NOTEworthy Christian Musician - 001 - Lecrae

Which brings me to Lecrae. I have heard of him for awhile, but this week on the way to William and Mary I really got to listen to his CD "After the Music Stops", I have never heard any Christian Hip-Hop artist use such solid theology, AND not compromising the Music. (or is that not compromising the Theology, for Solid Music) either way, it's important to have both equally. LeCrae does that. Below is a sample of his work a preview Video....
AS my friend Nathan said... You will be preached at better then 99% of all churches in America, just by listening to ONE of his songs.
The followings lyrics from "Jesus Muzik" say everything...
They tryna drown me out, but nah they ain't gon count me out
I got a back pack full of tracks plus I keep a Johnny Mac so we can pound it out
I got a back pack full of tracks plus I keep a Johnny Mac so we can pound it out
Way to go Lecrae...
Labels: christian music, christian rap, crossmovement, gospel music, hip-hop, lecrae, music
Great songs. "Got a back pack full of tracts" Amean brother
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