Not Christian 004 - American Idol Omit's Jesus from Shout to the Lord!
In a night full of Hedonistic, works righteousness the "Big Deal" was that Idol contestants were going to sing "Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zschech on Tonight's two and half hour "Idol Gives Back."
The words to the actual song is this.
The words to the actual song is this.
My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You;
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
Instead we were treated to a universal version of the song that omitted the name of Jesus Christ.
The words to the watered down American Idol song was the following...
The words to the watered down American Idol song was the following...
My Shepard, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You;
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
This is an outrage, as I know there are many Christians who actually enjoy American Idol as it is one of the last shows you can watch as a family.
This raises several questions. I think they all need Answers.
1. Did Darlene Zschech or her Record Label give Fox rights to change the Lyrics? I think Christians should demand an answer for this.
2. Should Christians continue to watch the show?
3. If any of the Christians are Idol Finalist, why did they sing knowing Jesus' name was taken out?
If Darlene Zschech wrote that song to worship the Savior of mankind, then Darlene Zschech should be outraged at this. The "Christian Label" or owners of the song should be strongly rebuked, as public as the sin was. However I doubt anything wil come from this, as Darlene is a avid supporter of Health to Wealth "preacher" Joyce Myers, and they are always strong defenders of the faith...Right Joel?
What about the line "Lord there is NONE Like you"? Doesn't making the Song universal sort of make that line void. I mean your singing a universalist version of a Song, so basically what your really saying is "lord" there ARE some like you.
So continue American Christians to sit back and let the name of Jesus Christ be omitted from this and omitted form that. We don't care... American Christians are weak and were OK with that but just imagine if Muhammad's name was taking out of a Muslim prayer or song, Imagine the outrage...
To top things off immediately after the "Worship" song, crude comic Ben Stiller came out and in what was supposed to be a funny end tot he show, started cussing and swearing to bleeps and bloops about how he missed the entire night. Way to Go.
This raises several questions. I think they all need Answers.
1. Did Darlene Zschech or her Record Label give Fox rights to change the Lyrics? I think Christians should demand an answer for this.
2. Should Christians continue to watch the show?
3. If any of the Christians are Idol Finalist, why did they sing knowing Jesus' name was taken out?
If Darlene Zschech wrote that song to worship the Savior of mankind, then Darlene Zschech should be outraged at this. The "Christian Label" or owners of the song should be strongly rebuked, as public as the sin was. However I doubt anything wil come from this, as Darlene is a avid supporter of Health to Wealth "preacher" Joyce Myers, and they are always strong defenders of the faith...Right Joel?
What about the line "Lord there is NONE Like you"? Doesn't making the Song universal sort of make that line void. I mean your singing a universalist version of a Song, so basically what your really saying is "lord" there ARE some like you.
So continue American Christians to sit back and let the name of Jesus Christ be omitted from this and omitted form that. We don't care... American Christians are weak and were OK with that but just imagine if Muhammad's name was taking out of a Muslim prayer or song, Imagine the outrage...
To top things off immediately after the "Worship" song, crude comic Ben Stiller came out and in what was supposed to be a funny end tot he show, started cussing and swearing to bleeps and bloops about how he missed the entire night. Way to Go.
Labels: Idol, Idol Gives Back, Jesus. American Idol, Shout to the Lord
Okay I'll bite - this could be fun.
Answers to your questions -
1. I don't think a public or televised performance of a song requires singing the exact lyrics the author wrote. Neither Darlene nor her label would give permission to AI - that would come from her publisher.
2. "Should" is an odd word. Do Christians have any more or any less of a reason to watch the show today than they did yesterday? I don't think so.
3. Is Jesus not our shepherd? He refers to Himself as the shepherd in scripture - does that not count?
Do you not understand that omitting the Name of Jesus from a song is a sign of Universal Worship. By doing so you are worshiping other God's not the God of the Bible who counts his name as Holy Holy Holy Holy, or the God of the bible whos name the Jews refused to write properly because of it's holiness.
Does it not bother you that the Name of Jesus was taken out? Are you telling me that it is ok to to twist worship song's on TV? Why not go farther and twist scripture? I mean after all it is "Just the name of Jesus", I mean what power is in His name?
I agree 100%. The world is already trying to erase Jesus from history. For the producers of American Idol to take the name Jesus out of a Christian song is ridiculous. I do believe we should request some kind of a answer.
But also I was glad to see a Christian song on the show, but was very disappointed when I right away noticed the lyrics changed.
What I don't understand was the other week they sang Dolly Partons songs with the name Jesus in it and they where left in. Also Mariah Carry sang her song which also had the name of Jesus in it. So for the producers to make such a decision is stupid. They must know they are going to get a response from the Christian community by making a decision like this.
It is true though there is something about the name of Jesus. His name is so powerful.
i have problems with this too.
while i don't believe they were thinking so far ahead or trying to make some universalist theological statement, i think it just came down to a desire not to "offend" anyone and also appeal to a the diverse audience of american idol.
the problem with this - is that when we water down ANY religious expression, it cheapens ALL religious expression.
and thats the problem with most people's understanding of the role religion should play in the public square.
for example: the conservatives would say, "only a christian nativity display on government property." while the liberals would cry, "NO display of religion!"
we need a third way. one that equally recognizes that there are very real exclusive truth claims to different religions - that in some very real ways, we do NOT all believe the same things...and a third way that says, "you know what, thats ok."
