
The worst heckling Experience of my Life...by Kids!

So after a long day walking around Atlanta, touring all the sweet spots for The Five Hundred we went to a local skate park in Lawrenceville, GA. There were a few hundred people there, all kids of certain ages and sizes. There was a small mound in the middle of the skate park that was located right near every one.

As a youth minister at my church I was excited to speak to all these teenagers, so I asked them to rank their walk with Christ on a scale from one to ten. Keep the number in your head. Then I read revelation three about being lukewarm, and asked them if their number was either a one or a ten.

Then I walked through the Law. I said to all those kids who were skateboarding that if you've skateboarding more then the God who gave you the ability to skate you are worshiping a false God of wood and wheels. I even explained that skateboarding was not a sin...But it did not matter.

At this point I was rushed by a mob of teenagers. They were furious, loud and I was surrounded by at least fifty kids. All holding their skateboards in the air. One of them was the initiator and he was cussing at me, in my face, blaspheming God. I continued to preach the Law and then into Grace proclaiming that I care about them and don't want them to go to hell and to just listen to me.

I was then rushed by an adult who told me I should go with him to preach the Gospel to those who were using the restroom and had nothing better to do. He was cussing at me and swearing. I said I would not follow him to the restroom but said I have some reading material for him and gave him a million dollar bill. At this point he took the tract, ripped it up and placed it on my head as I was preaching (or pleading) for these kids to repent. I knocked the tracts off my head in a comical way that made the kids laugh and then I was immediately doused with water (or sprite) at this point some of the kids were telling the other kid to stop pouring water on me, and I looked at that kid and told him he could do that all he wants, I care about you and don't want you to go to hell.

Then kids started throwing a mixture of rocks, mulch and off brand Cheetos. After a while it died down. The guys I was with the whole time was involved with their own one on ones and then I got involved with one.

A kid came up to me and said he agrees with everything I said, but it was the method of which I was preaching. I asked him to show me in the bible where it was done a different way and he could not.

At this point one of the guys named Ben from (SavedFromWhat.org) in a sarcastic tone started mock rebuking me in front of the Kid.

Marcus...Did you tell this kid he was going to hell?

Yes I replied.

Marcus, did you say he was going to Hell, or that he would if he does not repent and turn to Jesus?

At this point the kid who was worried about me being in trouble took my defense and was defending me.

He said I had to repent.

This is when Ben asked the kid how would you tell someone they sinned against a holy righteous and angry judge and that they were in danger of his wrath?

I don't know?

Ben then said one of the greatest things (besides the Gospel) I have ever heard during the course of a one on one.

"I have this friend, he went up to a lady and told her without knowing her that she was an adulterer...what do you think of my friend"

"I think that he was wrong." he said

"That was what Jesus did in John Chapter 4, with the lady at the well" He took out the bible and read the story.

He was silent from then on. I told him not to listen to me or Ben, but to read the Bible. He agreed the bible was the sources of all authority and said he would listen to "True and False Conversion"

Please pray for him, his name escapes me. Also please pray for our youth. These were some of the most hostile people I have ever seen to the Gospel and they were sober, confessing Christians, and very young. What does this say about that generation and their surrender to the Gospel?


and be sure to check out http://savedfromwhat.org/


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