
Jeffrey Dahmer "Thanks to you for sending the Creation Science Material"

Below is a video of the famous Jeffrey Dahmer. In an NBC interview in what seems to be from the mid nineties, Jeffrey Dahmer sits with his dad and his dad asks a question at 2:30 into it.,.

"When did you start taking responsibility?"

Jeffery Dahmer responds in a way that I could never have even imagined...

"Thanks to you for sending the Creation Science material..."

He states that his reasoning behind the terrible crimes that he committed was because of the evolutionary model. The logical, rational outcome of Evolutionary thinking.

Creation is a much bigger deal then we could ever imagine.


Blogger Dimensio said...

I believe that the individuals who have hosted this video have confused an individual asserting that their actions are a "logical, rational" derivation of a concept with a demonstration that those actions are actually a "logical, rational" derivation of that concept. That Jeffrey Dahmer claimed that his actions were "logical" in light of the theory of evolution is not itself a demonstration that his actions were "logical" in any context, including in the context of the theory of evolution. To demonstrate that his actions were a "logical" outcome of "evolutionary thinking", it is necessary to begin with the assumption that all extant biodiversity is related through a line of descent that diverged and diversified through random mutation and various selection pressures, and then show, logically, that such a condition -- with no other specific assumptions or stated conditions -- justifies acts of homicide and cannibalism.

I suspect that such a logical link cannot actually be demonstrated, as it is not possible to begin with a purely descriptive concept and derive prescriptions or proscriptions of chosen behaviour. Additionally, it should be noted that even in the unlikely event that a logical connection between the theory of evolution being valid and acts of cannibalism and homicide being rationalized is demonstrated, such a connection would have no bearing on the actual validity of the theory of evolution. To argue otherwise would be to appeal to the logical fallacy of appealing to consequence.

April 16, 2008 at 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True - to appeal to the consequence is not valid. Evolution is not false because it generates Hitlers and Dahmers. But that was not Dahmer's point. Whether macro-evolution is true or not is a question to be answered on the basis of scientific enquiry. But let's make it simple. If you think we come from slime we might just start to act like taking human life and wiping the dirt off your feet are morally equivalent.

The onus lies with the proponents of a theory that says man is made in the image of dirt (i.e. we come from a chemical soup) to show why it is 'wrong' to behave as if men are made in the image of God.

But atheists will weasel out of this logic because at bottom they (like all of us naturally) hate God and so not want to come into the light of truth where our evil hearts and actions will be seen for what they truly are.

April 19, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

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