
When The Message has to much depth...

Recently I have been reading my torn and tattered copy of the Message. When it hit me. Hey, this is to in depth, to theologically sound. I am way to post modern for something that has such truth in it to be my source of daily bread...

That's when I was led to discover The Voice.

No Joke.

The Voice is a new "Bible" endorsed by Brian McLaren. Wow, I thought to myself this has got to be good.

I went to the website and saw a video. Here is a great line from it...

"What if we Got the worlds best Poet's and Fiction writers to write the bible, with the aid of Scholars"

That's right! Because no one knows how to write Truth better then Fiction writers.

Here is the video. Be warned. You might have a headache.

Now, I went to the website and read some of the book og John. As you read John actually talks to you, and warns of how "Christians in Future Generations will interpret this"

I don't even know where to begin...Oh yes I do...John 3:16-22

16For God expressed His love for the
world in this way: He gave His only Son
so that whoever believes in Him will not
face everlasting destruction, but will
have everlasting life. 17Here’s the point.
God didn’t send His Son into the world
to judge it; instead, He is here to rescue a
world headed toward certain destruction.
18No one who believes in Him has to
fear condemnation; yet condemnation is
already the reality for everyone who
refuses to believe. Whoever embraces
unbelief swims in a sea of judgment,
because he chooses to ignore the Voice,
and in doing so rejects the name of the
only Son of God. 19Why does God allow
for judgment and condemnation?
Because the Light, sent from God,
pierced through the world’s darkness to
expose ill motives, hatred, gossip, greed,
violence, and the like. Still some people
preferred the darkness over the light
because their actions were dark. 20Some
of humankind hated the light and so
avoided its warm glow. They scampered
hurriedly back into the darkness where
vices thrive and wickedness flourishes.
21Those who abandon deceit and embrace
what is true, they will enter into the light
where it will be clear that all their deeds
come from God.

They make us out to be characters in a Bambi Movie!!!!

I have a headache...Read the entire Gospel of John here...If you can...


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Now Available!!! Pocket 500 T's

So we heard the words of all of those who like to have a front pocket on their T-Shirt for the sake of placing Gospel Tracts in and we listened and responded. So now available are The 500 Pocket T-Shirts. The Ten Commandments that were on the front on the original have been moved to the back, and the Pocket says "The 500"

Here are some pictures of out T-Shirts in action.

Remember that all purchases from the Transplant Ministries store allows for continued street evangelism.


Planned Parenthood Temporarily Suspends Abortions in South Dakota

The following is from Christian Newswire, It is worth a read.

Planned Parenthood Temporarily Suspends Abortions in South Dakota

Contact: Cherlyn Bosch, VoteYesForLife.com, 605-271-7581

SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota, July 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Allen D. Unruh submits the following and is available for comment:

On Monday, July 21, 2008, women in South Dakota showed up for their abortion appointments at 8:00 a.m. But there was a sign on the door that Planned Parenthood was closed. Monday is the day that Planned Parenthood usually schedules abortions at its Sioux Falls abortion clinic. On those Mondays, Planned Parenthood flies a doctor in from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to perform 15 to 20 abortions. On this Monday, no unborn babies died in South Dakota by an abortion. The reason Planned Parenthood suspended its abortion practice this week should be the most exciting news the Culture of Life has ever had. Monday was the first day Planned Parenthood had to comply with South Dakota's new Abortion Informed Consent Law. The Law became effective because of a decision of an en banc Court of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, on June 27, 2008, which vacated an injunction. Now Planned Parenthood must comply with the requirements of the Law.

Among other things, the new law requires the abortion doctor to advise the pregnant mother, in writing, that the abortion will "terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being." The U.S. Court of Appeals rejected Planned Parenthood's argument that the Statute violated the doctor's first amendment rights. Planned Parenthood is contending that the statement is one of "ideology." The Court held that the Statute made it clear the statement was a statement of biological fact, not one of ideology; and the evidence produced did not demonstrate it was anything other than an accurate statement of biological fact.

The new Law also requires the abortion doctor to inform the pregnant mother that the pregnant mother and the second human being have an existing relationship that enjoys protection under the Constitution of the United States, and that the procedure terminates that relationship and the rights associated with it. The Law also requires disclosure of medical risks, including the risk of depression and "increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide."

