
Ben Stein..Is suddenly not so smart....

Does anyone know the name of Ben Stein's movie that is do out next week? Anyone? Anyone?

It's called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, and from what I have seen of it via YouTube clips and YouTube hecklers, I am pretty excited. Although Ben Stein is (I believe) an Orthodox Jew and does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, we do believe that God created everything.

April 18th Ben Stein's movie comes out to theaters nationwide. I have heard nothing but good (from the creationist) and bad (from evolutionist) which means this movie must be amazing!

The thing is Ben Stein was the man when he was on "Win Ben Steins Money", when he was on Ferris Bueller's Day off, when he was a speech writer for Nixon. But now all of a sudden people are calling him all sorts of names, questioning his intelligence and mocking him.

It's as if the second someone endorses Creation your reputation goes out the window.

That's because Evolutionist cannot look at the evidence. They have to attack the person making the claim, not the claim. I have scoured the internets and all I can find are the following arguments about the movie.

"It's Propoganda"
"Ben Stein is a Moron"
"They talk to much about Hitler, Stalin, Marx"

I have not heard a single shred of information regarding the actual evidence presented in the film. I think the same was true for Ann Coulter's book "Godless the Church of Liberalism", most of her book was on Evolutionary fallacies and yet everyone complained about the non-important, satirical, smug comments that were in the book. None on the Evidence that she presented.

So what's wrong evolutionist? Has it become so impossible to defend evolution that you have to resort to Ad Hominem Parades.

For everyone who has not seen the trailer...and or clips below are some from the movie. I am looking forward to seeing this as soon as I can, and I hope you do to.

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Blogger Benjamin Franklin said...

HI there-

In your post you say "I have not heard a single shred of information regarding the actual evidence presented in the film."

OK, no problem. Here you go

Expelled begins with a deception. The opening scene of the movie is a fraud. It purports to show Mr. Stein giving a lecture to an adoring crowd of students at Pepperdine University. But the production company for the movie literally bought the audience: there were only 2 or 3 actual Pepperdine students there, the audience having been created from what is known in movie jargon as “extras.” What a way to start a “documentary”, the purpose of which is to supposedly unmask deceptions and conspiracies.

It doesn’t get better. The films’ main thesis, that anyone in the science community who believes in God or is a Darwin dissenter is being “expelled” is false at its core.

In a New York Times interview, Walter Ruloff (producer of Expelled) said that researchers who had studied cellular mechanisms, made findings suggestive of an intelligent designer. “But they are afraid to report them”.

Mr. Ruloff also cited Dr. Francis S. Collins, a geneticist who directs the National Human Genome Research Institute and whose book, "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief", explains how he came to embrace his Christian faith. Mr. Ruloff said that Dr. Collins separates his religious beliefs from his scientific work only because “he is toeing the party line”.

That’s “just ludicrous,” Dr. Collins said in a telephone interview. While many of his scientific colleagues are not religious and some are “a bit puzzled” by his faith, he said, “they are generally very respectful.” He said that if the problem Mr. Ruloff describes existed, he is certain he would know about it.

Similarly, Dr. Ken Miller is a Biology professor at Brown University, and a professed Christian who wrote "Finding Darwin’s God". Dr. Miller has not been “expelled” in any fashion. When asked why Dr. Miller or any other scientists who feel that evolution doesn’t preclude religious beliefs weren’t in the movie, Mark Mathis (associate producer of Expelled) responded that it “would have confused the film unnecessarily”.

The movie tries to make the case that “Big Science” is nothing but a huge atheist conspiracy out to silence believers, but only presents a completly one-sided look at some Discovery Institute “martyrs”.

Richard von Sternberg “expelled”? No.
Von Sternberg claimed that he was fired. No. He continued to work for NIH in the same capacity. He claims he was kicked out of his office, and his keys were taken away. No. That was a move of all offices by the Smithsonian announced months earlier. He claims that he was ousted as editor of the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. No. His term as editor was up. Of course the movie doesn’t bring up his underhanded tactics regarding the peer review in getting Meyers’ article on ID published in the last issue in which von Sternberg served as editor.

