
How did this Happen?! The Fall of Christianity in America # 476

I have been wanting to do a series for a long time on my blog, but have not been able to find a topic that would sustain my personal interest yet alone the interest of it's readers. 

The truth is we live in an incredibly anti-Christian nation. A nation who has no clue of the Gospel and is utterly ignorant to it's message. The pastors, leaders, authors and speakers who disguise their lives behind the cloak of Christianity are just as ignorant of the Gospel as the people who listen to them...

So how in the world did America, a land of free speech where the Gospel could be proclaimed limitlessly forget the Gospel? How did this happen?

It could have started wijth a book...

This Christmas the best gag gift for the white elephant exchange among our evangelist friends was a book found at a thrift store. A 'Christian' teen devotional book. 

That's right, the end of Christianity in America could have started all with this book. 

A Christian teen devotional called "Anyone Can be Cool...but Awesome takes Practice!"

From the books cover "Anybody Can Be cool-But Awesome Takes Practice is an adventure in letting truth shape one's self-image."

It was written by a woman named Lorraine Peterson . Who wrote another great Christian piece of literature comparable to the Pilgrims Progress called "If God Loves Me, Why Can't I Get My Locker Open?"

The sad thing about this book, is how the world mocks Christianity because of it. By reading the reviews at Amazon we see the world has made this book a laughing stock. A new version costs $37, thats right. Why? Possibly because it is the biggest joke ever written. The world's greatest gag gift, a complete mockery of the Gospel.

Not only that, the reviews of this book on Amazon would be quite funny if Christianity was not the target. Read this one from Aaron.

"For years, I struggled with meager coolness until I read this book. Now with my new-found knowledge and my "I am awesome" shirt, all the ladies want to get with me. It may look like they're just laughing and pointing, but I know that they truly find me irresistible. Since I've modeled my hair and clothes from the book cover, everyone thinks I'm Zack from Saved by the Bell. It just doesn't get anymore awesome than that. Oh yeah."

So is this how it all happened? Probably so...but I think there are more reasons to come...tune in.

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Penn Get's it and he is an Atheist.


Florida Woman Says Former Church Plans to Make Her Sins Public

So who could possibly guess that a church would make the front page of FoxNews.com for actually practicing church discipline?

A 49-year-old Florida woman says her former church is threatening to reveal her sins to its congregation after learning that she is in a "sexually immoral relationship.

The Rev. T. Scott Christmas, pastor of the church, told the Florida Times-Union that the "process of loving accountability" is made very clear to members, and the church is doing "nothing more than following the practices of what biblical churches have done through history.

Read the entire story here.

Also be sure to read the PDF of the amazing, well written letter the church wrote her by clicking here

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Another Drunk Prophet.

Imagine if a prophet like Jeremiah, Isaiah, or Elijah said this...


Adventures of the Heckler Magnet...

So my team has a nick name for me. They call me a "heckler magnet", probably because not all the time, but definitely most of the time when I open air I am bombarded by hecklers. 

The following video was from Newport News, HollyDazzle Fireworks Extravaganza. This guy claimed to be a witch. I asked him to tell me where his morality comes from.

At first he said himself, then he said Government, then he Said Himself again...

He said rape was OK, and slavery as long as the government said it. Not in the video but before the recording he stated that Hitler was wrong, but not at fault because he sets his standard of morality. He could not tell my why Hitler was wrong.

Watch as the crowd gathers and the Gospel is proclaimed as the crowd sees how a God Centered Worldview is critical for all of society. 


It's OK, we don't believe in Absolutes...So Long Tony Jones.

WaveChurch Conference Center, The 13 Million Dollar oops.

Recently in Virgina Beach a really cool church Called "WaveChurch" built a new mega conference center that cost over 13 Million dollars. They call it "Architectural Evangelism" as stated by the Steve Mizzelle the "Operations Manager".

That is great! Using the pure architecture of a Church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

That is what they are saying right? Right?


Here is what Steve Kelly, pastor of The Wave Church says...according to an article by the Virgina Pilot...

The 80,000-square-foot behemoth is Wave Church's new worship center, an $18 million complex with a 2,500-seat, high-tech auditorium and a bookstore, cafe and coffee bar.

What it intentionally doesn't have, inside or out, are any of the symbols - steeple, bell tower, stained glass, even a cross - that traditionally say "church" to the public.

"I just don't think that's what people are looking for in the 21st century," said the Rev. Steve Kelly, senior pastor of the evangelical church since 1999. "I was looking for something more corporate, something more contemporary."

You know what? I think he is right! People are not looking for a cross in the 21st Century. They are looking for Self Help, They are looking for prosperity, they are not looking for The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The bible makes it very clear that people HATE the Gospel. Let's not forget that, people hate the Gospel.

Mark Driscoll makes a point to show people that they also hate the Cross. It's offensive, disgusting, horrifying. It's where people were murdered, it was where Christ was slain for sinners like you and me.

I am outraged by this mega church in Virgina Beach who call themselves Christians but hide the Cross where their savior was crucified.

Hey WaveChurch your unoffensive "Church" offends me. I am offended by your cowardice of the Gospel.