections have to be decided using something as absolute as numbers...Can't we have a conversation instead?

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Oprah is Dangerous...No!...Really?

I don't know who Bill Keller is, but he is absolutely right.


Yep. Another One.


These guys rock my socks off...

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2000 Visitors!

Over the past month this little website has hit over two thousand views! I could celebrate by talking about future ministry plan, ministry needs, etc etc.

Or I Could play Paul Washer.

Pastor. Would you do this for your sheep?

Soli Deo Gloria.

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For a while i have been trying to figure out how to shoot Open Air with one camera. It's pretty hard to do because you want to keep the focus on the message being preched and the crowds.

These people in Modesto, CA did it.

This is probably one of the best open air productions I have ever seen. It rivals some of the WOTM Season 1 and 2 videos. It's wonderfully edited. It really made my morning.

The preachers have so much passion and conviction. As they repatidly shout "Do You Know Him?" this is something I plan on doing when I open air.

I give it a standing ovation.


A MacArthur Mood...

Man... John MacArthur really knows how to lay down the Gospel on Larry King.
Behold John MacArthur give a humble smack down to a Universalist.

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John MacArthur...Tells it like it is...

No Explanation Necessary

Because all the other cool blogs posted it.

This video has been going all around the internet this week. So I thought in order to be "relevant", I should do the same.

Looking for work....

Just to let people know, my "Full Time" employment is doing graphic design and video production for ministries and sometimes businesses. So if you need any sort of business card, promotional video, flyer, advertising, Gospel Tract or something crazy of the sort be sure to check out http://www.oomaoo.com/creative

My clients include StreetFishing.org, HisHolySpace.com, EvangelismTeam.com and TrueLife.org

So click on the cool logo above and see some cool stuff...

me with any questions...


Have you seen expelled yet?

Hope you all get to make the time to see it if you have not already. The "Scientist" are pretty angry as you can tell by reading several comments on my blogs. But I guess that is what happens when you start beating up on their infallible prophet who is "Easy to be taken for a ride"

I think there is a similar whining coming from the Obama Camp who complained they were asked hard questions.

Keith Green.

Every time I get in my car I am faced with a decision. Listen to John Piper, Mark Driscoll, or Way of the Master Radio or listen to music.

Sometimes I side on music which opens my iPod up to a whole smorgasbord of Christian artist. If I need a good laugh and am feeling satirical I listen to BarlowGirl. If I am feeling punk I turn it to Reliant K, if I want to be preached at better then 99% of churches in America I listen to Lecrae.

However, I am never able to act on any of those moods because I can never fight off the temptation to listen to Keith Green.
After thirty years, I guess now going on forty. There is not a single Christian artist that has ever rivaled him. I doubt there will ever be.

Keith Green was only a Christian for seven years. During that time he made some of the best christian music since Amazing Grace, and the best part was that a lot of the music was not geared towards worship, some of it was geared towards rebuking those in the Church.

In today's Christian music atmosphere of corporate labels we are forced to listen to "Positive Hits" that make me seem to think I got my satellite radio turned to the Disney or Oprah station.

BarlowGirl talks about puny feel good ideals, while worship music seems to be water down the love of God to that of a emo girl/boyfriend.

So it makes me wonder.

What if Keith Green was not taken away so abruptly, what if he never died in the plane crash with his kids after being saved for only seven years. How would Christian music be different?

This is an artist who yelled at his listeners. An artist who wrote songs attacking the church.

In asleep in the light Keith Green says the following...

How can you be so numb
Not to care if they come
You close your eyes
And pretend the job's done

"Oh bless me Lord, bless me Lord"
You know it's all I ever hear
No one aches, no one hurts
No one even sheds one tear

But He cries, He weeps, He bleeds
And He cares for your needs
And you just lay back
And keep soaking it in,
Oh, can't you see it's such a sin?

Isn't that so much better then this...