After the case was remanded back to the Federal District Court on June 27th, Planned Parenthood's lawyers attempted to convince the District Court Judge to enter a new injunction concerning the disclosures other than the "human being" disclosure. On Thursday, July 17th, the District Court refused to enter another injunction and the Law became effective on Monday, July 21st.

When someone finally came to the Planned Parenthood office this last Monday, no abortion doctors arrived with them. No abortion doctor flew into South Dakota that day. The penalties for abortionist's non-compliance could include a prison sentence, loss of medical license, and civil liability. In South Dakota, a wrongful death case can be brought for the death of an unborn child at any age of gestation. Time will tell if an abortionist will take the medical and legal risk of completing abortions in South Dakota without compliance to the 8th Circuit decision. The new rules are that they must tell the truth. The immediate beneficiaries of this new law are the women and their children. The women will be better informed, and that information, for some, will most likely result in the women keeping their children. More children will live.

But, perhaps the greatest beneficiary is our culture at large.

In the lawsuit brought by Planned Parenthood challenging the constitutionality of South Dakota's Informed Consent Law, Dr. Bernard Nathanson testified that he was one of the original founders of the National Alliance to Repeal Abortion Laws (NARAL). He is probably the last living original founder. He testified that as part of their strategy, the NARAL founders decided that they had to deny what they knew to be true -- that an abortion killed a living human being. They decided to deceive the public (and the courts) by maintaining that what was "evacuated" in an abortion was "just some tissue." Dr. Nathanson has blown NARAL's cover. The Eighth Circuit has now shown a bright light on the truth. And the truth will, in the end, set us free.

For addition information about the 8th Circuit Court decision or the Initiative to end abortion as birth control in South Dakota which is on November’s ballot, go to www.voteyesforlife.com

Surfing Flickr....

I am going to be honest, I really did enjoy the concept of Bele Chere. The whole idea of artist coming together and performing in the streets is really cool. I wish it was not so secular and pagan driven, I also wish all the Artwork was used to show the creativity of the Creator.

Anyways, I do a lot of pro photography and I even took my camera with me to the event, but did not take it out of the car because I decided I did not want to carry it around all day and was not sure of the weather.

While preaching there were several people with cameras walking around, which got me to thinking "Hey...I bet they post their Photos on the Internet"

Well what do you know. Here are some amazing photos of me and my friends sharing the Gospel at BeleChere, in Asheville NC.

The following is from a user named "AshVegas"

Tony and Shayna Denham from SeedShakers.com

Nathan Preaching.

The next group is from a very talented photographer user name 'J-Bones'

Do I bring this up to flaunt ourselves? No. I bring it up to point out the fact that we are in the YouTube Age and everything we do can be seen by many people with one click of the mouse. We need to make sure we are always accountable, everyone has a camera, everyone can have their YouTube moment, or have something taken out of Context. Keep that in mind as we share the Gospel. Our audience may not always be limited to those who are there at the moment, but the message we bring may be sent to thousands online. Yes, even taken out of context...

So be on guard preachers of the YouTube world....

To the Photographers...Thanks. Your eye is amazing...


The man in the Dirty White Shirt.

I have been actively sharing the Gospel for almost a year now, maybe a little less then that. Last year it was off and on, and this year it has been more consistent.

We went to Bele Chere in Asheville, NC this weekend. One of the largest street festivals I have ever seen. They say 400,000 people go there every year. It was literally blocks and blocks of people. Tightly packed from elbow to elbow. Anywhere you preach, your going to be heard by many. Every time we preached we had a crowd.

But crowds are not why we preach. We preach to see God Glorified whether people are saved or not, we know God will be Glorified, because people will be without excuse.

But it is the desire of every street preacher to see someone saved. That is the reason we preach the Gospel, that is the Goal. To see someone come to a saving repentant knowledge of Jesus Christ and escape the Wrath of God.

While preaching the Gospel on our fold-up stool on the corner of College St. and Haywood, I was getting pretty horse. There was a large crowd of people in front of me and I was in one of those preaching zones, where it's just constant Law, Grace, Law Grace.

