
Our Scientific Bible from the God who made science

Have you ever read the Bible and came across a verse that you had to double take? You'd stop and think "Hey, I saw that verse in my science book" Well, my guess is that you haven't done that yet, but I could be wrong. When I read scripture I tend to loose track of the meaning sometimes and am just reading words. Not understanding, I have to be very careful with that as many other Christians as well. For when we just glance over scripture it dose us no good. We miss verses like Isaiah 40:22 where the Bible says that God sits above the circle of the earth. Hold the phone! You mean the earth is round and not flat!?! You might say "Of course it is! Columbus figured that out long ago." Yes he sure did, but the Bible told us that before Columbus sailed those oceans blue. The Bible was right from the start. It just took some time for the modern day "scientists" at that time to catch up. That isn't the only verse though. The Bible is filled with facts that took other text books years to get right(and some still missing the mark).

Incalculable number of stars(Jeremiah 33:22)
Free Float of earth in space(Job 26:7)
Creation made of invisible elements(Hebrews 11:3)
Each star is different(1Corinthians 15:41)
Light moves(Job 38:19-20)
Air has weight(Job28:25)
Wind blows in cyclones(Ecclesiastes 1:6)
Blood is the source of life and health(Leviticus 17:11)
Ocean floor contains deep valleys and mountains(2Samuel 22:16 Jonah 2:6)
Ocean contains springs(Job 38:16)
Hands should be washed under running water to prevent disease(Leviticus 15:13)

How long do you want the list to go? Should I just copy and paste the entire Bible here? These few verses and more have been collected and put together on a neat little track also containing the Gospel message on the back. www.livingwaters.com (here's my little promo for there web site) is where you can order your own to aid in your witnessing encounters. The Bible is more then a science book too. Poetry, history, songs of worship, need I go on? All put together into 66 God inspired books that God wants to teach us. When you are told that the Bible isn't scientific you can reply with "Have ye not read..." for we worship the Creator of science who like to fill us in on some of the details.


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