How long will my prayers seem unanswered?
Is there still faith in me to reach the end?
I'm feeling doubt I'm losing faith
But giving up would cost me everything
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night

I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe

I mean those BarlowGirl lyrics really make me sick. Feelings, Love, Silence. It does not sound very Christian. It hint's at Christianity. But is mainly about feeling good.

The truth is I think I know why God took Keith Green so early. He was getting to popular, he was being worshiped and not God. Despite his lyrics that said so. Me and my friend the other day were talking about how awesome his music was when we realized that we were worshiping the creation and not the Creator, which Keith Green often ridiculed his audience for doing the same exact thing. Even to the point of tears threatening to go home if the audience did not stop worshiping him.

I encourage every aspiring Christian musician to watch his documentary "The Keith Green Story" it really is amazing.

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A Funny Joke...

So I had this great idea...

TO make a Rick Rolled Joke. For those of you who don't know what a Rick Rolled Joke is, it is when you point someone on the internet to a video, but when they go to the video you told them it turns out it was not the video that was described...but a video of a really bad song from the eighties.

So I was going to make a "Rob Bell Preaches the Uncompromising Gospel" video. Then have everyone get rick rolled. I thought it would be funny, but then I thought that the dance moves in the video might not be appropriate for everyone.

Oh well...

Man. It would have been a good one.

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Richard Dawkins...Takes a Beating...Get's Expelled.

This quote sums up the sad nature of Richard Dawkins after he realized he was forced against his will to speak to one who believes in Intelligent Design...

I feel betrayed and very angry. This has only happened to me once before, in a very long career of doing hundreds of interviews. I find that life is much more pleasant if I assume a reasonable level of trust with everyone I meet. It is extremely easy to take me for a ride. (What? No...Evolution anyone?) I am actually quite proud of being so trusting. It is frustrating and disillusioning to feel that in future I am going to have to be a lot more suspicious and grudging. The quality of life is sensibly diminished by having to do this." Richard Dawkins

Sunday afternoon I got to see the long awaited "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed". I have to say I was indeed quite impressed with the film. I think it is a film that all Christians should see, but it is not a Christian movie. I was a little upset that they tended to separate people into three camps. Those who believe in Intelligent Design, Those who believe in evolution and the loons that believe in Young Earth Creation.

That's right they sort of made the YEC's the guy's on the low end of the totem pole. Which is a shame, seeing that a vast majority of people that I went to see the movie with and the ones that were in the theater were indeed YEC.

But that's really besides the point because the film itself did a fantastic job of explaining the outright hypocrisy of the science community. The ones who say "We don't shun those who support intelligent design, but we sure will attack Ben Stein for being an idiot, because he supports such "bad Science"

The build up to the movie proves the very point of the movie. All the negative publicity, the movie critics turned scientist on Rotten Tomatoes. The New York Times calling it "Sleazy."

OK OK, you crazy lunatic scientist made your point, the movie did not have to be made, you openly admit to not allowing other ideas and viewpoints. Can we stop with all the name calling already.

The movie is worth seeing because of one scene where Richard Dawkins is given a beat down by Ben Stein. In fact I am positive that Dawkins still feels those sores. In probably the most enjoyable scene in any movie I have seen this year. Richard "Easy to be taken for a ride" Dawkins almost in tears was unable to answer a simple question posed by Ben Stein. Where does life come from? "I don't know, I don't think anyone does" he even resorted to saying an intelligent designer could have in fact been an initiator of life. No wonder he refuses to do interviews with both sides of the aisle. If an "idiot" like Ben Stein can make him resort to Intelligent Design, imagine what would happen if the scientist did willingly surrender to an actual debate. Evolution would be over. That's why they hold on so tightly. Their entire worldview is built on a house of cards, or layers of sand.

So overall a good movie, it could have had more scientific details that that proved intelligent design, IE the intricacies of the cell's design, flood geology.