Standing out of the crowd was a man in a dirty white shirt listening passionately to almost every word I said, he stepped out from the crowd, he separated himself from his peers. I figured that he was going to heckle me. I prepared for it.

Then I said the following words...

"What sin is so great that you would prefer to go to Hell, Get on you knees and beg God to save you. Repent of your Sin...turn to Christ who died for the wicked"

I guess I throw those words out so much, that I never really expect anyone to do anything.

But that's when the man in the dirty white shirt dropped to his knees and prayed.

Tony from seedshakers.com knelt down and prayed with him...

At that moment, I just emphasized Christ, it was a blur from there. I continued preaching, came to a stopping place and went to go and see the man in the dirty white shirt.

My friends were talking to him, he had a name, his name was Jerald. From what I gathered he was homeless and he was hungry. I assumed he might have been a little drunk (like so many there were) because I was staring at his eyes and they were glassy. But as I stared at his eyes, I noticed that tears were coming out of them...he was talking about how he is scared, and asked if that was a right emotion to have.

Suddenly, I realized that this man was in tears because of his sin, he was scared of a Holy God. Suddenly I did not see a man in a dirty white shirt, I saw someone who was convicted of their sin. Who lost all pride in the middle of a busy street corner with thousands of people and knelt down before his God.

Nathan, left to go get the man some food while Tony got him a New Testament bible. We talked for a little bit, showed him a local church to go to and he went and sat against the buildings wall. He was reading his Bible. Tony asked him to read Colossians 3. So he was.

Nathan brought him his food, and sat it down beside him. The worldly food suddenly had no value to him. He ignored it as he read his Bible. He read for maybe 10 minutes, got up and left with his dinner while still reading the Bible.

I thank God that he would use a sinner like me to reach out to Jerold. I saw him as one who was in a dirty shirt, but God cleansed his wicked heart. I never witnessed someone being convicted to the point of tears before, and I pray that God uses him for his Glory in ways he could never imagine. I pray his salvation was genuine and the emotion was a result of salvation, not the emotion that saved him. I may never see him on earth again.

So please pray for Jerald.

and may all the Glory go to God.


Johannes Lives his best life now...

Watch This...

Then read this excerpt from "Your Best life Now" by Joel Osteen

"People sometimes tease me! "Joel you talk so much about being Positive" But God is Positive! There is nothing negative about Him! If you are going to live God's way and be the person He wants you to be you must line up your vision with His and learn to live in a positive frame of mind. Learn to look for the best in every situation. No matter what your going through, if you look hard enough and keep the right attitude you can find something good about the experience."

What about the fact that God is glorified when you suffer brutality for him? Is this what you meant by keeping positive? Tell that to Johannes.

Soli Deo Gloria

Creative Worship.

Honestly, it is very hard to blend Creativity and Worship. Although I believe that it should be done all the time, it is often quite difficult to do something to spectacular with the focus being placed on Christ and not being placed on the Creativity of the individual performer.

Which brings me to a YouTube video that I got in my e-mail this week. The following is a video of a group at a church using black lights and white gloves to animate the words of the Song. There are many reasons why I like this approach...

1. The faces are hidden. At the end of the performance, no one can take credit for any certain work or part. This allows for...

2...All attention to be focused on the Words of the song and worship of the Lord. Notice how the visuals force you to think of the words that are being sung to the Savior.

I have no idea who is responsible for this, but I think it is brilliant in many ways.

Comment on this Blog and let me know other way we can creatively give worship to the Savior...


The Evangelism Training at Lakeland. Where is the Gospel? part 3

As we went into the large room I grabbed my "How to Know you are Truly Saved" booklet and found a seat. The guy who was speaking was named Jeff Lewis with CityTakers the "Evangelism" branch of The Florida Outpouring.

Here it is important to mention this video...

Why? Because I call this video propaganda. It's sole purpose is to show that "We are teaching Biblical Evangelism, so get off of our back!". In fact their claims to teach biblical evangelism has been of much discussion among the Way of the Master community. So it was very important to see if their claims of "Biblical Evangelism" is true via a first hand encounter.

