What do you do when...
It's 11:30 Pm, your about to hop into bed when your phone get's a text message. A Twitter alert from Ingrid Schlueter that reads the following...
Todd Bentley Kicks Cancer Patient in the Stomach
You sigh, get out of bed and delay your sleep to see in hopes that this is not true...
It Is.
Where in the bible did Jesus Christ, the Savior, kick someone in the stomach to heal them?
Seriously. This is to much...
Todd Bentley Kicks Cancer Patient in the Stomach
You sigh, get out of bed and delay your sleep to see in hopes that this is not true...
It Is.
Where in the bible did Jesus Christ, the Savior, kick someone in the stomach to heal them?
Seriously. This is to much...
Todd Bentley takes idea for the 500, calls it the 10K.
Todd Bentley the supposed False Prophet in Lakeland, FL has decided that he is going to take 10,000 people into the streets for one day and share the Gospel with people using Law, Sin, Hell Repentance and the Works. He is going to attack the streets, malls, neighborhoods and city centers.
This is greatly Disturbing.
Mainly because it breeds false prophets, and instead of keeping them in their comfort zone of stadiums and book stores, it allows them to spread like a disease.
Could people get saved when they hear the words of Todd Bentley's messengers. Sure. If God can use a piece of paper to save souls, he can use a false prophet. The problem is that there is also a lot of bad that will also be spread. The Name it Claim it Gospel, the Prosperity Gospel, the Healing Gospels. All of which are given more priority thent he True Saving Gospel. This is going to confuse a lot more people then it will save. A Whole Lot more and it's going to be harder for Christians to defend against it, if they use the same techniques.
I am convinced that the Jesus Todd BEntley worships, is not the same Jesus as I worship, this is evident through the visions he has had, the fact that he was saved when a Demon shared the Gospel with him and the fact that he is still demon possed regularly even thogh he is saved.
It's a false God. Pure and Simple.
If you want to be part of the Real 500, visit thefivehundred.org or click the link at the top of the page. We have no hidden agenda other then to see people saved, to see people saved from an eternity of Hell and Weeping. To experience the true Love of God that is only seen when you first see your own depravity, not your own healing.
Today we reached 100.
100 Christians are signed up to share the Gospel in one night.
We are 1/5 of the way there and have over three months left.
To God alone be the Glory.
100 Christians are signed up to share the Gospel in one night.
We are 1/5 of the way there and have over three months left.
To God alone be the Glory.
Is George Carlin resting in peace?

There is no joy in the death of the Lost. There is no hope. There is no peace.
George Carlin was by his own admission one who hated the very idea of God. One who spit on the Ten Commandments and one who utterly despised religion. George Carlin had made his own intelligence and brilliance into his God. He worshiped himself.
Is there a chance that the fear of God struck George Carlin in the last moments of his life? Yea. There is. That's his only hope. If George Carlin did not cry out to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins, then George's last breath of air will be used on nothing more then a cry for help as he is escorted into a darkness that makes his trademark black shirts look white. It's a terribly horrifying thought and to be utterly frank...he deserves it and to be even more frank...so do I.
I remember as a child watching Carlin, laughing at his Jokes. I remember trying not to laugh at the blasphemy, knowing it was wrong, knowing it was offensive and because of that I to deserve every bit of darkness as George Carlin does. In no way do I deserve the Grace that was extended to me. When I sit and I think about the jokes he told as he threw his fist up in the air pointing to God, and how I in return laughed with a guilty pleasure I realize that I should be where Carlin is. I participated in the mockery of Jesus who died for me.
Yet I am not going to hell where I deserve and if it was not for the Blood of Jesus Christ, It would be utterly evil of God to not send me there.
It makes you wonder. Where are you going when you die? If God punishes the Joke Giver and the Joke Taker the same exact way are you in danger?
What blasphemy have you told? What Blasphemy have you laughed at? Where will you go if God judged you based on mocking the death of his Son?It's a horrifying thought. Laughing at the death of someone, anyone's son? Mocking a gift that was extended to you, a gift that cost the giver their life. Imagine joking about the one who died and gave you their heart for a transplant and you foolishly mock his personality and then mock his parents while throwing the igloo cooler filled with life in the trash.
