Way of the Master Season Three....Review.
It's no secret nor cover up that I am routinely very critical over Christian media. I have been known to say several times that it is possible to make a really bad Christian movie with a very good gospel presentation and we as Christian Artist, Vidographers and Writers should be able to say so without fear of being labeled emergent or getting hostile rebuke.
The Way of the Master Seasons 1 and 2 were filled with amazing content, good spiritual truth and were used by God to change my life...but they were not that creative and had many disasters (Am I the only one to have to be heckled by an atheist about the evolution defying Banana?)
With that being said, last night I sat down to watch the first episode of season three and in all honesty it was as if I was watching an entirely different show.
The entire format for the show changed...for the better. Where should I begin!
Let's start out with the basics...
1. It's seamless. Season one and Two were as if we were watching multiple segments, Ray and Kirk would speak, Bible Verse & Voice Over, Street interview, Ray and Kirk... It was very segmented. However with Season 3, that predictable format has changed. There is music that forces you into each scene with fluid and creative editing (The use of film filters is a great touch)...It's just captivating...
2. It's amazing what a Big Jib can do. The constantly moving Jib arm adds energy to the shots and again makes it more seamless. In season 1 and 2 you were simply listening to Ray and Kirk talk, now were engaged and constantly moving. Our eyes never wonder or get bored with long shots, jump cuts and bad edits. And while were on the topic of cinematography...The war scenes were shot in 24p...I know, WOTM in 24p, what were they thinking!!! It's awesome! That seriously made me re-wind the TiVo and play it over again...
3. Motion Graphics. In Christian media the one thing that is always sub par is the Motion Graphics. Most of the time it's as if the editors decided they would just put them in last using standard presets and they always forget that the motion graphics are the thematic glue that unites the entire program...In season three it looks like someone in the WOTM production room got a copy of After Effects...The intro was amazing and it did not look as if I was staring at unedited Digital Juice media. I want you to know Mr. Motion Graphic Designer Guy you are very much appreciated. (Call me Sometime, let's do Lunch)
Anyways, let's continue...
I have to say that not all areas were amazing, I am still questioning the Ray Comfort Nose Hair Cam. The single camera that forces you to look into the nose of the person being witnessed to. However (With no spoilers) at the very end of the show for obvious reasons, it was quite engaging and I decided it added a nice touch...sometimes. (It did make my mom cry, but she cries when contestants forget their lyrics on American Idol)
Now with that being said, I do believe that Christians have another show they can be very excited about. I know I am...Today marks the day when the two best produced Christian shows on Television (Wretched, WOTM) have theology as good as their production...

The Way of the Master Seasons 1 and 2 were filled with amazing content, good spiritual truth and were used by God to change my life...but they were not that creative and had many disasters (Am I the only one to have to be heckled by an atheist about the evolution defying Banana?)
With that being said, last night I sat down to watch the first episode of season three and in all honesty it was as if I was watching an entirely different show.
The entire format for the show changed...for the better. Where should I begin!
Let's start out with the basics...
1. It's seamless. Season one and Two were as if we were watching multiple segments, Ray and Kirk would speak, Bible Verse & Voice Over, Street interview, Ray and Kirk... It was very segmented. However with Season 3, that predictable format has changed. There is music that forces you into each scene with fluid and creative editing (The use of film filters is a great touch)...It's just captivating...
2. It's amazing what a Big Jib can do. The constantly moving Jib arm adds energy to the shots and again makes it more seamless. In season 1 and 2 you were simply listening to Ray and Kirk talk, now were engaged and constantly moving. Our eyes never wonder or get bored with long shots, jump cuts and bad edits. And while were on the topic of cinematography...The war scenes were shot in 24p...I know, WOTM in 24p, what were they thinking!!! It's awesome! That seriously made me re-wind the TiVo and play it over again...
3. Motion Graphics. In Christian media the one thing that is always sub par is the Motion Graphics. Most of the time it's as if the editors decided they would just put them in last using standard presets and they always forget that the motion graphics are the thematic glue that unites the entire program...In season three it looks like someone in the WOTM production room got a copy of After Effects...The intro was amazing and it did not look as if I was staring at unedited Digital Juice media. I want you to know Mr. Motion Graphic Designer Guy you are very much appreciated. (Call me Sometime, let's do Lunch)
Anyways, let's continue...
I have to say that not all areas were amazing, I am still questioning the Ray Comfort Nose Hair Cam. The single camera that forces you to look into the nose of the person being witnessed to. However (With no spoilers) at the very end of the show for obvious reasons, it was quite engaging and I decided it added a nice touch...sometimes. (It did make my mom cry, but she cries when contestants forget their lyrics on American Idol)
Now with that being said, I do believe that Christians have another show they can be very excited about. I know I am...Today marks the day when the two best produced Christian shows on Television (Wretched, WOTM) have theology as good as their production...
It was great I liked it too.
Thanks for the review Marcus! I'd be curious to know what your review of CrossTV Word Pictures is.
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