So go see the movie, it was ranked one of the third highest grossing documentaries only to Tupac and Fahrenheit 9/11. Let's try and get it out there, I for one will go and see it again.

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If Ben Stein is not a scientist then...

Ben Stein is Expelled...Literally.

With all the hype surrounding Ben Stein's movie, "Expelled" there is also a lot of anger and hostility towards the man for making a documentary. So much so it proves the very premise of his very own movie.

Over the past few weeks, evolutionist have attacked, mocked, ridiculed, and buried anything that has anything to do with Ben Stein's documentary so much so it is impossible to find any information in support of the movie on Digg.

Were not talking about nice professsional rebuttals of the movie. Were talking about flat out angry hostilities, swearing and name calling. Very scientific approaches.

This leads me to conclude without even seeing the movie that Ben Stein was correct.

The truth is that right now Ben Stein could not possibly get a job in any scientific environment because he sides on Intelligent Design and because of this, his movie could have been blank, with three words that said "Evolution is Fake" for an hour and half and the same sort of sentiment would have arisen.

So my question for all the evolutionist is why the hostility? Why is there such an anger to defend evolution? Why must it be done with such hostile attitudes as opposed to professional academic behavior and discussion?

The creationist are Fox News and the evolutionist are the loons at the Daily Kos.

Can't we all be sensible?

To Ben Stein, congratulations on this amazing social experiment. You sir, are awesome.

You proved your point, before the movie even came out.

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Student Aliza Shvarts' Herself, Tapes Miscarriages...For Art.

Warning: The following article is incredibly disturbing. I think it is important because it shows the logical breakdown of morality and abortion...

Beginning next Tuesday, Shvarts will be displaying her senior art project, a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" while periodically taking abortifacient drugs to induce miscarriages. Her exhibition will feature video recordings of these forced miscarriages as well as preserved collections of the blood from the process....

The display of Aliza Shvarts' project will feature a large cube suspended from the ceiling of a room in the gallery of Green Hall. Shvarts will wrap hundreds of feet of plastic sheeting around this cube; lined between layers of the sheeting will be the blood from Shvarts' self-induced miscarriages mixed with Vaseline in order to prevent the blood from drying and to extend the blood throughout the plastic sheeting.

Aliza Shvarts will then project recorded videos onto the four sides of the cube. These videos, captured on a VHS camcorder, will show her experiencing miscarriages in her bathrooom tub, she said. Similar videos will be projected onto the walls of the room.

Well the only question I could possibly ask is "Did that offend you?"

Of course it does. But it shouldn't.

If abortion is morally acceptable then who cares what she does with her own body and abortion pills. Why is this disturbing? While I am at it how come the Discovery Health Channel does not air abortion procedures and stories? Shouldn't they be aired as often as Gastric Bypass procedures?

It's disturbing because we know it is abhorrent to kill babies. It's absurd.

If Abortion is morally OK then why do these photo's make you sick?

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I have appointed you as prophet to the nations.’ (Jeremiah 1:4–6)

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Open Air Hecklers....

A lot of times when you do open air preachers, the worst hecklers, the one's who are so against preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, are from "Christians".

It's amazing to me, how anti preaching the Gospel Christians in America are.

The following video is from a friend of mine in NC named Kerrigan who runs Pin Point Evangelism. At around 1:30 Seconds the Christians start overpowering the Law, with the repetitive chant that everyone wants to hear "God Love Everybody". It's amazing the ignorance of Christianity in America. Amazing.


Counting Down....

Were only two day's away from the release of Ben Stein's Expelled. I am so excited I cannot type straight...

Here is a trailer filled with some classic Ben Stein humor.

Please go and support the movie. We need to go in drones to support this film. We need to let the world know we don't believe Evolutionary myth.

Wretched. It's Simply Wretched.

So I heard that Todd Friel was going to be on TV, in a daily show called Wretched on FamilyNET.