We are in mortal danger. If you die without the blood of Christ to forgive your sins God will not let you bypass his justness. He will not let you make a joke of his Son and He will punish you. What are you waiting for? Turn from your sin, repent, hate sin, love your Savior who died for you. Its foolishness not to. God showed his Love so your sins might be forgiven so you might have life, it's the greatest story ever told, better then any comic routine or shtick...
The bible is clear...
John 3:17-21
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
You have a decision to make. Is your sin really that funny?
Soli Deo Gloria.
Labels: Blasphemy, Comic, Dead, Death, George Carlin, Hell, Jokes, Mockery, The Gospel
The Effect of High Gas Prices on The Gospel.

So, the other day I was filling up my small two door oldsmobile and was shocked that it cost forty bucks to fill it up. It's only a 12 Gallon Tank! Being in full time ministry and working on my own you never know where the next dollar is going to come from so the first thought I had was "Is it worth it to go to Virginia Beach every week and share the Gospel"
Virginia Beach is probably the greatest place to do open air in the summer, the boardwalk is thick with people, and the giant hotels echo your voice without much effort...However it's about forty miles from where I live. Normally not a big deal and most of the time we car pool. But it got me thinking.
Maybe the High Gas prices will force people to share the Gospel closer to home...
Would I normally spend a Saturday night sharing the Gospel at our local beach? No not normally, but now it seems to be a very good option. What if the sole purpose of these high Gas prices had nothing to do with economy and drilling, but everything to do with effecting WHERE Christians share the Gospel.
How many people will not be driving long distances for vacation? How many people will be forced to stay home this year?
Maybe God can use this high dollar ball and chain to make us become missionaries in our own neighborhood and city.
After all...Everything...works for His Glory, whether we like it or not.
Labels: Boardwalk, High Gas Prices, Open Air Preaching, Virginia Beach
Open Air Weekend. DC, Hampton, and VA Beach.
Recently I have had the honor of seeing a long time friend get into sharing the Gospel with passion. He has been a Christian for a good while, but recently I was able to talk him into going out with us, and getting out of his comfort zone...boy did he ever.
Well once he got the bug we decided to spend the weekend preaching as much as possible, Friday night was his first time sharing the Gospel at Buckroe Beach in Hampton, VA. From there I had some video work for a client in DC, so we drove up there did the video work, and immediately went to go and preach in front of the Capital Building in Washington.
It really is a gorgeous place to preach and the incredible part was the foreigners, how they would stop and listen, probably in awe that we were allowed to preach in the open. Many took pictures, they love Gospel Tracts as well.
Well recently I made a sign with the help of Photoshop using the Ten Commandments. Each word represents one commandment as they are listed in order from 1-10.
The great thing about this is that it is not incredibly clear what the words are from as they are common words like murder, lie, steal, lust. We were worried that it might be "Post Modern" and not be clear enough. We soon found out that it was a benefit as people would just stop and ask what the sign meant. While we were setting up the sign for no other purpose but to take a photo of us in front of the capital (because the place we did open air did not have a good view) people flocked to the sign and we were immediately witnessing on demand. It's eye catching and a great way to share the Gospel. So I want to give it to you for free. So below is a link to where you can download it yourself!
All you need to do is take it to Kinko's and print it out in black and white on the Architect Paper. It costs fifty cents a square foot and the entire thing cost's two bucks. I went to office max and bought some foam board and cut it to size to make it sturdy. The size is 24"x24"
Enjoy and use it to share the Gospel.
PS: If Kinko's gives you a hard time about printing it out because you do not own "The Logo" reference them here. Kinko's Transplant Ministries give permission for people to print this out as many times as they want. If they still refuse please use the contact page and I will send you one without it.
Download File Here!
Gone to DC.
Me and My friend Mark, will be in Washington, DC from 3pm to 6pm on the DC Lawn preaching about abortion, evolution, Law and Grace stuff.
If you are in Washington DC Tomorrow please feel free to come by and fellowship...or heckle...