The first few moments of the event was actually promising. He mentioned that if the revival stayed in the building and did not bring glory to God we were doing nothing more then feeding ourselves, he even said a few funny lines that yes, even made me and my friend Ryan laugh along with him...yet I forget what they were. Anyways he was very charismatic. Now on to the evangelism...

Oh but before we get to trite things like sharing the Gospel, it is first important to teach people two things.

First we need to teach people how to have a "Word of Knowledge". Of Course. I mean where would I have been all those times I was preaching law and grace if I did not know that someone was "Looking for a Job" in the crowd of hecklers...

This is where it got absurd and I cannot stress this enough...I am not making this up. Everything he says is not even close to paraphrased. It's so engraved in my mind...I cannot get it out.

"Everyone close your eyes. Think of a Pink elephant, has everyone done that think of it...now open your eyes. Close them again, Now, think of a pink elephant. Did you do it! That is exactly what a Word of Knowledge looks like. The Lord has given you an imagination to get Word of Knowledge's! Just like Jesus with the Woman at the Well!"


Everyone desperate to hear from God followed every word he said. He then showed how this principal could be applied.

Before I continue there I need to mention something. There are three Johnathan Edwards in History I need to point out.

The Presidential Candidate.
The Reformer.
and the Psychic that had it's own TV Show several years ago where he would use age old techniques of being "Almost vaguely right" to make people think he was one hundred percent right about hearing from the dead.

Just think about that last one.

He then said he had a word of knowledge from God about a man in a Brown hat. My friend Ryan was wearing a brown hat (Could it be, God had given him a word of Knowledge so Ryan might go up there and preach the true Gospel?)

No, Because 12 people in the room had brown hats. He pointed to another guy somewhat close to Ryan. The guy goes up there and Jeff says the following.

"I see you in a car with a lot of stuff, maybe a sleeping bag"

Did I mention that almost everyone there has come with luggage and sleeping stuff because they were either camping or going on a road trip to Lakeland? No surprise there. Our car was filled with sleeping bags!

Anyways he basically tells the guy he should move to Florida, etc etc. (The guy was from Scotland)

So he gave very vague descriptions while letting the guy in the brown hat fill him in on the details, while proclaiming that's exactly what he sees.

Well anyways that was over with and now it was time to get to evangelism...


Now we need to know how to heal people. At this point I checked to see if we were still in the Evangelism class. We were. Sigh.

This is where it Got crazy.

He would call out all these disorders that people have using the same vague word of knowledge techniques.

For example...

"Is there anyone there with stomach ulcers? Do you have pink pills"

Hmm, pink pills? Like pepto bismol pink pills? No. What are the Odds?

Now comes the fun part (no not evangelism) he had people with cavities stand up. He said that God was going to fill their cavity with Gold.

Oh boy I thought, I think I have a Cavity! He then mentioned a whole mess load of other sicknesses that people had.

Including this one...

"There is a woman who was gardening, and she stubbed her toe with a shovel...Anyone? Anyone?"

No one replied.

"Well there are people on the Internet watching, maybe it was for them! But I feel as if it was for someone in here."

No one replied. Without missing a beat he had everyone stand and pray for the healings to take place in the room. After everyone prayed he said...

"This is gonna be amazing! Everyone stand up look in the mouths of those who had cavities. Look for Gold!"

Not one person shouted with joy, not one persons mouth was filled with Gold. Without missing a beat, he went on to a much more vague disorder like back pain. Everyone forgot about the fact he was WRONG.

At this point an hour and a half passed, I was getting annoyed, and all my stones missed...So we left.

There was no biblical evangelism taught at this meeting. (At least it was not the main focus.)

After being there for over hour, we never heard the Gospel or Christ's name magnified.

Keep preaching the Gospel friends...Do not get side tracked by stage shows and con artist.


How to know you are truly saved? Lakeland, FL Blog Part 2

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. - James 1:14

After the first ra ra session there was a few minutes of a break, at this point we stood outside as people were leaving and passed out million dollar bills, we got responses that were varied including the usual "thank yous" and the "I don't need these because I am saved".

In the main lobby there was a large booth where they sold lots of stuff. From books to DVDs. One DVD a lot of people were buying was called "How to Keep your Healing" as if God could take it away from you. (Read James Chapter 6)

But on the table was one book that caught my attention enough for me to actually fork out a whole four quarters.

