
A Christian's Inauguration Prayer...

1st Timothy 2:1-6
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

There has been much discussion over the past few weeks as to whether a Christian should pray at the inauguration of a leader who supports many unchristian policies. After much thought, I have decided that I would pray this prayer:

Please bow your heads as I pray to the one and only God, the redeemer of man, the Lamb who was slain for the wicked.

To the Passover Lamb: As I stand before these millions of people who hear me call upon your name, may I never forget that the biggest honor is that you allow me to enter your throne room without fear and speak to you. As millions hear my prayer, let me rejoice only that you hear.

I stand before you in reverence, as a sinful man not deserving your righteousness that has been accredited to me. Not deserving my voice to come within audible distance of your holy ears.

Oh great ordainer of kings, who bends the hearts of world leaders as a river, hear my prayer. We live in a country, the very country for which I pray today, where not everyone is righteous in your sight. A country that slaughters millions of babies, a country that longs to twist the covenant of marriage which you instituted between man and woman to be a symbol of Christ and his Church.

Please Lord, forgive us.
Please Lord, give our nation a change of mind. Hear my repentant plea for our nation.

We cry, “God bless America!” and we claim that “In God we trust.,” but we do not even know the God upon which we call. The god to whom this nation prays is an idol, created in the minds of the citizens.

Please, One and only God, forgive our idolatry, our greed, and our lusts.

Spare us from your wrath which we deserve, the wrath which you placed on Jesus Christ for those whom you have chosen out of the nation.

Lord, forgive this nation for forgetting the gift of our freedom, and for not using it for the Gospel. We thank you for allowing us the ability to proclaim your Gospel publicly and freely. But we have not done so as we should. Instead we stand on the corners proclaiming the seasonal pleasures of other gods like commercialism and sex.

Please Lord, forgive us.
Please Lord, give our nation a change of mind. Hear my repentant plea for our nation.

I stand before you burdened to pray for Barack Obama, the man you have ordained, and for whom you have instructed that we pray in your inerrant and sufficient word.

Lord, I pray that you would give him a heart of repentance; I pray that you would give him a love for you unlike any leader that has ever graced the oval office has had. May his hair not turn gray because of the stress of state decisions, but because of the overwhelming desire to be in your favor despite political pressure, or polls that demand he do otherwise.

Give President Obama a repenant heart. By your grace and mercy, also give him righteous wisdom and love for justice through your Holy Spirit. May you give Barack Obama insight that can only come from one who sees his depravity.

Please Lord, forgive us.
Please Lord, give our nation a change of mind. Hear my repentant plea for our nation.

I pray this not by man’s permission, but because you have commanded despite man’s opposition.
May all the Glory and Honor go to you in worship of your loving-kindness, holiness and justness.

I pray in the only saving name of Jesus Christ: the Messiah who was prophesied to come through line of Abraham and Sarah's promised son Isaac. He is Emmanuel, the one and only Son of God who was crucified for the sins of his people, and resurrected to give them the gift of eternal life.

Soli Deo Gloria



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