If you are in Washington DC Tomorrow please feel free to come by and fellowship...or heckle...
Bill Maher -- Religulous...This is Ridiculous!
I don't know if any of you have heard of Bill Maher, he is a late night vulgar comic (Who doesn't write his own material and was kicked off of ABC) and makes a living from being most offensive. That's his brand of comedy really. Who can I insult that others will not? To him abortion is funny and religion is well more funny. Bill Maher is an Atheist and a not very funny one at that.
So in what has to be a direct response to Ben Stein's "Expelled" Bill Maher is creating a movie called Religulous, or as I like to call "The How Much Blasphemy Can We Place in One Movie, Movie".
If you can stomach threw the blasphemy in the trailer, you can see he interviews stereotypes and casts serious oversimplifications to proclaim the Gospel of Atheism. Even comparing our belief in a Divine Creator to that of Santa Clause because "Millions believe doesn't make it true."
So here is a challenge to Bill Maher, I dare you to interview a true apologist, Ravi Zacharias comes to mind. Be bold in your convictions. Stand strong in your faith. Anyone can cast people to interview to get a desired result (I used to work at a propaganda TV station, I know how it is done) but it takes true gut's to challenge it.
And besides You VS Ravi might actually be funny...for once.
So in what has to be a direct response to Ben Stein's "Expelled" Bill Maher is creating a movie called Religulous, or as I like to call "The How Much Blasphemy Can We Place in One Movie, Movie".
If you can stomach threw the blasphemy in the trailer, you can see he interviews stereotypes and casts serious oversimplifications to proclaim the Gospel of Atheism. Even comparing our belief in a Divine Creator to that of Santa Clause because "Millions believe doesn't make it true."
So here is a challenge to Bill Maher, I dare you to interview a true apologist, Ravi Zacharias comes to mind. Be bold in your convictions. Stand strong in your faith. Anyone can cast people to interview to get a desired result (I used to work at a propaganda TV station, I know how it is done) but it takes true gut's to challenge it.
And besides You VS Ravi might actually be funny...for once.
Labels: Bill Maher, Blasphemy, Documentary, Religulous
More Todd Bentley.
I think I am going to be on the Todd Bentley kick a while, so if your sick of him already you might want to come back in a month or two.
Here is a very interesting video that can only be made with the YouTube generation. Notice that Todd is "Healing People" and people are falling to the floor do to the power of that.
(Remember that most people got up and walked when they were healed by Jesus, none fell to the floor)
Anyway's that minor doctrinal scuffle aside we see this video. Pay very close attention to the people con the botom right hand corner, laughing and carrying on. The One girl is coughing (So much for healing...)
Here is a very interesting video that can only be made with the YouTube generation. Notice that Todd is "Healing People" and people are falling to the floor do to the power of that.
(Remember that most people got up and walked when they were healed by Jesus, none fell to the floor)
Anyway's that minor doctrinal scuffle aside we see this video. Pay very close attention to the people con the botom right hand corner, laughing and carrying on. The One girl is coughing (So much for healing...)
Transplant Ministries Co-Founder calls Todd Friel from Iraq!

So have you been wondering where Stephen (AKA Spot) Hampshire has been and why he has not been blogging like he is required to via his Co-Founder requirements and contracts? Well it's because he is bravely serving in Iraq.
However, although he is Bravely serving our country in Iraq, when it comes to serving the Lord he is a coward.
He asked Todd if that was normal...
Click Here to Listen (He Comes in at Ten Minutes)
The Lakeland "Revival",When Benny Hinn meets "Seeker Friendly"
You know at first I was going to write about this revolting display of "Christianity" with snarkiness and outright disgust. Then I thought for a moment. Those are real people there, who are really suffering, who are really crippled, in pain and if I could very lightly say "Seeking god"(Lowercase) and they are being deceived.
My research paper for Old Testament in Seminary was called "A Compare and Contrast of Old Testament Prophets VS Name It Claim it Theology" so I am very much well versed in this sort of filth being disguised as a revival from God. Oh how I long to be able to go there as a witness and be a light for those who are among the darkness. Oh if I could I would be down there tomorrow. Those people need to be saved! Not from pains in their back, blindness or cancer...but from Hell. Even if these people were really healed from all sorts of diseases and medical conditions how puny is your sight being restored if you can see the path to Hell? They need Sins forgiven...
