
The impact of a Christian Media Ministry...

I think sometimes, we forget how significant our focus on sharing the Gospel with media should be. Sometimes I get discouraged with working a real job, I wonder if I am wasting my time on this rinky dink ministry. I mean honestly, it's not like our little videos we place on YouTube actually do anything....

Well I could say that hogwash, but I have to be reminded that we can never keep tabs on the growth of a ministry or it's Impact, so discouragement comes and God always has a way of lifting us up, letting us know we are on the right track, and right where God's wants us to be. The following is in absolutely no way meant to fluff any feathers, it is simply to show how God is being glorified through this crummy ministry...

Since our first YouTube video went up in August of 2006 a little over a year ago, we have had a total of 45,280 views. Now that being said, it is not a lot at all. In fact the point of YouTube is to get that many people to view your video a day... So in that sense we have failed at attracting the masses, but it's not so much how many people watch, but who watches. Some of our highest viewed videos has been linked on Pastor Resource Sites and blogs. We have even been linked on one of the most far radical atheist groups in the Country, Rational Responders.

However, a lot of people can see you, but the question is how many people are impacted by the Message that is brought. Well the answer is "We have no idea" ina ll honesty, probally very very few. Yet every now and then, we get a little hope. A little spark that encourages us to keep going.

Enter the random e-mails. Nothing is more encouraging then waking up in the morning to see a new e-mail from a viewer who not only liked our video, but thought it was substantial in message to let us know how it impacted him.

Meet Jason.

I'm 19 and have been thinking about how I can be used most by God in my lifetime, particularly because I've been deciding what to study in college. I've noticed, as you have, the power of technologies such as the Internet, iPods, and videos and their ability to share the gospel or to present short, insightful, encouraging truths from God's Word....Watching your videos, I think it'd be wise for me to take a few video editing classes and make short clips as I travel from place to place.
Jason - 19
Yet it's not so much the encouraging news of knowing that the Lord has uses us to inspire people to train and develop in media, it's also amazing how God has used this ministry to encourage people to learn about Christ.

I saw your witnessing video on YouTube in Norfolk. I've been interested in personal evangelism but I can never seem to get up enough nerve to share my faith. Any tips or maybe I could hook up with you guys and see how you witness.
Mike - 20
Praise the Lord. That's really what it is all about. In fact it has nothing to do with this ministry at all. It really all comes down to God's Grace that he would even use us to do something as serious as sharing His gospel of Salvation.

What about the writings, the Blogs, the endless hours typing to what seems to be no one.

I just wanted to thank you for writing your article "Numbers and the Church." I loved it! You are right on! Thanks again from a Sunday school teacher just preaching the Cross...

I hope you continue to pray for our ministry, that we may not only continue to develop quality media that shares the Gospel, inspire and encourage artist, and encourage others to share their faith. Pray for us in other areas as well.

1. Time.
We really want to spend as many hours as possible working on this ministry, however it is impossible while working a full-time Job. So pray that God provides the needed funding to allow us to spend and devote massive amounts of time to his kingdom, and that when we do have it we will be able to use it wisely. Like finishing up and working on the Creation Museum Project

2. Funding
We really do not want to be that televangelist stereotype...SEND MONEY SEND MONEY. Instead we want to provide valuable resources that will support other ministries in amazing ways. We already have our first Stock Photo Collection and you can also by request order all our videos on DVD. Oh yes...Did I mention that we also have a Store...By cool stuff by clicking here...

3. Team Development
As this Ministry grows, God is already working on the lives of those who will one day join us. Pray that God leads us people who are willing to lay it all down to go after something much bigger then themselves, or us. Pray that God's sends us Creative people who are sold out to His Kingdom.

4. Creativity.
Pray the we can break the mold in Video Evangelism. We not only want God to be glorified in the sharing of his Gospel, but we want to have him glorified in everything we do. Pray for Ideas and that every creative work we work on will show the Creator of Such creativity...

So those are our four major hurdles we need to overcome in the next few months. So pray for us as we continue on our mission to give Glory to the God who saved us, and continue to be a light for those who are not.


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