
Marcus is fired and I'm taking over!(but not really)

I'm sure I wasn't the only kid that tried to fly by jumping off slide with an umbrella to see how Mary Poppins did it. Nor was I the only child that tried to do all of his chores all at once and it all fell apart on him. Well that all carries on into "adulthood" and we see it when films need editing and blogs need writing. Well I(and by "I" I mean me...Spot...anyway) am tapping in and letting Marcus focus more on the DVD and blog from time to time. Meanwhile I(Spot again) am going to keep all of you transplant bloggies(I think that is what you call someone who reads our blogs. Sounds like a word doesn't it? I should use it in Scrabble) happy and up to date on recent TM activities and sit reps. Knowing that there are probably like three(at the most) "bloggies" reading our postings, we appreciate our bloggies and won't let you be forgotten. So for the time being I Spot Hampshire assume the main burden of blogging for our "bloggies" until properly relieved or my PC just flat out busts on me. Till that sad day my good bloggies, you shall not b forgotten or cheated by outdated blogs. I hope.

Just a side thought. How many of you are reading these? Just give a shout out for us if ya don't mind.

bloggies is a registered trademark of Transplant Ministries and copy righted...well...actually it isn't and you can use the term if you want to, don't make no never mind to me. Just remember where you got it from alright?


Blogger trubev said...

I'm reading...and still trying to figure you out. I just don't want you to think no one is paying attention.

October 15, 2007 at 4:37 PM  

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