This is taken from their site on god-TV (yea I wrote it in Lowercase)
We need YOU… the Body of Christ needs YOU… the lost world needs YOU to ensure these live broadcasts keep going for the next 40 days!
(They capitalized the hedonism not me.)
What? The Body of Christ NEEDS something? They need ME? I think if it is a true revival from God, it needs nothing but God to keep going? Because we all know that without the financial support of the First Five Hundred who saw Jesus ascend Christianity would be nowhere today!
Anyways just to let you know in this video they claim to not be drunk... Why did they mention that? Is it because they speak, look, slur and act drunk? Did they have some need to defend themselves from those accusations?
What do you think? Am I just full of bad theology or them? Oh how I wish these guys would just go one on one in a debate...Just Once put their view of theology to the test for the world to see, so they might be exposed!
My research paper for Old Testament in Seminary was called "A Compare and Contrast of Old Testament Prophets VS Name It Claim it Theology" so I am very much well versed in this sort of filth being disguised as a revival from God. Oh how I long to be able to go there as a witness and be a light for those who are among the darkness. Oh if I could I would be down there tomorrow. Those people need to be saved! Not from pains in their back, blindness or cancer...but from Hell. Even if these people were really healed from all sorts of diseases and medical conditions how puny is your sight being restored if you can see the path to Hell? They need Sins forgiven...
This is taken from their site on god-TV (yea I wrote it in Lowercase)
We need YOU… the Body of Christ needs YOU… the lost world needs YOU to ensure these live broadcasts keep going for the next 40 days!
(They capitalized the hedonism not me.)
What? The Body of Christ NEEDS something? They need ME? I think if it is a true revival from God, it needs nothing but God to keep going? Because we all know that without the financial support of the First Five Hundred who saw Jesus ascend Christianity would be nowhere today!
Anyways just to let you know in this video they claim to not be drunk... Why did they mention that? Is it because they speak, look, slur and act drunk? Did they have some need to defend themselves from those accusations?
What do you think? Am I just full of bad theology or them? Oh how I wish these guys would just go one on one in a debate...Just Once put their view of theology to the test for the world to see, so they might be exposed!
Labels: Bently, Charismatic, Claim It, Florida, Ignite Church, Ignited, Lakeland Revival, Name It, Prosperity, Todd Bently
What I am reading...(besides the Bible)
So today I went to the local Lifeway to pick up a smaller, lightweight bible. (I found that I tend to wave my Bible a lot when I preach and the John MacArthur Study bible was a wee bit heavy)
So When I walked into the store I settled along the New Releases where a pretty incredible blend of Neon Colors instantly got my attention. That's right I am guilty of unrighteous judging of a book by appearances only.
But wouldn't you if you saw a book called "Why were not Emergent (By two guys who should be)"
Wasn't a hard purchase. It was endorsed by D.A. Carson.
Anyways after reading the first few pages, I had to come on here and rave about it. That being said I am not endorsing the entire book, just the first few pages. A full endorsement will come after I read the entire book.
Anyways until then...the book is written by two young reformed preachers. It is written in a very "Relevant: way. It's an easy read.
Here is the link to it on Amazon which is upsetting because it is cheaper there then my impulse buy...
So When I walked into the store I settled along the New Releases where a pretty incredible blend of Neon Colors instantly got my attention. That's right I am guilty of unrighteous judging of a book by appearances only.
But wouldn't you if you saw a book called "Why were not Emergent (By two guys who should be)"
Wasn't a hard purchase. It was endorsed by D.A. Carson.
Anyways after reading the first few pages, I had to come on here and rave about it. That being said I am not endorsing the entire book, just the first few pages. A full endorsement will come after I read the entire book.
Anyways until then...the book is written by two young reformed preachers. It is written in a very "Relevant: way. It's an easy read.
Here is the link to it on Amazon which is upsetting because it is cheaper there then my impulse buy...