It was called "How to know if you are Truly Saved" and was about 20 pages long. Upon opening up I was immediately shocked it mentioned Hell, and Punishment...I was blown away! Until I read a few more pages.

I am glad I got this book because I believe it answers some questions as to why the Law is being preached but not having the same conscious striking effect.

In the book it says the following (Paraphrased) "God asked the Devil 'What is your price for Sin' and the devil replied 'Blood'"

The core of the issue comes to this. They believe that the Devil makes them sin, the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross was to settle an argument between God and the Devil. As opposed to the right belief that we sin on our own because we are by nature sinful and wicked. Also it is very crucial to the Gospel that the punishment for sin satisfies God's wrath and Justice, not pleasure of Satan.

This is why they could hear the Law, and it not impact their conscious! They believed it was the Devil making them do it! They were in essence worshiping the Devil by giving him so much credit on the fall.

I stopped reading the book...

It was 1pm and time for the "Evangelism Training" ...

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The first day in Lakeland.

The first day we arrived at Lakeland around 3am, we set up our tent and immediately went to bed.

We woke up the next morning and asked around. What is there to do we thought to ourselves? Most of the people were gone, and we needed to find out where to go and what time the events started. Luckily there was a very nice couple from the UK. They came all the way from overseas just to see the revival. We talked to them for a good twenty minutes, they were very nice. We gave them a true and false conversion CD as they told us the directions and plans.

Not everything takes place on the Campground, most of the stuff takes place at Ignited Church which is a few miles away, this is the Church the revival started. We got there and there was of course ton's of hypnotic dancing and not a single place to sit. As we walked in they were giving some sort of prosperity spiel and was about to take an offering, Ryan told me to place a million dollar bill in the collection envelopes. So I did.

There was no good places to sit so an usher asked if we would like to go to the overflow room, we agreed. It was quiet in there with only a few people and we could discuss everything that happened as they were speaking. They never did speak, it was mainly the same very repetitive worship music. While there this lady came up to us, she was very nice she was in the overflow room her baby was sleeping so she was in there. She had her baby, was pregnant and left her husband to come here all the way from North Carolina. We talked to her for a while then she started talking about how awesome it was. At this point I could not take it any longer, so I humbly told her that I did not want to make her thank that we approve of the services, and that we were genuinely concerned that they were in deed of not God. She said it was OK, and she was glad we were so kind about it and not causing commotions...

Now begins the first of many times we sat down with someone and walked them through the Law.

As soon as I said to her the words "Ten Commandments" she yelped with joy as she said Way of the Master!, Kirk Cameron!

You see the problem as we very quickly learned is that almost everyone there knows the Law. They know how to "Share the Gospel" but they never do. The problem is that they believed without hesitation everything we said. However they could not figure out that they worshiped a false God. We ran into this problem several times. It really places a damper on the conversation when they already know what your going to say, they agree with everything but they cannot apply it to their "god". How do you witness to people who agree with everything you say?

It was a huge problem and it was with almost everyone there. As you will see in later blogs...

Stay tuned for a report on the Lakeland "Evangelism Training" Session....


The worst heckling Experience of my Life...by Kids!

So after a long day walking around Atlanta, touring all the sweet spots for The Five Hundred we went to a local skate park in Lawrenceville, GA. There were a few hundred people there, all kids of certain ages and sizes. There was a small mound in the middle of the skate park that was located right near every one.

As a youth minister at my church I was excited to speak to all these teenagers, so I asked them to rank their walk with Christ on a scale from one to ten. Keep the number in your head. Then I read revelation three about being lukewarm, and asked them if their number was either a one or a ten.

Then I walked through the Law. I said to all those kids who were skateboarding that if you've skateboarding more then the God who gave you the ability to skate you are worshiping a false God of wood and wheels. I even explained that skateboarding was not a sin...But it did not matter.

At this point I was rushed by a mob of teenagers. They were furious, loud and I was surrounded by at least fifty kids. All holding their skateboards in the air. One of them was the initiator and he was cussing at me, in my face, blaspheming God. I continued to preach the Law and then into Grace proclaiming that I care about them and don't want them to go to hell and to just listen to me.

