
How Evil are you?


Creative Open Air...

How can Christians Creatively present the Gospel "Outside of the Box"?


"I repent of my Sexual Addiction"

Last Saturday on the boardwalk this guy came up and decided to mock me with a broken shovel which he referred to as a "Serpent"...

It's sad to see how he has no conviction of his sin, and repentance has no value to him other then a word that allows his guilt to go away.

Oh and "Obama 08 people, Obama 08"


Not to talk Politics...

I do not like to use this website for political discussion, but the following video talks about Barack Obama's support of the "Babies Born Alive Act". I hope you take a look and see how serious people are about killing innocent Children. Whether your a republican, democrat, or you vote for yourself this is a very serious issue that shows how people are utterly evil and wicked.


T-Shirt Sale!!!

For the next week our "Abortion Is..." T-shirts will be only $15.

That's right only three five dollar bills!

But that is not all...you will also get a free DVD with us open air preaching in Virginia Beach, as well a thirty second promo video of The Five Hundred. Not bad for a mere 60 quarters.

The Abortion is... T-Shirt is probably one of my favorite T-shirts to preach and or witness in as it always gets the person on the other end asking questions, by itself it is a great conversational shirt that easily leads right into morality, law and of course grace. There have been very few times where wearing this shirt has not led to someone coming up and asking me "How is Abortion Racism?"

So go ahead head on over to the link RIGHT HERE or click THE STORE on top of this page to purchase your shirt...

Like always all purchases help us continue to preach the Gospel by paying for our Tracts and Gas money to get where we need to go and preach.


Uh Oh! Someone did not read the book.

You know maybe Ms. Osteen should have read some of her husbands own material, because apparently she is in court today for attacking a flight attendant. Obviously she denies it but the FAA already fined her $3000 for the assault on the personnel. As it turned out the whole fight started over a water stain on her first class seat. (Shameful!)

Did you ever wonder what would those Christians in North Korea do if those guards did not clean up that water stain off of their cold cell floor? I know what they would do they would read "Your Best Life Now" and they would be OK.

Maybe Ms. Osteen should have read this...

On page 153 of Your best life now it says..
"People who harbor anger often don't realize it, but they are poisoning their own lives. When we don't forgive, we're not hurting the other person. Were not hurting the company that did us wrong, were not hurting God, were hurting Ourselves."

Wow. How profound. Ms. Osteen your outrage towards that flight attendant is really only hurting yourself.

Anyways read the full news story by clicking HERE

Oh and by the way...

Please do not rely on puny books written by mere men for your source of authority. Use the Word of God. The Bible. It's a lot better then anything Joel, Brian, Rob, Rick or William could write...


Why we must discern...