How did this Happen?! The Fall of Christianity in America # 476
So how in the world did America, a land of free speech where the Gospel could be proclaimed limitlessly forget the Gospel? How did this happen?
This Christmas the best gag gift for the white elephant exchange among our evangelist friends was a book found at a thrift store. A 'Christian' teen devotional book.

From the books cover "Anybody Can Be cool-But Awesome Takes Practice is an adventure in letting truth shape one's self-image."
It was written by a woman named Lorraine Peterson . Who wrote another great Christian piece of literature comparable to the Pilgrims Progress called "If God Loves Me, Why Can't I Get My Locker Open?"
The sad thing about this book, is how the world mocks Christianity because of it. By reading the reviews at Amazon we see the world has made this book a laughing stock. A new version costs $37, thats right. Why? Possibly because it is the biggest joke ever written. The world's greatest gag gift, a complete mockery of the Gospel.
Not only that, the reviews of this book on Amazon would be quite funny if Christianity was not the target. Read this one from Aaron.
"For years, I struggled with meager coolness until I read this book. Now with my new-found knowledge and my "I am awesome" shirt, all the ladies want to get with me. It may look like they're just laughing and pointing, but I know that they truly find me irresistible. Since I've modeled my hair and clothes from the book cover, everyone thinks I'm Zack from Saved by the Bell. It just doesn't get anymore awesome than that. Oh yeah."
So is this how it all happened? Probably so...but I think there are more reasons to come...tune in.
Labels: Apostate, Christian Books, Lorraine Peterson, Self Image