I was then rushed by an adult who told me I should go with him to preach the Gospel to those who were using the restroom and had nothing better to do. He was cussing at me and swearing. I said I would not follow him to the restroom but said I have some reading material for him and gave him a million dollar bill. At this point he took the tract, ripped it up and placed it on my head as I was preaching (or pleading) for these kids to repent. I knocked the tracts off my head in a comical way that made the kids laugh and then I was immediately doused with water (or sprite) at this point some of the kids were telling the other kid to stop pouring water on me, and I looked at that kid and told him he could do that all he wants, I care about you and don't want you to go to hell.

Then kids started throwing a mixture of rocks, mulch and off brand Cheetos. After a while it died down. The guys I was with the whole time was involved with their own one on ones and then I got involved with one.

A kid came up to me and said he agrees with everything I said, but it was the method of which I was preaching. I asked him to show me in the bible where it was done a different way and he could not.

At this point one of the guys named Ben from (SavedFromWhat.org) in a sarcastic tone started mock rebuking me in front of the Kid.

Marcus...Did you tell this kid he was going to hell?

Yes I replied.

Marcus, did you say he was going to Hell, or that he would if he does not repent and turn to Jesus?

At this point the kid who was worried about me being in trouble took my defense and was defending me.

He said I had to repent.

This is when Ben asked the kid how would you tell someone they sinned against a holy righteous and angry judge and that they were in danger of his wrath?

I don't know?

Ben then said one of the greatest things (besides the Gospel) I have ever heard during the course of a one on one.

"I have this friend, he went up to a lady and told her without knowing her that she was an adulterer...what do you think of my friend"

"I think that he was wrong." he said

"That was what Jesus did in John Chapter 4, with the lady at the well" He took out the bible and read the story.

He was silent from then on. I told him not to listen to me or Ben, but to read the Bible. He agreed the bible was the sources of all authority and said he would listen to "True and False Conversion"

Please pray for him, his name escapes me. Also please pray for our youth. These were some of the most hostile people I have ever seen to the Gospel and they were sober, confessing Christians, and very young. What does this say about that generation and their surrender to the Gospel?


and be sure to check out http://savedfromwhat.org/


Lights, Camera, Fiction! Behind the Scenes of a "FauxVival"

TV Production and Manipulation at the Revival.
One of my passions is video production and media. Hence the media, movie ministry slogan of Transplant Ministries. I worked at a local TV Station as a production assistant, I do freelance graphic design and video on the side. I know this field.

The following things I am going to mention may seem as conspiracy, or over the top thoughts and thinking, but anyone who works in television knows the immense planning and prep it takes to create a live show. What I am about to show you comes as obvious to me. Because I at one point or the other have been behind the scenes of live broadcasts, I know the before and after and all the ins and outs of pre-production.

What God.TV has done with the cooperation of Fresh Fire Ministries to stage a fake revival is beyond anything I have seen before. It's an elaborate almost scripted live event which ultimately eliminates the need for the Holy Spirit to move or even breathe for that matter.

As you wait in line to enter the tent, a staff member is coordinating the seating. He lines people up. Let's them in and shows them to the entrance of the seating.The first ones to enter are those from other countries. They are asked to come in first.

For the most part people can sit where they want. Unless you are in a wheelchair.

Here is the central issue. If you were creating a faux revival with a goal to show that people were getting healed the one thing you would not want to show on TV is those who are sick and crippled. This would eliminate any sort of credibility. So the goal of the seating arrangement is to place the sick in the back while keeping the happy spirit filled worshipers in the front. Are there any rules that say wheel chairs in the back, on the sides and out of view of the camera? No. Of Course not. But the seating up front is so tight, so restrained that the people in wheelchairs can only sit in three places. This is so the cameras do not show the sick and crippled.

1. On the side.
In this photo you can see a persons wheelchair. There is a clear space for the chair to be and room for others to walk. However notice the position of the Jib. That's the long tall crane with the camera on it. Notice how it is clearly focused where the Wheel Chairs are not.