My heart rejoiced, and then sunk as I realized..I don't have FamilyNET. I was in despair.

Then, suddenly for what can only be described as a miracle equivalent to Jesus on a Cheeto, the cable guy delivers us a Digital Cable box proclaiming the news that we get it for free because we recently signed up for all three services.

I now have FamilyNET., so the first thing I did was turn on the TV and set the TiVo with a season pass to "Wretched"

This morning, I woke up, and excitedly cooked up the usual eggs and toast, grabbed the TiVo remote and watched one of the most embarrassing TV programs for Christian Media, I have ever seen.

What a Disappointment...

...this show must be to all the other worthless Christian TV shows on television.

It's simply amazing, It's simple. I love it.

It's a small studio set where Todd Friel gives his usual commentary, but now with video. So unlike the listening to his remarks on Way of the Master, we now get to not just HEAR him cringe with disgust, we get to watch him cringe...with us.

The first episode I was able to see was God's revelation via Cheeto's and how ridiculous it is.

As a Christian ministry dedicated towards "Quality Media" we have been known to utterly rip apart good christian media because the production was poor, not the Theology.

We see this a lot. The first two seasons of WOTM were not the greatest from a production standpoint, but biblically they changed my life. (Season 3 looks exciting)

The theology of Left Behind was OK, but the movies were worthless.

So it is a tricky line between Production Quality and Theology Quality. It's rare.

Wretched has just drawn a line in the sand, daring other Christian TV shows to cross it. They set the bar, telling every future television show that they have to be Wretched, to be any close to being good.

I think the show is amazing. The one thing I really love, is the natural audience boo's and cheers from the crew. I despise fake audience cheers and laughter it's the ultimate in cheese, it really brings down the production quality of a show. So good Job there. It's simply Wretched.

Wretched appears on FamilyNET, every night at 10pm.

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Jeffrey Dahmer "Thanks to you for sending the Creation Science Material"

Below is a video of the famous Jeffrey Dahmer. In an NBC interview in what seems to be from the mid nineties, Jeffrey Dahmer sits with his dad and his dad asks a question at 2:30 into it.,.

"When did you start taking responsibility?"

Jeffery Dahmer responds in a way that I could never have even imagined...

"Thanks to you for sending the Creation Science material..."

He states that his reasoning behind the terrible crimes that he committed was because of the evolutionary model. The logical, rational outcome of Evolutionary thinking.

Creation is a much bigger deal then we could ever imagine.


I discovered this site called Reformation Nation, because they wrote a very good article in response to our "Encounter with a Mormon" video. You can view the article and video here...

While there I stumbled across the following, pretty funny... Thanks Reformation Nation

12. You think evangelism is handing out copies of Purpose Driven Life.
11. You think The Five Solas are a youth worship band.
10. You think Calvinists worship a little boy and stuffed tiger.
09. You think Bounce dryer sheets do great at stopping Hypostatic union.
08. Your pastor got saved (four times) at Billy Graham crusades.
07. You think Jesus would have had more success if He was just a bit nicer to the Pharisees.
06. You openly blast people who disagree with Oprah as being too narrow-minded and judgmental. Jesus would never be that way!
05. Your pastor did so preach on the book Romans! Romans 13:8-10, where it tells us how to get out and stay out of debt! (They gave away $10 gas cards that week too.)
04. Instead of “sin” your Pastor uses the word “oopsie.”
03. You think Paul Washer is what Jesus did to Paul’s feet when he was at the Last Supper.
02. You think ‘church discipline’ is the Technology Pastor yelling swear words at the iBook to get it to work.
01. Becoming Emergent is like coming out of the closet.

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Barack Obama... Showing Real "Compassion" On When Life Begins...

I don't really want Transplant Ministries to be a place of Political Debate but every now and then something just comes up that really demands a few words...

Last night at the CNN "Compassion" forum, there were ton's of questions regarding faith and it's place in politics.

