

Transplant Ministries is pleased to announce the first Transplant Road Trip!

What is a Transplant Road Trip...Well I am glad you asked. (but disturbed you hold conversations with a computer screen)

At the end of July I will be taking a trip with Transplant Ministries Co-Founder Stephen Hampshire, from Newport News, VA to Petersburg, KY.

We will be going to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, which entails about a fourteen hour drive in which we will document witnesss encounters and debates about Creation/Evolution along the way. Hitting several Truck Stops and those really fancy McDonald's/Gas Stops combinations we will visit several people along the bible belt of VA and KY, passing out tracts and spreading the Amazing News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am very, very excited about creating this (If all goes well with upcoming Doctors Appointments) and look forward to creating this DVD!

But we cannot do it with out you...

We need money for Tracts, Extra Video Equipment and other media resources that we may encounter along the way. So instead of just asking you to make a generous donation by clicking here...

We have something more material in mind.

If you give Transplant Ministries $25 or more as a donation we will make a special short YouTube video that will contain a personal message of your choice for someone you love. Tell your pastor you appreciate him, tell your wife you love her or surprise your kids with a message from Dad in a unique way that only a Media Ministry could do.

(Donations of $50+ will receive a DVD copy)

We call them TransplantGrams. We were going to give copies of "Your Best Life Now" but we figured no one would care.

So were trying something...New. So bare with us.

When you make a donation by clicking here...

Please be sure to contact Marcus via e-mail by clicking here.

We are in drastic need of an at least half way decent camera and microphone. The one we have may not make it till the end of July, so please be assured that all donations will go towards tools that this Ministry will use to Glorify God and expand his kingdom.

Also we would be more then willing to have some commercial sponsors for the DVD. We hope to package each DVD with a DVD Pamphlet that will be on the inside cover of the DVD case, like a CD Case Booklet. If you want to have your ministry advertised in the pamphlet please let me know. Plus in the special features there is the possibility that we can create you a commercial or trailer for your upcoming project.

But all petty things like fiscal donations and material possesions aside. Please pray for our continued creativity as we develop all the pre-production aspect that are required. Please pray that God's Glory prevails above all other aspects during this project and of course that the lives we come across during our trip will result in the salvation of Souls.


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