
Free Water...With No Strings Attached???

A lot of back story here...

At the local Denbigh Days Festival in Newport News we set up a 'Heckers Mic' and shared the Gospel with a lot of people most of the day.

The festival placed all the churches together, we were placed right beside a church that is very bent on healing and passing out bottles of water with "No Strings Attached".

All day we shared the Gospel with their kids, as they came up to see "How Good they Were" for the chance to get a prize.

None of the people in that Church could even come close to explaining the Gospel correctly. None. In fact there was one guy who when asked how their church was sharing the Gospel pointed to his shirt which had a Cross on it and said..."There is a Cross on our Shirt", I couldn't make that up.

At the end of day, I felt burdened to let them know that the Bottle of Water was empty and worthless and contrary to all of John 4 with the woman at the well.

This is how that went...



In all honesty I was not planning on writing a review for Fireproof. The reason was that I know how sensitive people can be when you call a Christian Movie bad. There is always some people who think it is a sin to critique a movie, call out bad acting or bad writing. So in the interest of not lying, and halting unnecessary rage filled blog debates, I preeminently decided not to review the movie. All of this was however, before I saw it.
Before I start I want to define a term. Christian Movie. When I say Christian Movie I am not referring to major Christian Blockbusters like Passion of the Christ or Chronicles of Narnia. I am strictly referring to low budget, independent Christian films. Anything made by Cloud Ten, Anything made by Sherwood, and all other straight to DVD movies. With that being said Fireproof was far better then I thought it would be. This says a lot, because when it comes to Christian Movies, the glass is always very empty.

The first thing I liked about Fireproof was the fact that it was heavily engaging. This is something that Christian Movies never do. Most Christian movies give you a very boring story that ultimately never makes you care about anything other then asking when the movie was going to be over. This was not the case with Fireproof, the general storyline was very captivating and engaging. The characters were normal enough to allow you to show genuine concern. The story was realistic enough and separated by adventure scenes to keep you fully focused through out the entire movie. In fact I had to go the restroom the entire time but waited it out because of shear curiosity as to what was going to happen after each scene. I never once thought to ask when the move was going to be over and was sort of sad when it was.

This is by far Kirk Cameron's best acting role. It was incredible. He cried real tears, he showed real anger and pride. It was awesome...However, it does not matter how good your acting is when the scriptwriting is something to be desired. That's right of all the good things in this movie, the Scriptwriting was not one of them. Don't get me wrong the general storyline was great, the direction great, but the dialogue was normal. This is something us Christians need to work on. It is a challenge...and I'll give you an example.

In the beginning of the movie unregenerate Caleb is very angry at his wife. He then says some words that if this were a secular movie would not have been clean. Now, they should not, nor am I ever alluding to the fact that there should be swear words in the movie. There should not be. But this is where creativity comes in. I am not even saying strong words should have been used. But when an angry unsaved person is yelling such nice words to his wife while spit is flying down his mouth it just causes me to chuckle at the absurdity of it and comes off as cheesy.

This is where creativity comes in. How can we portray that anger and hostility without saying words at all, maybe an outside shot looking in though a window of him yelling at is wife. Just suggestions. It's hard. I was reading some Christian on RottenTomatoes who said he refuses to see "clean" Christian movies because spirituality is dark. Now he was trying to reason his way into seeing blasphemous movies for the sake of finding spiritual truths. Which is absurd. But I think he was right about something...before someone is saved, they are in darkness. I think Christian filmmakers need to get together and accurately think of how that darkness can be portrayed without causing people to sin and setting new heights in creativity the secular world would esteem. After all we do have the Creator of Creativity on our side...

Now with that being said the scriptwriting was not a major issue in the whole of the movie because it was so engaging, it was also very funny. In fact there were some scenes where I laughed harder then any movie I have been to in a long time.

All together this movie was very balanced. The Gospel presentation was amazing. The good parts made the bad parts dissapear and it is a movie I am proud of. So congratulations to all the people at Sherwood and thanks tremendously to all the volunteers that made this movie happen.

Please list your comments below. I would like to know your opinions.

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500 Transportation! VERY IMPORTANT!!!