The real heart stopper of the night was when Obama was asked a normally simple question, (unless your a politician) "When does Life Begin?"

His response...

"Ummm...I dunno"

Yep...real "compassion" coming from the guy who held tightly to a bill that stated if a baby SURVIVES an abortion, the baby should be killed. Oh and the guy that said he wouldn't want his daughter PUNISHED with a baby.

1. a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
2. the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it.

I leave you with John Piper...

Abort73.com has Great Abortion Material for the truly Compassionate. CLICK HERE

The TinyURL video he was discussing...

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Is this hard to read...

It's a simple question really.

Always looking to be more "Seeker Friendly" it has come to my attention that white on black may be hard to read. I might be updating the site's colors over the next few days...so if you see any crazy colors out of place...well it's only momentary.

When good preachers, go bad.

Today I was referred to an Open Air Preacher on YouTube called "RevivalisNeeded", after watching the clip I was saddened by the attitude of the preacher in the video.

The preacher in the video is having a heated discussion with a mother who did not want her child to hear the word "Pervert", this is understandable I guess. I am not sure what I would do in that situation as pervert really is not a bad word, I have used it not in reference to humanity, but more along the lines "Perverting the Gospel".

What happens next is of great concern, the preacher then states that ladies kid is "dressed like a fruitcake" for wearing a laced cowboy hat.

The lady then (I would say rightfully so), goes on the attack, assaulting the preacher.

Why? Why did the ladies child have to get involved, he was not part of the discussion.

I understand that exchanges during Open Air can get rather heated, I have been apart of them, but I feel like this preacher lost site of the Goal, and got caught up in the unnecessary Shock and Awe.

In know way am I trying to be Judgmental and I wouldn't even dare place myself as more knowledgeable then him in Open Air. In fact I even saw one video where there was a one on one which seemed to go quite well...But it seems to me that something is not right with this.

Several times he tells the lady that she is going to Hell, as if there is no way out.

Comments would be appreciated.


Ben Stein..Is suddenly not so smart....

Does anyone know the name of Ben Stein's movie that is do out next week? Anyone? Anyone?

It's called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, and from what I have seen of it via YouTube clips and YouTube hecklers, I am pretty excited. Although Ben Stein is (I believe) an Orthodox Jew and does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, we do believe that God created everything.

April 18th Ben Stein's movie comes out to theaters nationwide. I have heard nothing but good (from the creationist) and bad (from evolutionist) which means this movie must be amazing!

The thing is Ben Stein was the man when he was on "Win Ben Steins Money", when he was on Ferris Bueller's Day off, when he was a speech writer for Nixon. But now all of a sudden people are calling him all sorts of names, questioning his intelligence and mocking him.

It's as if the second someone endorses Creation your reputation goes out the window.

That's because Evolutionist cannot look at the evidence. They have to attack the person making the claim, not the claim. I have scoured the internets and all I can find are the following arguments about the movie.

"It's Propoganda"
"Ben Stein is a Moron"
"They talk to much about Hitler, Stalin, Marx"

I have not heard a single shred of information regarding the actual evidence presented in the film. I think the same was true for Ann Coulter's book "Godless the Church of Liberalism", most of her book was on Evolutionary fallacies and yet everyone complained about the non-important, satirical, smug comments that were in the book. None on the Evidence that she presented.

So what's wrong evolutionist? Has it become so impossible to defend evolution that you have to resort to Ad Hominem Parades.

For everyone who has not seen the trailer...and or clips below are some from the movie. I am looking forward to seeing this as soon as I can, and I hope you do to.

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Baby Wooly Mammoth, Fully Perserved...Drowned.

It never ceases to amaze me. Everyday we discover more and more about our world, and with every discovery we find more and more proof for a biblical creation.

Read the full article here.

"Russian scientists say they have obtained the most detailed pictures so far of the insides of a prehistoric animal, with the help of a baby mammoth called Lyuba found immaculately preserved in the Russian Arctic."

