Franklin Graham Festival...LIVE BLOG Sunday Night!

Franklin Graham Festival. Live Blog.
This weekend in Hampton Roads we were treated to the Franklin Graham Festival. As I write this I am sitting at the Media Booth at the Festival It is Sunday night and I am sitting down waiting for the event to begin.
Right now the pre-show music is on and the Tommy Coomes band is playing.
This weekend has been a blessing in several ways. I was shocked at Franklin Grahams preaching style. I knew it would be theologically sound, but I had no idea how well we would preach it. I was really amazed. I like how right to the point he is. As soon as he gets up there he let's you know there will be an altar call. I wonder how amazing it would be to have a ministry that makes people wait with anticipation for the time to get saved. I believe that you have to pray for soul's to get saved the the BGEA is the only ministry in the world that has to carry out marching orders and organization because they expect it.
Friday night I went to the event with my family. I got to enjoy it not from a working perspective, but as a crowd member. The second day I was given Media Access for Transplant Ministries. But before we hit up the event we arrived several hours early and just went to the streets of Norfolk. The first thing you notice in Downtown Norfolk is the incredible amount of homeless that ask you for money...
Event Starting.... I will more to come.
I was there. God moved so powerfully. God is so good. The floor was filled with unsaved people giving there lives to Christ. It was moving.
Jesus...your the bomb. Everyone's eyes were on You that night. May you have the glory for it all. Lord take the fire that has been lit in them and pour heavenly fuel on it and let it burn till the day they die. May You show the glory for all good things. Amen
I just wrote about Franklin Graham and his outrageous paycheck- see it here:
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