

As most of you know Transplant Ministries has been very busy working on the Pre-Production for our trip to KY. A lot of thought and creative resourse and prayer have been placed into the development so Blogs on Transplant Ministries has been postponed.

However we are still blogging, just not here... Instead we are blogging on the Production Blog.
So go there and check out the work that is going into this amazing Journey.

Available here...



Medical News and Other News!

So I went to the doctor and was told that amazingly I did not have an aneurysm like I was told. Instead I have a complication with the Aortic Valve that apparently can only happen by being made in the womb. Yep a Birth Defect. So I have had the problem all along and so it is no threat, but it may have to be fixed in order for me to eat again. The surgery is a lot more complicated (possible a Bypass) but like I said, it is not life threatening and is in no immediate hurry to get done.

Now on a lighter note. Since I am all clear from the doctors to do whatever, the Mission Trip is on! IF you are unaware about what is happening within the next two weeks let me step you up to speed.

Me and a good friend of mine will be visiting the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY. But instead of following the desires of our heart and just going with no goal other then to indulge ourselves on pre-creation planetarium shows, we decided we would document the whole thing in what is sure to be a disaster of a movie.

We slowed down the travel time, and will be making several stops to visit cities and parks and witness to complete strangers. We will be passing out tracts, taping our discussions, goofing off in a way that only two fundamentalist, right wing, conservative, Southern Baptist, guys could do.

So below I have made a blog to document the whole thing! BE sure to check out the site daily for updates and production news. Including sneak peeks and daily( uh weekly!) video blogs documenting the entire process.

So click the mouse thing on the banner below and BOOKMARK the site, send it to everyone in your e-mail address book like Spam... (Come on you send nice poofy messages about kittens and porcupine abused dogs, you can spam the Internet with this thing!)

If it makes you feel better tell people Bill Gate will give them a dollar and they will find true love.

Copy this address in your e-mail...

Why are you still here click on the button already!


Transplant Ministries teams up wth StreetFishing.org

Transplant Ministries is pleased to announce the strategic alliance between StreetFishing.Org above is the video we created so they would be able to promote their ministry and reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please pray as we develop other alliances with other ministries. It is a great way to use our talents that God has given us to benefit the Kingdom.

Again you can visit StreetFishing,org by clicking their Logo below.


A Modern Day Tower of Babel. Al Gores Idol Worship!

Global Worship...How should a Christian Respond to Global Warming...

I am forcing myself through the three hour long worship of mother earth, brought to you by the prophet of doom Al Gore and several bible references have come to mind.

As Christians we are called to support the earth and to take care of it. However there is a line between taking care of the earth and worshipping it.

When several people, Christian or not gather all around the world to sing praises and unite for a cause that does not bring Glory to the Father, we stand in a close and terrifying harmony with the Babel Worshippers of Genesis.

They united for a cause as well. It was a cause that defied God. It was an attempt to say "We don't need you, we can get to heaven on our own, using our technology and communication." So God split up the earth into separate nations and languages. Preventing them from gathering as a unified body...Well for at least five thousand years anyway.

Now we are gathering for another cause. A cause that says "Hey God, you created an earth that we can destroy by our own technology. We don't need you anymore. Your not capable of creating a living earth that expands and contracts to changing environments you failed to see the future. You failed to include our technology in your plans!"

Now Seven continents are involved in a concert that spanned twenty four hours. A Unified World. Speaking one language, English. All in an attempt to worship a false idol...Nature.

None of my sarcastic attempts at satire can explain this more wonderfully then the Word of God...so without any further adu, here it is from the Book of Romans...

Romans 1:21-24
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

When we claim that humanity is capable of destroying something as fine tuned and beautiful as Earth, we ignore the sovereignty of God being in control in important things like..uh...I don't know destroying the world like He wants to, like He said He would do.

Of all the middle eastern wars. Of all the natural disasters. Of all the so called recent prophecies that people say have been fulfilled. This is the scariest event I have ever watched. The similarity to the Tower of Babel is frightening. A few minutes ago The Prophet of Doom just announced that this is the largest Global entertainment event in History. Now I have no idea how many people were taking part in the building of the failed stairway to heaven but if that number was less then two billion we should really be fearing the Wrath of God that is certain to come.

If you agree in the slightest that this can be seen as Idol Worship then we have a real dilemma on our hands. We have a Jealous God who does not enjoy the worship of anything but him and rightfully so. Now over two billion people are participating in the largest Idol Worship in all of History! Is God going to overlook this?