So after a lot of discussion and prayer we at the five hundred have decided that it is not in the best interest to try and get a massive amount of buses there to transport everyone. The logistics of paying for and mobilizing 10 major buses is way beyond anything we will have time or money for. The cost of paying for buses is way over our zero dollar budget that we planned on and really it is not necessary.

So here is what we are planning on. We are assuming that most of the people coming to the Deeper Conference will have some sort of transportation. So what is the plan?

#1. Car Pools. If you drove and or rented a car to/for The Deeper Conference, we are asking you to use that car to go to Atlanta afterwards. Were also asking that you are willing to give away any available seats so people who honestly do not have a ride will be able to ride a long. We understand that many people do not know their way around Atlanta, but in the next week or two you will be receiving a map of your assigned location for that night. It will tell you step by step instructions on how to get from First Baptist Church of Woodstock to stated destination.

#2. Church Vans. If you happen to be driving to Atlanta and do not live that far away, we would like you to investigate the possibility of using your church van instead of the family car. This will free us up with a lot of space will allow us more freedom. We understand that there are not many people who can drive the church van due to insurance, but if there are just a few this would help tremendously.

Any other ideas you can think of that would help us with this massive transportation of Christians to the city center are greatly appreciated. We understand that it was advertised and promoted with the possible use of buses, however it's just not a reasonable option. We do however believe that because of the numerous locations and size of groups that finding transportation will not be a serious issue.

Over the next week or two be checking your in boxes for 500 updates and information. We will be sending you VERY IMPORTANT info about the event, including where you will be preaching, how to get there and other important information.

Thanks so much for all of your support, I look forward sharing the Gospel with all of you.

Marcus Pittman


Thank you Christian Bookstores!

n the United States we have more access to Bibles then any other country in the world. Take a trip to your local Lifeway and you will see aisles and aisles of every possible bible you could ever imagine.

For those little girls who think they deserve to be treated like Royalty there is the God's Princess Bible, because she is a daughter of the King. This Bible comes complete with bedazzled jewels and has a pretty pink leather cover and strap. Because your child deserves to be treated as Royalty. She is after all. perfect in every way and deserving of the prestige and honor that comes only to Jesus Christ.

Then there is the Refuel Bible, this Bible is amazing because it looks nothing like a Bible. Instead it looks like a gossip filled youth teen magazine! YEA! Included on the cover is an awesome photo of a guitar with words like MUSIC and GIRLS:SPILL IT ALL!!!! The best part about this biblezine is that it is perfect for all of those Christian teenagers in North Korea. It hides the fact that it is an actual Bible, this way when a Korean guard comes up to them with a 45mm in their face demanding them to display what they are reading, they can do it with no fear of being shot. Incredible!

I could go on and on with all these hip, relevant Bibles, but there a problem. In America we update our Bibles more then peer reviewed journals and all those irrelevant Bibles laying around can destroy the atmosphere, that's why the folks at HarperOne have created The Green Bible made of recycled materials so you can not feel guilty when you decide Global Warming was a hoax and this bible needs to be tossed away. Why send used bibles to places where they really need it?

So thank you Christian bookstores all over America for helping us feed our consumerist appetites with every possible want and need. You really understand the importance of the word being relevant to ALL men and to that I salute you.

Sola Scriptura, and to the Persecuted Christians all over the world who are starving for a single page of any bible, I apologize. for the downright ridiculous behavior of us Americans., who buy into this filth.


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College Week Compilation.

Here is a two minute Gospel Presentation I put together from last weeks college tour...

Please comment and let me know what you think. 


Way of the Master Season Three....Review.

It's no secret nor cover up that I am routinely very critical over Christian media. I have been known to say several times that it is possible to make a really bad Christian movie with a very good gospel presentation and we as Christian Artist, Vidographers and Writers should be able to say so without fear of being labeled emergent or getting hostile rebuke.

The Way of the Master Seasons 1 and 2 were filled with amazing content, good spiritual truth and were used by God to change my life...but they were not that creative and had many disasters (Am I the only one to have to be heckled by an atheist about the evolution defying Banana?)


With that being said, last night I sat down to watch the first episode of season three and in all honesty it was as if I was watching an entirely different show.

The entire format for the show changed...for the better. Where should I begin!

