Ben Stein is Expelled...Literally.
With all the hype surrounding Ben Stein's movie, "Expelled" there is also a lot of anger and hostility towards the man for making a documentary. So much so it proves the very premise of his very own movie.
Over the past few weeks, evolutionist have attacked, mocked, ridiculed, and buried anything that has anything to do with Ben Stein's documentary so much so it is impossible to find any information in support of the movie on Digg.
Were not talking about nice professsional rebuttals of the movie. Were talking about flat out angry hostilities, swearing and name calling. Very scientific approaches.

This leads me to conclude without even seeing the movie that Ben Stein was correct.
The truth is that right now Ben Stein could not possibly get a job in any scientific environment because he sides on Intelligent Design and because of this, his movie could have been blank, with three words that said "Evolution is Fake" for an hour and half and the same sort of sentiment would have arisen.
So my question for all the evolutionist is why the hostility? Why is there such an anger to defend evolution? Why must it be done with such hostile attitudes as opposed to professional academic behavior and discussion?
The creationist are Fox News and the evolutionist are the loons at the Daily Kos.
Can't we all be sensible?
To Ben Stein, congratulations on this amazing social experiment. You sir, are awesome.
You proved your point, before the movie even came out.
Over the past few weeks, evolutionist have attacked, mocked, ridiculed, and buried anything that has anything to do with Ben Stein's documentary so much so it is impossible to find any information in support of the movie on Digg.
Were not talking about nice professsional rebuttals of the movie. Were talking about flat out angry hostilities, swearing and name calling. Very scientific approaches.

This leads me to conclude without even seeing the movie that Ben Stein was correct.
The truth is that right now Ben Stein could not possibly get a job in any scientific environment because he sides on Intelligent Design and because of this, his movie could have been blank, with three words that said "Evolution is Fake" for an hour and half and the same sort of sentiment would have arisen.
So my question for all the evolutionist is why the hostility? Why is there such an anger to defend evolution? Why must it be done with such hostile attitudes as opposed to professional academic behavior and discussion?
The creationist are Fox News and the evolutionist are the loons at the Daily Kos.
Can't we all be sensible?
To Ben Stein, congratulations on this amazing social experiment. You sir, are awesome.
You proved your point, before the movie even came out.
Labels: Ben Stein, creation, evolution, Expelled, movie, No Intelligence Allowed, science
First of all, your question is irrelevant because you offer no evidence that the scientific cabal has done anything to limit information about the movie. Aside from your paranoid assumptions and accusations.
There in fact are MANY MANY scientific refutations of the "facts" of the movie if you choose to look:
To name a few.
As for this hostility if which you speak, if anyone's hostile, it's because the proponents of Creationism (ID) use outright lies and misinformation to "wedge" (heard that term before?) the issue where it doesn't belong.
Churches get tax breaks from the government. That's pretty much the same as getting a subsidy from the government. So if Sunday Schools were forced to have to give equal time to teaching evolution, don't you think a log of religious people would get upset?
More to the point--this is like people going around trying to get schools to teach alchemy, astrology, earth-centered cosmology. Trying to get kids to think that religious myth is science, which undermines the entire concept of reason, critical thinking, and pulls down American science literacy even further than it already is. (Below Turkey as I understand, latest studies.)
How would you feel if people wanted to force your kids to learn the Muslim version of "intelligent design" in schools? Or the Hindu? Or the Wiccan? Or the alien overlord version? Scientology version? If you want your creation myth to be taught in public schools, you better be accepting of all of those as well. because they're all as "scientific" and ID's "We can't explain it--God did it!"
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