
The Lakeland "Revival",When Benny Hinn meets "Seeker Friendly"

You know at first I was going to write about this revolting display of "Christianity" with snarkiness and outright disgust. Then I thought for a moment. Those are real people there, who are really suffering, who are really crippled, in pain and if I could very lightly say "Seeking god"(Lowercase) and they are being deceived.

My research paper for Old Testament in Seminary was called "A Compare and Contrast of Old Testament Prophets VS Name It Claim it Theology" so I am very much well versed in this sort of filth being disguised as a revival from God. Oh how I long to be able to go there as a witness and be a light for those who are among the darkness. Oh if I could I would be down there tomorrow. Those people need to be saved! Not from pains in their back, blindness or cancer...but from Hell. Even if these people were really healed from all sorts of diseases and medical conditions how puny is your sight being restored if you can see the path to Hell? They need Sins forgiven...

This is taken from their site on god-TV (yea I wrote it in Lowercase)

We need YOU… the Body of Christ needs YOU… the lost world needs YOU to ensure these live broadcasts keep going for the next 40 days!

(They capitalized the hedonism not me.)

What? The Body of Christ NEEDS something? They need ME? I think if it is a true revival from God, it needs nothing but God to keep going? Because we all know that without the financial support of the First Five Hundred who saw Jesus ascend Christianity would be nowhere today!

Anyways just to let you know in this video they claim to not be drunk... Why did they mention that? Is it because they speak, look, slur and act drunk? Did they have some need to defend themselves from those accusations?

What do you think? Am I just full of bad theology or them? Oh how I wish these guys would just go one on one in a debate...Just Once put their view of theology to the test for the world to see, so they might be exposed!

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Blogger BrianB. said...

Everytime I hear this guys name it makes me sick. My last name is Bentley.

Where are you guys located at?

June 3, 2008 at 11:41 PM  
Blogger Marcus Pittman said...

...Yea he makes us sick to.

Were in Newport News, VA

June 3, 2008 at 11:43 PM  
Blogger Rich said...

He used no Scriptures during the entire clip and obviously no Gospel was preached.

The alarming part was seeing the auditorium filled up with so many people. They become disillusioned and fall away when Todd doesn't come through on all of his false promises and false signs. He is what Jude calls "clouds without rain"...he gives them hope but his teaching will only lead to disappointment. In the end God will deal with him accordingly. It's just sad to see so many people deceived. This is why it's important that all true Christians "contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints."

June 4, 2008 at 1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went there, it's god, and the whole focus is on god.
I advise to go there yourself and find out first hand.

June 8, 2008 at 3:01 PM  
Blogger Marcus Pittman said...

I advise you to "Test the Spirits" and see, I wouldn't be surprised if Todd Bentley was making a fool out of people and in a few weeks he pulls a "Gotcha" and runs off into nowhere, never to be seen again.

The stuff the guy says, about his alien encounters, his "visions" do not match up with scripture.

You challenged me to go there myself.

Let me put this on the table...

If I can get down there somehow, someway, I will. I will bring my Video Camera, I will bring my Bible, and just as I did Rob Bell I will go over every word with a very fine biblical comb.

June 8, 2008 at 3:14 PM  

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