Let's start out with the basics...

1. It's seamless. Season one and Two were as if we were watching multiple segments, Ray and Kirk would speak, Bible Verse & Voice Over, Street interview, Ray and Kirk... It was very segmented. However with Season 3, that predictable format has changed. There is music that forces you into each scene with fluid and creative editing (The use of film filters is a great touch)...It's just captivating...

2. It's amazing what a Big Jib can do. The constantly moving Jib arm adds energy to the shots and again makes it more seamless. In season 1 and 2 you were simply listening to Ray and Kirk talk, now were engaged and constantly moving. Our eyes never wonder or get bored with long shots, jump cuts and bad edits. And while were on the topic of cinematography...The war scenes were shot in 24p...I know, WOTM in 24p, what were they thinking!!! It's awesome! That seriously made me re-wind the TiVo and play it over again...

3. Motion Graphics. In Christian media the one thing that is always sub par is the Motion Graphics. Most of the time it's as if the editors decided they would just put them in last using standard presets and they always forget that the motion graphics are the thematic glue that unites the entire program...In season three it looks like someone in the WOTM production room got a copy of After Effects...The intro was amazing and it did not look as if I was staring at unedited Digital Juice media. I want you to know Mr. Motion Graphic Designer Guy you are very much appreciated. (Call me Sometime, let's do Lunch)

Anyways, let's continue...

I have to say that not all areas were amazing, I am still questioning the Ray Comfort Nose Hair Cam. The single camera that forces you to look into the nose of the person being witnessed to. However (With no spoilers) at the very end of the show for obvious reasons, it was quite engaging and I decided it added a nice touch...sometimes. (It did make my mom cry, but she cries when contestants forget their lyrics on American Idol)

Now with that being said, I do believe that Christians have another show they can be very excited about. I know I am...Today marks the day when the two best produced Christian shows on Television (Wretched, WOTM) have theology as good as their production...


One of the funniest youtube videos I have ever seen.

I think what is so brilliant about sarcasm is it's utter ability to reduce absurdity to absurdity. A lot of Christians shy away from it. People say it's not loving or caring to use such a tone of voice. But then we can see that Christ himself used sarcasm to show that the Pharisees and Sadducee's had no idea what they were doing.

In one case Jesus says to the ones who did nothing but read the law, over and over and over again "Have you not read...?" Ouch, imagine how deep that must have cut them and all of those who were around. All they did was read the law! Anyways...

This brings me toOmvendtVideo.

This guy made a seven minute video, that is totally hilarious and rips apart the "Jesus You Spin me Right Round" worship.

Warning the video is 7 Minutes long, but I had to pause it because I was laughing so hard so it takes more like twenty to finish...


From a Critical standpoint, the lighting, frame composition and everything is brilliant. I am amazed more people have not checked his stuff out. Christian, you need to learn to make quality video and use it for the Glory of God.

Keep up the Good Work!

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Judge drops noise charges against Richmond street preachers...

The following article is in reference to a group of friends who I occasionally go and preach with in Richmond, VA. They were cited for a noise violation for preaching the Gospel and sentenced to 60 days in jail (although the days were suspended).

Below is the article about their court case today. Pray for American Street Preachers, the persecution is getting worse and worse.

Also please feel free to visit their website at http://www.richmondbet.com

Judge drops noise charges against Richmond street preachers.
Thursday, Sep 04, 2008 - 03:26 PM

Richmond Circuit Judge Richard D. Taylor Jr. dismissed charges against three street preachers for violating the city noise ordinace, ruling that they had been cited under the wrong section of the city code.

Police had charged James Craft, 28; Matthew Ray, 25; and Ryan Walker, 24, of the Richmond Evangelical Biblical Team with violating a ageneral city ordinance involving offensively loud noise for two February inclidents in which they used amplifiers to preach at First Fridays and used megaphones to preach to bar-goers in Shockoe Bottom.

Taylor ruled that another section of the code, governing the use of amplifiers for religious speech, applied.

Oh the Irony. GodTube's bad ad placement!

Does anyone besides me see the bad placement of this Advertisement on GodTube, if you don't get it then listen to the first 10 seconds of Paul Washers sermon on Dating to see exactly how he feels.