Is George Carlin resting in peace?

There is no joy in the death of the Lost. There is no hope. There is no peace.
George Carlin was by his own admission one who hated the very idea of God. One who spit on the Ten Commandments and one who utterly despised religion. George Carlin had made his own intelligence and brilliance into his God. He worshiped himself.
Is there a chance that the fear of God struck George Carlin in the last moments of his life? Yea. There is. That's his only hope. If George Carlin did not cry out to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins, then George's last breath of air will be used on nothing more then a cry for help as he is escorted into a darkness that makes his trademark black shirts look white. It's a terribly horrifying thought and to be utterly frank...he deserves it and to be even more do I.
I remember as a child watching Carlin, laughing at his Jokes. I remember trying not to laugh at the blasphemy, knowing it was wrong, knowing it was offensive and because of that I to deserve every bit of darkness as George Carlin does. In no way do I deserve the Grace that was extended to me. When I sit and I think about the jokes he told as he threw his fist up in the air pointing to God, and how I in return laughed with a guilty pleasure I realize that I should be where Carlin is. I participated in the mockery of Jesus who died for me.
Yet I am not going to hell where I deserve and if it was not for the Blood of Jesus Christ, It would be utterly evil of God to not send me there.
It makes you wonder. Where are you going when you die? If God punishes the Joke Giver and the Joke Taker the same exact way are you in danger?
What blasphemy have you told? What Blasphemy have you laughed at? Where will you go if God judged you based on mocking the death of his Son?It's a horrifying thought. Laughing at the death of someone, anyone's son? Mocking a gift that was extended to you, a gift that cost the giver their life. Imagine joking about the one who died and gave you their heart for a transplant and you foolishly mock his personality and then mock his parents while throwing the igloo cooler filled with life in the trash.
We are in mortal danger. If you die without the blood of Christ to forgive your sins God will not let you bypass his justness. He will not let you make a joke of his Son and He will punish you. What are you waiting for? Turn from your sin, repent, hate sin, love your Savior who died for you. Its foolishness not to. God showed his Love so your sins might be forgiven so you might have life, it's the greatest story ever told, better then any comic routine or shtick...
The bible is clear...
John 3:17-21
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
You have a decision to make. Is your sin really that funny?
Soli Deo Gloria.
Labels: Blasphemy, Comic, Dead, Death, George Carlin, Hell, Jokes, Mockery, The Gospel
Good post. I was just watching a clip from his routine, one that mocked religion, God, and believers (exclusively Christian, of course). It made me mad the first time I heard it, but now that he's dead, it truly is sad.
It's so easy to pretend we'll live forever, that we have all the time in the world to repent and seek forgiveness. I have no idea what George's last moments were like, but I do hope he came around at last.
There's no use praying for him now. And I just shake my head when I hear his fans say "he's telling jokes in heaven." To be fair, he was a gifted comedian who slowly degenerated into an angry, cynical old man. That's what happens when you lose hope.
By his own admission, he lost hope for humanity and this country long ago. So he was halfway to salvation :). But his lack of hope in God was his undoing.
I'm sorry, George, we should have prayed harder for you.
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