Below is the real kicker...

"The scans showed her airways and digestive system were clogged with what scientists believe was silt, leading them to conclude that she must have drowned."

Really? What could have caused her to drown? I don't know a Flood or something? No...

The article then goes on to violate the law of non-contradiction by stating two completely different ages for the animal...

The caption under the picture states...

"A remarkably well-preserved baby mammoth — at least 10,000 years old — discovered recently in Siberia."

"Tests on Lyuba showed she was fed on milk and was three to four months old when she died 37,000 years ago in what is now the Yamalo-Nenetsk region in Russia's Arctic."

This leads me to conclude the obvious, they never dated the thing using any method, they found a wooly mammoth and assumed the age...No surprises here. I mean really what's a 27,000 year difference in opinion?

and I told myself I was going to be a Blog Free weekend...

Comment Below.

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NOTEworthy Christian Musician - 001 - Lecrae

Sometime I believe that I get so focused on media that is not Christian, I very rarely ever give credit to media that is Christian. Part of that is because of the incredible lack of high quality solid doctrine media that is out there.

Which brings me to Lecrae. I have heard of him for awhile, but this week on the way to William and Mary I really got to listen to his CD "After the Music Stops", I have never heard any Christian Hip-Hop artist use such solid theology, AND not compromising the Music. (or is that not compromising the Theology, for Solid Music) either way, it's important to have both equally. LeCrae does that. Below is a sample of his work a preview Video....

AS my friend Nathan said... You will be preached at better then 99% of all churches in America, just by listening to ONE of his songs.

The followings lyrics from "Jesus Muzik" say everything...

They tryna drown me out, but nah they ain't gon count me out
I got a back pack full of tracks plus I keep a Johnny Mac so we can pound it out

Way to go Lecrae...

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Open Air Encounter with a Mormon!

I guess to set this up, Matt from RichmondBET.org was preaching just as it seemed to die down from the first onslaught of hecklers that we had. Over in the distance, we see this heard (If that's the proper name for a group of Mormons) coming our way in ties and shirts. I grab my camera and just as I hit record...well, just hit play...and be warned...it gets a little angry.

The truth is that The Law of God reveals the inner nature of humanity. This guy was clearly bothered by the Law of God and how God uses our sin to show His Glory. I guess they left that out in LDS Sunday School.

After the video this guy and several other Mormons hung around for what must have been an hour. Hopefully they were convicted and tomorrow the Mormon church will be a few less.

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Open Air Preaching - College Tour Day 3 - VCU

I admit I have not been Open Air Preaching many times, I just started at the end of last summer, and the weather in the winter makes it hard. But of all the places I have open air preached, I have never meet more people, more hecklers, and more Mormons that just out right hated the Gospel. The crew from RichmondBET.org handled themselves very well, I learned a lot and was honored to follow them around with my camera. Despite the ridiculous amount of protest, it like it always did helped gather a crowd who was ready to answer questions and engage in amazing discussions about the Savior and what he did for them...

An atheist stands side by side Rob raising her voice to overpower him.

She was reading from "The Gospel According to The Flying Spaghetti Monster" ...no really.

The Sign reads as follows "Surgeons General: Standing to close to these people may increase your chance of becoming an IDIOT"

Matt teams up against a pack of mormons.

Nathan Preaching to a crowd.

Matt Preaching in front of the VCU Hibbs Building.

The RichmondBET.org Team

Chris Shares the Gospel, only to be recorded, this will only greatly increase his message.

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American Idol Repents!

In tonight's episode of American Idol, the contestant's repented, place their trust in Jesus Christ and became saved... Apparently after obvious controversy American idol resang Shout to the Lord WITH The word Jesus included..

"We Realized that in an effort to not offend anyone, we offended the Christians" said Nigel Lythgoe the Producer of American Idol.. "and were sorry."