Let me try to explain this from a simplistic view of my own sinful and fallible nature. If two billion people read this blog and proclaimed wow, these writings are awesome. Wow. What a great combination of words on paper...What brilliant Satire! But they ignored giving me Credit for the writing...I would be furious and these writings have nothing on the Creation of the Heavens and Earth.

God is angered in a much more Justified way. He gave us life, we broke the rules so He then ended His own life for the sake of ours on Calvary. In return instead of gathering in unison over seven continents to Worship this Creator in song and reflection for He who is kind and whose Glory will always prevail...We clamor in fear over the Doom that is to come but Not by the hands of God. But by the Hands of our own imaginations.

I am sorry, But this earth will be destroyed because of what we did. But it has nothing to do with not planting lips on the Oaks in my Backyard, or hugging the deer at the local park. It has everything to do with angering this God who demands our perfection, This God who demands our worship and this God who will receive it come Hell or High Water. Literally.

Marcus Pittman

Do not forget to comment below...


Teaser Trailer...Our Biggest Adventure Yet.

transplantministries.com is pleased to announce their first feature that is in development, Watch the teaser below.

Please pray for the continued creativity and that God is Glorified.

Also Please pray hard about donating to Transplant Ministries so we can get some decent equipment for this monumental task. If the Lord lays it on your heart please click the make a Donation button. This is a tremendous need right now as we are in desperate need of Audio and Video Equipment.

Again thanks for the support and please send the video to all of your friends so we can generate as much interest as possible...



Transplant Ministries is pleased to announce the first Transplant Road Trip!

What is a Transplant Road Trip...Well I am glad you asked. (but disturbed you hold conversations with a computer screen)

At the end of July I will be taking a trip with Transplant Ministries Co-Founder Stephen Hampshire, from Newport News, VA to Petersburg, KY.

We will be going to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, which entails about a fourteen hour drive in which we will document witnesss encounters and debates about Creation/Evolution along the way. Hitting several Truck Stops and those really fancy McDonald's/Gas Stops combinations we will visit several people along the bible belt of VA and KY, passing out tracts and spreading the Amazing News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am very, very excited about creating this (If all goes well with upcoming Doctors Appointments) and look forward to creating this DVD!

But we cannot do it with out you...

We need money for Tracts, Extra Video Equipment and other media resources that we may encounter along the way. So instead of just asking you to make a generous donation by clicking here...

We have something more material in mind.

If you give Transplant Ministries $25 or more as a donation we will make a special short YouTube video that will contain a personal message of your choice for someone you love. Tell your pastor you appreciate him, tell your wife you love her or surprise your kids with a message from Dad in a unique way that only a Media Ministry could do.

(Donations of $50+ will receive a DVD copy)

We call them TransplantGrams. We were going to give copies of "Your Best Life Now" but we figured no one would care.

So were trying something...New. So bare with us.

When you make a donation by clicking here...

Please be sure to contact Marcus via e-mail by clicking here.

We are in drastic need of an at least half way decent camera and microphone. The one we have may not make it till the end of July, so please be assured that all donations will go towards tools that this Ministry will use to Glorify God and expand his kingdom.

Also we would be more then willing to have some commercial sponsors for the DVD. We hope to package each DVD with a DVD Pamphlet that will be on the inside cover of the DVD case, like a CD Case Booklet. If you want to have your ministry advertised in the pamphlet please let me know. Plus in the special features there is the possibility that we can create you a commercial or trailer for your upcoming project.

But all petty things like fiscal donations and material possesions aside. Please pray for our continued creativity as we develop all the pre-production aspect that are required. Please pray that God's Glory prevails above all other aspects during this project and of course that the lives we come across during our trip will result in the salvation of Souls.


Sorry for the Porn!

If you visited our Discussion Forum recently you may have come across some spammers who were promoting pornographic websites.

Transplant Ministries had nothing to do with the promotion of these sites. The users have been banned and the topics were deleted. In fact I really do not know why they bother spamming a third rate low traffic site like this!

That being said...

If you have not been to the Forum..WHY NOT?

There are no discussions going on? The site is not very active?

Well of course it is not very active, no one is discussing things. There are tons of places to chat and discuss everything Christian Media. So go ahead, log in and have a great time conversing with other Christian Media Professionals and everyone else who just loves Christian Media...

Click on the Talk Bubble below to start the conversations!