2. In the back.
In this photo you can see a little boy standing waving a flag. He is located in the "Overflow Tent" which is far out of sight from the cameras. This is the closest place one can sit who needs room for a wheelchair or to lay down on a blanket as this family did. You never see this on GOD.TV

3. The Front Row...Except.

The front row shows the pure deceit and manipulation of the fauxvival as not one regular person is allowed to sit in the front except Fresh Fire Staff and Friends. They have ton's of staff too because the first 4 rows are taken up in the entire front. So no one with a wheel chair can sit there. This is also an example of manipulation because the only shots of people worshiping and glorifying the savior are of...you guessed it Fresh Fire Staff and Friends. (Man, are they always happy!) They do tell you that you can go up front in any empty seats after worship, but when the speaker is speaking there is not as much need for exciting crowd shots.

With the seating for the disabled clearly pushed to the back and the happy employees with smiling faces in front and ready to go. The prep can being. They have people come out and in an almost hypnotizing trance they pray for a good fifteen minutes.

It's a constant screaming and irreverence to the Lord for what seems like forever. over and over and over again the same words are repeated, people are speaking in tongues (without translators) and it's just mass confusion. After the prayer (or before, I forget the order) someone comes up and asks people for testimonies of previous healing. These are healings that are not from the same night. All these testimonies are verified as much as possible before the event and relate to healings of the previous night or week.

What we have is an incredibly detailed and planned event that breeds false excitement and a false sense of a holy spirit's presence. I hope you look over my writing seriously and take it to heart. We must discern everything when teachers claim to be performing miracles of God.

There was nothing Christian at the Todd Bentley Revival, just a whole bunch of confused people who have no idea about proper biblical interpretation. It really is quite disgusting.


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Trip Blogs Coming Soon.

Wow. I am tired.

As soon as I get to a normal state again, and recover from the driving and lack of sleep, I will write several blogs about my trip. Including and in depth report on how the TV Production (Behind the Scenes) manipulates the viewers at the Todd Bentley Revival.


As I prepare for the Trip. Time : 7:52 am

I am writing this moments before I leave for the Florida Revival. (There has to be a better word that does not stain this meeting of apostasy in Florida for a "Revival")

Anyways, I am waiting for my copy of Decisions Decisions to be ripped unto my Ipod. Yea, man that's right and Herman who...iPod size (Todd is not that Tall the he cannot be re encoded) .

I am thinking about what I am looking forward to and dreading about this event.

Looking forward to.
Sharing the True Gospel.

Not Looking Forward to.
Listening to the defenders of bentley, proclaim we are wrong and just pharisees.

Looking forward to.
Listening to hours of John Piper preaching on Suffering on the way down.

Not Looking Forward to.
Three Hours of Roy Fields horse and raspy worship music.

Looking forward to.
Showing people they are spiritually sick and in need of a savior.

Not Looking Forward to.
Those who are emotionally distressed because they were not healed.

and the list goes on. It shall be a good time! So pray for us as we travel and share the Gospel with the Lost. Pray for safety and that we bring the true words of comfort (Biblical Comfort...not Ray)

Marcus Pittman


Get updates of the Todd Bentley Road Trip on Twitter!

Have you heard of Twitter? Twitter is like your face book status message, it allows me to send brief descriptions about what is going on as it happens from my cell phone.

SO here is the deal. Sign up for twitter. Get an account, then the updates I make can be sent to your cell phone, or e-mail as the day goes by and you can constantly be in the know. of everything we eat, people we talk to and our current location.

Why would anyone do this?

Well here is what I will be doing. On the night we go to "The Revival" I will be sending twitter updates Live from the cheap seats as I am there, so you can actually stream the event live on God.TV and get my view of what is going on. As I pick up on things the Cameras will not show you! IE the usual sick in the back, the arranged seating, the elaborate organization and mobilization of the event from a production standpoint.

All as you watch live. (If you can bear to watch it)

My twitter profile is...



Getting ready for the Big Show.

7:30, the night before we leave to go see Todd Bentley in Lakeland.

Got stuff I need to pack up, need to make a wal-mart run, but here I am...blogging.

Last night I watched on God-TV two hours of "The Revival" for some reason, Todd never showed. I hope he comes back. It was really sad, the worship leader whose name is Roy Fields gave a very weak explanation of the Gospel, led people to a "Sinners Prayer" and sent them off to be counseled. From what I could tell it was just fake emotion and fake atmosphere leading to fake conversions.

