Richard Dawkins...Takes a Beating...Get's Expelled.
This quote sums up the sad nature of Richard Dawkins after he realized he was forced against his will to speak to one who believes in Intelligent Design...
I feel betrayed and very angry. This has only happened to me once before, in a very long career of doing hundreds of interviews. I find that life is much more pleasant if I assume a reasonable level of trust with everyone I meet. It is extremely easy to take me for a ride. (What? No...Evolution anyone?) I am actually quite proud of being so trusting. It is frustrating and disillusioning to feel that in future I am going to have to be a lot more suspicious and grudging. The quality of life is sensibly diminished by having to do this." Richard Dawkins
Sunday afternoon I got to see the long awaited "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed". I have to say I was indeed quite impressed with the film. I think it is a film that all Christians should see, but it is not a Christian movie. I was a little upset that they tended to separate people into three camps. Those who believe in Intelligent Design, Those who believe in evolution and the loons that believe in Young Earth Creation.
That's right they sort of made the YEC's the guy's on the low end of the totem pole. Which is a shame, seeing that a vast majority of people that I went to see the movie with and the ones that were in the theater were indeed YEC.
But that's really besides the point because the film itself did a fantastic job of explaining the outright hypocrisy of the science community. The ones who say "We don't shun those who support intelligent design, but we sure will attack Ben Stein for being an idiot, because he supports such "bad Science"
The build up to the movie proves the very point of the movie. All the negative publicity, the movie critics turned scientist on Rotten Tomatoes. The New York Times calling it "Sleazy."
OK OK, you crazy lunatic scientist made your point, the movie did not have to be made, you openly admit to not allowing other ideas and viewpoints. Can we stop with all the name calling already.
The movie is worth seeing because of one scene where Richard Dawkins is given a beat down by Ben Stein. In fact I am positive that Dawkins still feels those sores. In probably the most enjoyable scene in any movie I have seen this year. Richard "Easy to be taken for a ride" Dawkins almost in tears was unable to answer a simple question posed by Ben Stein. Where does life come from? "I don't know, I don't think anyone does" he even resorted to saying an intelligent designer could have in fact been an initiator of life. No wonder he refuses to do interviews with both sides of the aisle. If an "idiot" like Ben Stein can make him resort to Intelligent Design, imagine what would happen if the scientist did willingly surrender to an actual debate. Evolution would be over. That's why they hold on so tightly. Their entire worldview is built on a house of cards, or layers of sand.
So overall a good movie, it could have had more scientific details that that proved intelligent design, IE the intricacies of the cell's design, flood geology.
So go see the movie, it was ranked one of the third highest grossing documentaries only to Tupac and Fahrenheit 9/11. Let's try and get it out there, I for one will go and see it again.
I feel betrayed and very angry. This has only happened to me once before, in a very long career of doing hundreds of interviews. I find that life is much more pleasant if I assume a reasonable level of trust with everyone I meet. It is extremely easy to take me for a ride. (What? No...Evolution anyone?) I am actually quite proud of being so trusting. It is frustrating and disillusioning to feel that in future I am going to have to be a lot more suspicious and grudging. The quality of life is sensibly diminished by having to do this." Richard Dawkins
Sunday afternoon I got to see the long awaited "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed". I have to say I was indeed quite impressed with the film. I think it is a film that all Christians should see, but it is not a Christian movie. I was a little upset that they tended to separate people into three camps. Those who believe in Intelligent Design, Those who believe in evolution and the loons that believe in Young Earth Creation.

That's right they sort of made the YEC's the guy's on the low end of the totem pole. Which is a shame, seeing that a vast majority of people that I went to see the movie with and the ones that were in the theater were indeed YEC.
But that's really besides the point because the film itself did a fantastic job of explaining the outright hypocrisy of the science community. The ones who say "We don't shun those who support intelligent design, but we sure will attack Ben Stein for being an idiot, because he supports such "bad Science"
The build up to the movie proves the very point of the movie. All the negative publicity, the movie critics turned scientist on Rotten Tomatoes. The New York Times calling it "Sleazy."
OK OK, you crazy lunatic scientist made your point, the movie did not have to be made, you openly admit to not allowing other ideas and viewpoints. Can we stop with all the name calling already.
The movie is worth seeing because of one scene where Richard Dawkins is given a beat down by Ben Stein. In fact I am positive that Dawkins still feels those sores. In probably the most enjoyable scene in any movie I have seen this year. Richard "Easy to be taken for a ride" Dawkins almost in tears was unable to answer a simple question posed by Ben Stein. Where does life come from? "I don't know, I don't think anyone does" he even resorted to saying an intelligent designer could have in fact been an initiator of life. No wonder he refuses to do interviews with both sides of the aisle. If an "idiot" like Ben Stein can make him resort to Intelligent Design, imagine what would happen if the scientist did willingly surrender to an actual debate. Evolution would be over. That's why they hold on so tightly. Their entire worldview is built on a house of cards, or layers of sand.
So overall a good movie, it could have had more scientific details that that proved intelligent design, IE the intricacies of the cell's design, flood geology.
So go see the movie, it was ranked one of the third highest grossing documentaries only to Tupac and Fahrenheit 9/11. Let's try and get it out there, I for one will go and see it again.
Labels: Ben Stein, creation, evolution, Expelled, Media, NCSE, No Intelligence Allowed, Richard Dawkins
It's a shame that the producers and director of Expelled resorted to lies and deception to get Dawkins and every other scientist to appear in it.
And it's important to note that Dawkins appears uncomfortable with the "where life comes from" question because what got edited out was him constantly trying to tell them that (a) evolution has nothing to do with the ORIGIN of all life--just species variation, and (b) science doesn't know how life began--and that's OK. Unlike religions of revealed "knowledge" which constantly proport to know all the answers, a good scientist will readily admit when they don't know the answer and will be uncomfortable when forced to give one.
Also interesting is the lies and deceptions Expelled commits regarding those allegedly fired and refused tenure. Like the one guy who makes a big deal about being fired, when in fact his 3-year unpaid research contract simply expired.
Plus the horrific unethical pandering and exploitation of the Holocaust to make an egregiously spurious connection to so-called "Darwinism".
In case you (or your readers) are remotely interested in "truth":,2394,Lying-for-Jesus,Richard-Dawkins
First off, I figured Dawkins was smart enough to not title his Article "Lying for Jesus" when it was clearly a movie based on the Orthodox Jew Faith, in fact YEC's which are mainly Christians were ridiculed in the film.
The point was if Dawkins does not know how Life began, then he cannot stop research into proving it was God.
"Blind leaders of the blind" - Jesus
"I have never been an Atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God” – Letters of Charles Darwin
"Charles Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist" - Richard Dawkins, from his book The Blind Watchmaker Page 6
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