Carolyn Crocker “expelled”? No.
Her annual teaching contract was not renewed. Was she “fired” for daring to bring God into research? - No. She was hired to teach Biology, and she decided to ignore the schools’ curriculum and substitute her own curriculum.

Guillermo Gonzalez “expelled”? No.
He was not granted tenure. The film doesn’t bring up the fact that in all his years at ISU he had only brought in only a miniscule amount of grant money. Nor does it bring up the fact that he failed to mentor any students through to their PhD at ISU. Nor does it mention that in his career at ISU, his previous excellent record of publication had dropped precipitously.

This movie attempts to influence viewers with dishonesty, half-truths, and its heavy-handed linkage of modern biology to the Holocaust, in an utterly shameful way. John Rennie recently wrote in his review Expelled: No Integrity Displayed , “It demands a response for the sake of simple human decency.”

If a scientist’s research is not accepted by the scientific community, it isn’t because the scientist either believes or doesn’t believe in God, it is usually because they are producing bad science.

For more information, go to http://www.expelledexposed.com

Benjamin Franklin

April 12, 2008 at 10:02 PM  
Blogger Benjamin Franklin said...

I'm confused

You ask on the website "Why is Big Science suppressing the evidence of Intelligent Design?"

First, what exactly is "Big Science"? Thats never answered in the movie.

Second, what exactly is the evidence of Intelligent Design, how is it a scientific theory, and what predictions does it make?

None of those are even adressed in the movie, and I have scoured the internet, but I have not been able to find any answers to those questions.

Maybe you can help.

Benjamin Franklin

April 12, 2008 at 10:20 PM  
Blogger Marcus Pittman said...

First let me say weather someone is fired or not, or their contract is not renewed, it still means that they lost their Job. Ok, semantics. The question is "Why was their Contract not renewed"

Of course no one is going to say "Your fired because you believe in God" what employer can say that without legal problems. I was "fired" from a job once to save the company money from Unemployment costs, the State ruled that I was indeed let go because of being laid off.

So these alternative methods to saying the same thing is no issue.

"Expelled begins with a deception. The opening scene of the movie is a fraud."

As a video producer and director (*points to Media Movies Ministry in the logo.) the fact that you even made this claim makes me laugh. t shows you have no idea of the basics of video production. In order for scenes to be shot, they have to professionally lighted, set up for sound and what not. I have not seen the movie, but all documentaries have scenes that are scripted to help tell the "story" (used loosely) of course they were paid...this is just silly, if they were not there would be serious legal issues you would be screaming about.

I will delay any further comments about the movie, until I actually view the movie...

But really, was the "setting the stage" really the best argument you had?

April 12, 2008 at 11:45 PM  
Blogger Benjamin Franklin said...

You have not answered my questions-
What exactly is "Big Science"?

What exactly is the evidence of Intelligent Design, how is it a scientific theory, and what predictions does it make?

April 12, 2008 at 11:59 PM  
Blogger Marcus Pittman said...

What exactly is "Big Science"?

I would say big science refers to major scientific institutions, The Smithsonian, The Major Peer Reviewed Journals, etc etc. The Discovery Channels.

What exactly is the evidence of Intelligent Design, how is it a scientific theory, and what predictions does it make?

Evidence of intelligent design, is in microbiology and it's tremendous complexity. Darwin had no understanding of Microbiology. It also blends with other areas, as far as geology and a Global Flood, the statistical, mathematical impossibility of a big bang creating anything of value, etc etc. It's not just about evolution., it covers a very broad spectrum of sciences from astrophysics's to oceanography.

The core is the presuppositions, you can look at the sciences from two different POV's, the problem is when you cross Evolutionary science and creation science. If you do an honest open minded investigation you will see that the creation theory really does add up.

April 13, 2008 at 12:09 AM  
Blogger Benjamin Franklin said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

April 13, 2008 at 1:25 PM  
Blogger Marcus Pittman said...

To Benjamin.

You had a decent Response, showing humility, compassion and intelligence...

However the use of uneducated, if not immature language was the reason for it's ultimate demise.

Please feel free to repost the comment...without the hostilities.

April 13, 2008 at 1:31 PM  

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