A Modern Day Tower of Babel. Al Gores Idol Worship!

Global Worship...How should a Christian Respond to Global Warming...
I am forcing myself through the three hour long worship of mother earth, brought to you by the prophet of doom Al Gore and several bible references have come to mind.
As Christians we are called to support the earth and to take care of it. However there is a line between taking care of the earth and worshipping it.
When several people, Christian or not gather all around the world to sing praises and unite for a cause that does not bring Glory to the Father, we stand in a close and terrifying harmony with the Babel Worshippers of Genesis.
They united for a cause as well. It was a cause that defied God. It was an attempt to say "We don't need you, we can get to heaven on our own, using our technology and communication." So God split up the earth into separate nations and languages. Preventing them from gathering as a unified body...Well for at least five thousand years anyway.
Now we are gathering for another cause. A cause that says "Hey God, you created an earth that we can destroy by our own technology. We don't need you anymore. Your not capable of creating a living earth that expands and contracts to changing environments you failed to see the future. You failed to include our technology in your plans!"
Now Seven continents are involved in a concert that spanned twenty four hours. A Unified World. Speaking one language, English. All in an attempt to worship a false idol...Nature.
None of my sarcastic attempts at satire can explain this more wonderfully then the Word of God...so without any further adu, here it is from the Book of Romans...
Romans 1:21-24
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.When we claim that humanity is capable of destroying something as fine tuned and beautiful as Earth, we ignore the sovereignty of God being in control in important things like..uh...I don't know destroying the world like He wants to, like He said He would do.

If you agree in the slightest that this can be seen as Idol Worship then we have a real dilemma on our hands. We have a Jealous God who does not enjoy the worship of anything but him and rightfully so. Now over two billion people are participating in the largest Idol Worship in all of History! Is God going to overlook this?
Let me try to explain this from a simplistic view of my own sinful and fallible nature. If two billion people read this blog and proclaimed wow, these writings are awesome. Wow. What a great combination of words on paper...What brilliant Satire! But they ignored giving me Credit for the writing...I would be furious and these writings have nothing on the Creation of the Heavens and Earth.
God is angered in a much more Justified way. He gave us life, we broke the rules so He then ended His own life for the sake of ours on Calvary. In return instead of gathering in unison over seven continents to Worship this Creator in song and reflection for He who is kind and whose Glory will always prevail...We clamor in fear over the Doom that is to come but Not by the hands of God. But by the Hands of our own imaginations.
I am sorry, But this earth will be destroyed because of what we did. But it has nothing to do with not planting lips on the Oaks in my Backyard, or hugging the deer at the local park. It has everything to do with angering this God who demands our perfection, This God who demands our worship and this God who will receive it come Hell or High Water. Literally.
Marcus Pittman
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I've been seeing this nature worship coming for a long time, you're very right that God has to be angered by this. I've been having a lot of prophetic dreams in the last year - 3 years, I really feel like God is coming soon. Sometimes I wonder though if God likes it that way, if He makes it seem that way on purpose so we don't lose heart - as though it is some kind of mind-set to live by. "Look to the heavens for I come soon" is a great way to live life.
I found your site because I saw a video on Godtube about the love of a father and his children.
I saw your comment and then your video about why the upcoming church is dangerous.
I was interested in the fact that you seem to be against "left behind" because for one thing I don't think it'll end like that! But I do think the way of the master is a good way to reach some people. I mean, if I'd have heard it sooner, I'd have loved the lord as much as I do now a lot sooner. I've always been christian but it helped me to understand why. As a child, i KNEW God existed, I saw him work in my life first-hand and answer prayers and literally save my life, so I loved God, but not as much as I do now.
But anyway, I'm not arguing against you or anything, I am truly interested in why you think the way of the master is dangerous.
I'll check back to see if you've replied to my comment, no worries. You can also email me at faithmaith at yahoo .c0/\/\
What? I hate to sound blunt but where di you get that information that I think WOTM is dangerous?
My Comment was that Rob Bell is a Dangerous Heretic here is the comment I posted...
"Careful Rob Bell is a dangerous heretic. HE preaches in a way that tickles the ears but his real believes are far from the Gospel. Shame on GodTube for posting this. Watch my videos on the Dangers other Emergent Church to hear about this frauds belief on absolute truth."
Now I love WOTM they have inspired me and encourage me daily. What you ar referring to is the comment at the end of the video thaat showed me holding up Left Behind and saying "Teach Theology Like This, But don't make videos like this"
The reason I said this is because the Left Behind movies were terrible displays of Christian Creativity. So I was joking Kirk Cameron for having an awesome Ministry and not so great movies, but I love Kirk Cameron and WOTM and WOTMR. In fact there is a bag in the corner of my room already packed for when I get asked to work for them one day lol.
oh ok, lol. i thought i might have misunderstood which is why i asked in the first place. oh well. lol.
but yeah all said i dont think that it'll all happen as presented *though similar probably* as in left behind.
man, wotm has really inspired me too.
i was telling my friend, the whole "go green" thing and all that might just be a political thing to make money, but it'll definitely turn into a world belief system! i can see a lot of freedoms being taken away at the cost of "going green"!
another comment, sorry, and i was thinking too - Al Gore has been called a pastor with desciples teaching a 'different gospel' in the Detroit News, yet he's a hypocrit because he uses 20x more electricity than the average person. so, naturally the thing you do is observe what kind of example he is setting. one would expect a person who was extremely concerned about the environment to buy a cheaper house, or something, because HE is the leader of this revolution *of sorts*. What does he do though? He pays money to make up for it. What a bad example. That's like saying you're christian and hate sin, but sin and sin and sin and sin, and repent and repent and repent, to a church and not to God, lol. It's just weird.
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