I said nothing about whether or not it bothers me.
By singing the line "My shepherd, my saviour/Lord, there is none like you" is that any less about Jesus simply because his name is not included?
What about the chorus -
Shout the lord all the earth let us sing
Power and majesty, praise to the king
Mountains bow down, the seas will roar
At the sound of your name
No "Jesus" mentioned - is it still about him or is it universal?
The bigger question, of course, is whether or not anyone singing the song actually believes the words they were singing. If they do, no harm done. If they don't, they could be singing about Jesus, Buddha or potatoes and the lyrics really have no impact whatsoever.
Chris... Are you telling me that you are OK with the name of Jesus being removed from a song, so it will be 'less offensive' this is a yes or no question...
let me clarify...
i wasn't saying that different religious views are all equally valid...
i actually believe just the opposite.
what i meant was that there are very real DIFFERENCES in major world religions and to ignore this is silly...
i'm not really "bothered" by what idol did here...i could care less what they do with their own show...
but the point i was trying to make is that blatantly removing the name 'Jesus' (or mohammed, or Buddha, or whatever) from a song that was originally and specifically written that way is just dumb.
the old political correctness is dead. its unfortunate that some folks haven't realized that. hopefully in its place we can realize that we need show civility and respect - and celebrate our differences rather than pretending that they don't exist.
Being loving is no excuse for being a pushover. I think the bible is very clear on the Power in the name of Jesus....
Do you think that Jesus does not want us to be bold, and defend the faith? I mean why should we sit back and allow the name of jesus to be removed from a song meant for him, what's next?
"Chris... Are you telling me that you are OK with the name of Jesus being removed from a song, so it will be 'less offensive' this is a yes or no question..."
You're asking two questions.
Am I OK with the name of Jesus being removed from a song?
Do I think it was removed to be "less offensive"?
I can't answer that question because I don't know what the motives of the producers are. I do know that the iTunes version of the song performed by the Top 8 DOES include "Jesus" in the first line.
Does that make the iTunes version more spiritual?
But you haven't answered my question - Is Jesus not our shepherd, the word/name/title they used to replace Jesus?
Is it possible that this was done inadvertantly? It's not like the "Idols" get all the lyrics right for the songs that they sing.
And if it was on purpose are we called to be as up in arms as the Muslims are when the World gets their reliigon wrong? How are we to react when an offense is offered?
There's no way it was done inadvertantly - every moment of every AI show is very, very scripted.
If you go to iTunes and buy the version there, it was the original first line - "My Jesus, my saviour.." - so they definitely knew the lyrics of the song.
Hey everyone i understand your frustrations with leaving Jesus out of Shout... BUT lets look at the big picture He wasnt denied, in the translation of Jesus from the original text one of His names is The Shepherd.....and coupled with my Lord and with Dolly's song and with Mariah's song i say we chalk one up for the Followers of Christ! Yes we want to see Him mentioned in a good way on TV (other then TBN) :) but we have to realize we are not wanted just as He was not wanted. So any exposure (weather controversial or not) is good exposure. Christians have been the worst PR co. God could have and so we who follow Christ as a way of life need to build thos bridges back, inorder to reestablish a loving relationship with who ever will take it. We know from Christ's words Himself not everyone will take it, We need to focus on those that will... not those that wont. Like Paul shock off his coat at the Jews and went to the Gentiles. Thank God for that (I love the Jews, Gods chosen people & i pray for them) but im thankful for their hardened hearts "DURING THAT TIME" which lead Paul and Peter to the Gentiles. Anyway lets not be the first to cast a stone at the Pharasies. I would have love to hear Jesus in that song and i trust Darlene is aware and will do what God leads her to, but im glade to have heard them shout to the Lord even if they called Him The Shepherd. He is my Shepherd
Love in Christ to my brothers and sisters, I will see you all one day at the foot of our SHEPHERD
I didn't read all the comments. But this verse kept coming to mind when I read just a few comments. :)
Jesus is all powerful, and there is something in His name, people are offended by HIS name, demons cringe at His name, and with that being said this verse came to mind.
9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11
I don't watch American Idol, but every once in a while I check it out online. The Lord can use this song to bring people to Him, I have no doubt of that. But words mean nothing if the heart doesn't love Him, and thus produce actions of devotion to Jesus Christ.
These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips But their heart is far from Me. Matthew 15:8
Did anyone happen to notice that on last night's result show they called Carly's song "Superstar" two times and omitted "Jesus Christ" both times?!? This is getting really sad!
the actual title of this song IS "superstar" - it is the main theme of the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" - which many conservative Christians feel is blasphemous anyway. your comment is like saying, "if American Idol is gonna blaspheme Jesus, they better make sure and say His name!"
Very error...I thought the song was titled the same as the album/musical. I did, however, get a chuckle out of your blasphemy/Jesus' name comment..ha!
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