"Were absolutely horrible" stated Simon Cowell

OK, so it did not happen exactly like that but tonight American Idol repented of their ways, and sang Shout to the Lord properly. Or did they?

They Did. The question needs to be asked Why? Why now? Did they realize the obvious hypocrisy of Dolly Pardon and Mariah Carey? Did they realize that Christians make a large part of their audience?

There are still problems (let's not forget the cussing and swearing of Ben Stiller afterwards, ZooLander had a real "Heart of Worship")

You see I know this places them in a catch 22, one in which the cannot escape but on stage, American Idol had the unsaved worshiping a God in which they had no relationship with. Now there may be some Christians among the contestant's, but after Tuesday's display of hedonism, there clearly are not many.

If there are Christians it still begs the question "Why did anyone who was saved willingly submit to sing the song that way in the first place?"

Anyways what can you do? We live in a very unchristian, yet highly churched society. They are happy to hear a gospel, but they shun the True Gospel.

If you don't believe me stay tuned, I am about to post some photo's and video's of people who HATE the Gospel. The pure fact that we are liar's thieves and blasphemers who have broken God's law is upsetting to the self righteous unregenerate.

As Ryan Seacrest would say stay tuned "after the break..."

*OK. I have thought about this and do agree that it is GOOD that Jesus Christ's name was mentioned on National TV. I still wish they did it in the beginning, that way it looked real and not like a cover up.

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Not Christian 004 - American Idol Omit's Jesus from Shout to the Lord!

In a night full of Hedonistic, works righteousness the "Big Deal" was that Idol contestants were going to sing "Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zschech on Tonight's two and half hour "Idol Gives Back."

The words to the actual song is this.

My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You;
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.

Instead we were treated to a universal version of the song that omitted the name of Jesus Christ.

The words to the watered down American Idol song was the following...

My Shepard, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You;
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.

This is an outrage, as I know there are many Christians who actually enjoy American Idol as it is one of the last shows you can watch as a family.

This raises several questions. I think they all need Answers.

1. Did Darlene Zschech or her Record Label give Fox rights to change the Lyrics? I think Christians should demand an answer for this.

2. Should Christians continue to watch the show?

3. If any of the Christians are Idol Finalist, why did they sing knowing Jesus' name was taken out?

If Darlene Zschech wrote that song to worship the Savior of mankind, then Darlene Zschech should be outraged at this. The "Christian Label" or owners of the song should be strongly rebuked, as public as the sin was. However I doubt anything wil come from this, as Darlene is a avid supporter of Health to Wealth "preacher" Joyce Myers, and they are always strong defenders of the faith...Right Joel?

What about the line "Lord there is NONE Like you"? Doesn't making the Song universal sort of make that line void. I mean your singing a universalist version of a Song, so basically what your really saying is "lord" there ARE some like you.

So continue American Christians to sit back and let the name of Jesus Christ be omitted from this and omitted form that. We don't care... American Christians are weak and were OK with that but just imagine if Muhammad's name was taking out of a Muslim prayer or song, Imagine the outrage...

To top things off immediately after the "Worship" song, crude comic Ben Stiller came out and in what was supposed to be a funny end tot he show, started cussing and swearing to bleeps and bloops about how he missed the entire night. Way to Go.

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Open Air Preaching - College Tour Day 2 - WIlliam & Mary

Today was the second day of the Open Air Preaching tour, it was a lot less hostile compared towards yesterday. I noticed that students at W&M refuse Gospel Tracts, it was rare someone would take some, I felt invisible as many people looked at the tract, looked at me and kept walking..Oh well.

Below are the pictures.

Don (Left) has a 1on1 with a student.

This is my first time preaching for the day...

A Christian tells Mary that Open Air is not a proper Methodology (Ineffective)

Nate preaching to the crowd that gathered to ask questions...and boy did they ask questions.


