Uh Oh! Someone did not read the book.

You know maybe Ms. Osteen should have read some of her husbands own material, because apparently she is in court today for attacking a flight attendant. Obviously she denies it but the FAA already fined her $3000 for the assault on the personnel. As it turned out the whole fight started over a water stain on her first class seat. (Shameful!)
Did you ever wonder what would those Christians in North Korea do if those guards did not clean up that water stain off of their cold cell floor? I know what they would do they would read "Your Best Life Now" and they would be OK.
Maybe Ms. Osteen should have read this...
On page 153 of Your best life now it says..
"People who harbor anger often don't realize it, but they are poisoning their own lives. When we don't forgive, we're not hurting the other person. Were not hurting the company that did us wrong, were not hurting God, were hurting Ourselves."
Wow. How profound. Ms. Osteen your outrage towards that flight attendant is really only hurting yourself.
Anyways read the full news story by clicking HERE
Oh and by the way...
Please do not rely on puny books written by mere men for your source of authority. Use the Word of God. The Bible. It's a lot better then anything Joel, Brian, Rob, Rick or William could write...
Let's not be so quick to jump on the news of some of your least favorite people and not at the very least respond when that person is righted within the court system. I don't like there theology but when others try to strong arm people just because they are popular they need to be judged and their motives brought to light - greed!
I would say that sarcasm is a powerful tool to expose the utter ridiculousness of someones view points. All I did in this article was a Reductio ad absurdum,I reduced their theology to it's logical absurdity. Jesus himself did this as well in Matthew 12, when they questioned his works being of the devil.
Thus I said, give the book to Christians in North Korea(Which is Absurd to do), the reduction to the absurd there was if the Theology of Joel Osteen does not apply to all Christians around the world(Including his Wife who teaches it) then it must not be valid. I stand by this.
The very reason America is in this mess, of all this "Bad Theology" is because we never discern good theology from bad, we never label false doctrine as "False Doctrine" thus God has let us fall victim to our own desires and Lust.
It's time for the True Biblical Christians, to do as it says in Jude "show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh."
I thought your blog was to-the-point; God-strong. Keep it up. Don't let anyone try to turn Jesus into a fairy and say you're not being the false fairy Jesus.
God bless,
What I was saying has nothing to do with agreeing to Theology!! But that you were quick to grab the news article that painted a negative picture of someone but you did not remove your assumption that she didn't read her husbands book when it was learned that the accuser made up the whole story and her only motive was greed. Just trying to encourage you to be fair and balanced with a Biblical filter. Having some fun with you!!!
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