
One of the funniest youtube videos I have ever seen.

I think what is so brilliant about sarcasm is it's utter ability to reduce absurdity to absurdity. A lot of Christians shy away from it. People say it's not loving or caring to use such a tone of voice. But then we can see that Christ himself used sarcasm to show that the Pharisees and Sadducee's had no idea what they were doing.

In one case Jesus says to the ones who did nothing but read the law, over and over and over again "Have you not read...?" Ouch, imagine how deep that must have cut them and all of those who were around. All they did was read the law! Anyways...

This brings me toOmvendtVideo.

This guy made a seven minute video, that is totally hilarious and rips apart the "Jesus You Spin me Right Round" worship.

Warning the video is 7 Minutes long, but I had to pause it because I was laughing so hard so it takes more like twenty to finish...


From a Critical standpoint, the lighting, frame composition and everything is brilliant. I am amazed more people have not checked his stuff out. Christian, you need to learn to make quality video and use it for the Glory of God.

Keep up the Good Work!

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