Open Air Preaching - College Tour Day 1 - Christopher Newport University

Today was the start of the college campus tour. I went with some friends to do some Open Air Preaching at Christopher Newport University. Today marks the first time I was heckled, Nathan said I handled it well...

The following photo's are of Nathan, I was taking the photo's so naturally there are none of me. Not by accident if I may add..
Nathan is heckled by mob.

Mary speaks to a "scientist."

This guy was one of the lead hecklers of the group, loud, arrogant, pride filled. After everything was over he was willing to have a one on one with Nathan.

CNU tried to stop the preaching by moving us to an area where no one would hear...But it just made our voices louder. (In fact, looking back it probably made more people stop and wonder why that guy was yelling from way over there...)

After all the preaching was done, I was resting in a chair because my shoes got soaked and were numb from the cold, a guy came up to me and asked me to explain what this whole Christian thing was about. So I did, after I walked him through the Law he was deeply humbled and very receptive to the Gospel. His name was Clay, please pray for him.

Tomorrow were going to William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. Pray for us...


Not Christian #003 - The Emergent Church

The following is from Way of the Master Radio, it is an interview between John MacArthur and Todd Friel about today's Not Christian hero...Brian McLaren. Thank God for men like these who stand strong and use common sense discernment, against the people who well, have no common sense.


What work is your fridge posted on?

Hey everyone after spending all day and night working on ooMAoo.com I am proud to announce the Beta of the ooMAoo Fridge. I encourage people to log on to www.oomaoo.com and select the Fridge Button in the top right hand corner or simply go to http://www.oomaoo.com/fridge

It's a little awkward now and a lot of features do not work, but I need people to log in and let me know exactly what is going on with some issues, so please create an account and help me get this thing rolling.

"Not Christian" #002

Not Christian is a Blog Series that investigates Bad "Christian" Theology/Values in modern pop-culture....Today I give you Oprah and I deeply apologize for doing so...

This one does not require much explanation at all. Oprah is quite clearly "Not-Christian"

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Not Christian...

So today starts a new blog series called "Not Christian"

There seems to be much confusion around the world about what makes something Christian.

So here is how it works. I will scour the internets...yes, Internet(s) and I will search for videos on GodTube and YouTube that are "Not Christian" but claim to be, or try to have spiritual depth, but fail. Specifically and Hopefully in areas of Pop-Culture...

So the idea here is not to call people out for "Not BEING Christian" just to show that the theology of a message, is indeed...Not Christian.

So what better way to start the Blog Series then with Hannah Montana... Recently Hannah Montana won an Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award, in which during the acceptance speech she did something that was indeed Very Christian. She thanked her "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" however the fail was when she gave the reason she was so thankful...

Yep. You heard it right, she thanks her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ not for salvation, not for redemption of Sin, but instead she thanks Him for allowing her to spread her worldly, Disney, me centered music around the world...

Now I am not doubting Miley Cyrus' Salvation...It was very bold of her to thank her Lord and Savior using those words, and I commend her...But her Disney theology is off. Is God really responsible for lyrics like these...

Nobody's Perfect!
I gotta work it!
Again and again 'til I get it right
Nobody's Perfect!
You live and you learn it!
And if I mess it up sometimes...
Nobody's perfect

Next time you feel like... it's just one of those days...
when you just can't seem to win
If things don't turn out the way you plan,
Don't stay down! Try again! YEAH!

I smell work Righteousness... What do you think? Comment Below...

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StreetFishing: Christian creativity

Hey everyone ooMAoo.com was featured on StreetFishing.org

To God Alone be the Glory!

You Can Visit their website here...

Street Fishing Blog
Street Fishing Blog
StreetFishing: Christian creativity

Oh...You can also visit ooMAoo.com of course.

Join the Community!


Featured on WayoftheMasterRadio.com

Hey everyone, great news. Our Open air preacher video was featured on Way of the Master Radio! Hooray! I love those guys, I am glad they appreciate our work enough to feature it. This is better then the front page of YouTube.