The just of the entire message was God want's you to do cool things like lead worship for the rest of your lives. That's why I became a Christian. So I could be on stage and play guitar.

Please pray for our safety as we travel.

I have packed the following. Pray they are used to their full potential.

Several True and False Conversion CD's
Those Pink and Blue Illusion Tracts.
Why Christianity Tracts.
Million Dollar Bills.
A Bible.


Open Air PReaching in Virginia Beach.

Below is a video of Myself and Mark Linton sharing the Gospel in our local fishing hole, Virginia Beach, VA

Comment and let us know what you think.


The Transplant Store is now Open!!

A lot of you may have noticed that we have had a Transplant Ministries Store for a good while. The problem was that it was through CafePress and they were very expensive and there really was no money involved.

So After hours of work, coding and caffeine. I have created an actual Transplant Ministries Store. Everything is custom made by us, from the T-Shirts to the Gospel Tracts, and everything is printed by other Christians. This way instead of buying T-Shirts from a secular store like CafePress, when you buy from us all the money is funneled right back into other ministries. This si important to us as it keeps other Christians involved with ministry.

So what makes the Transplant Ministries store so unique? Well as someone who does marketing and graphic design for secular business, our stuff is designed to make people stop, and even engage in one on one's. They are so creative, you might just think they are emergent! (Until you read the stuff)

Anyways please remember that buying things from the Transplant Ministries Store helps keep us on the road, sharing the Gospel in places like The Florida Revival and Atlanta for The Five Hundred.

So thanks everyone who has already bought the five hundred T-shirt.

Marcus Pittman

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A Letter to ABC Family.

Dear ABC Family,
Last night I was blessed enough to be able to sit through an entire hour of your new show called "The Secret Life of an American Teenager". It truly is an amazing piece of fiction, one in which your entire crew, including the substandard writers and perfectly stereotyped cast should be extremely proud of!

But really I want to congratulate your staff for the tremendous job of the comedic and accurate portraying of a Christian teenager as a stereotypical bubbly cheerleader who prides herself on her promise ring that her parents bought her. This character has so much depth I don't know where to being this bubbly rebuke!!!

I know! Let's start with the testosterone induced, sex craved jock (who is obviously a false convert) boyfriend of the Christian cheerleader. You nailed it with this one. Every American Christian guy begs his girlfriend for sex! But I honestly felt bad for this guy, I mean look at the church he goes to, a church with a gym that allows for sensual dancing to secular music, intimate conversations all about sex, and no youth pastors in sight. No wonder this poor false convert can think of nothing else! It's a perfect portrayal of the modern American church! You need an Emmy.

I also loved how the male Christian character who again is obviously a false convert (I hope that doesn't spoil any thing in the future episodes, it seems kind of obvious) has no self control ( A fruit of the spirit, thus what told me he was a false convert). Not only that, what really nailed the American Christian teenager role was the fact that he has no idea about scripture! That's perfect! The way he obviously had no idea of Isaiah 59:1 when he begged that promiscuous teenage girl to pray for forgiveness as he screamed ignorantly about God's love.

Ill quote it for you here, but I am sure you knew of this when you wrote it (That's why it's so brillant!)

..But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

It's to a tee. I mean does he know that God will not answer the prayers of the unsaved. No of Course not, he is an American Christian teenager and you knew that! Amazing!!!

So thank you ABC Family! I have set up my Tivo with a season pass as I look forward to your overly angry and aggressive stereotypical portrayal of the Muslim teenagers in future episodes!

Marcus Pittman, a youth minister.

PS I apologize for the over exaggerated use of exclamation points, I am just so bubbly!!!!!


Florida Fun, Sun, and Healings.

The plans are in place to travel from Hampton Roads, VA to Lakeland Florida sometime this month for the sole purpose of sharing the Gospel at the Lakeland Revival.

We want is to find some people who are willing to be on camera and film some before and after interviews, as well as followups.

We will be camping on the campgrounds near the revival where many are waiting to be healed.

Please pray for preparation and discernment.

More details will be coming...