Franklin Graham Speaks.
I am guilty of referring to this technique as "The Way of the Master Way" but I always have to make myself clear that Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron just brought attention to the technique, they did not invent it. It's been there all along.
I guess it's like the idea of Calvinisim. It's name is from John Calvin but he didnt invent the idea, he didnt make any new revelations, he just made it popular and explained it.
He really knows how to preach the gospel. As I was mentioning earlier he doesnt beat around the bush at all. I wonder what Rob Bell would says words like "Sin" "Hell" and "Repentance" and people get saved. Why does Rob Bell think he is above any of this language?
It has ben a wonderful thing to see someone as big as a Graham, preach the exact same Gospel. The Clear Gospel. The Gospel that is not altered by personal feelings and emotion.
The Gospel that is not changed, because it breaks through cultural barriers, race and age.
Every night, the Praise Music Changed. Every Night the Singers and speakers changed. They all fit a different generation. The word did not. It is uncompromisable. It was and is the same as two thousand years ago.
I really want to know why it is we live in a society that feels as if the Gospel needs to be so squishy and unique to every person.
We are Wicked.
God is Not.
God's Son is God.
He Paid the Price by Death.
Defeated Death.
We need to Trust and Repent.
Sure you can change the way you present this truth. (We prefer quality media) But the message stays the same. No Matter What.
Franklin Graham Festival...LIVE BLOG Sunday Night!

Franklin Graham Festival. Live Blog.
This weekend in Hampton Roads we were treated to the Franklin Graham Festival. As I write this I am sitting at the Media Booth at the Festival It is Sunday night and I am sitting down waiting for the event to begin.
Right now the pre-show music is on and the Tommy Coomes band is playing.
This weekend has been a blessing in several ways. I was shocked at Franklin Grahams preaching style. I knew it would be theologically sound, but I had no idea how well we would preach it. I was really amazed. I like how right to the point he is. As soon as he gets up there he let's you know there will be an altar call. I wonder how amazing it would be to have a ministry that makes people wait with anticipation for the time to get saved. I believe that you have to pray for soul's to get saved the the BGEA is the only ministry in the world that has to carry out marching orders and organization because they expect it.
Friday night I went to the event with my family. I got to enjoy it not from a working perspective, but as a crowd member. The second day I was given Media Access for Transplant Ministries. But before we hit up the event we arrived several hours early and just went to the streets of Norfolk. The first thing you notice in Downtown Norfolk is the incredible amount of homeless that ask you for money...
Event Starting.... I will more to come.
Transplant EVENT...Please keep updated.

We were blessed with the opportunity to do some media coverage and that will be coming shortly to a computer screen near you.
Please keep this site up and check for updates about the whole weekend.

A full article will be available soon and what would a media ministry be without video. We got that to. So keep checking in.
What made this event so different for us is that we spent the entire day in Downtown Norfolk witnessing to people and asking them to come to the festival. It was an amazing day full of stories, but those will come later.
Special thanks to the BGEA for allowing us access and their amazing hospitality.
Transplant Ministries ONE YEAR Retrospective!
So over the past year God has blessed us with some amazing opportunities and true growth. It's been a long year, a slow year and a year that was not easy at all. For the most part I worked two jobs (40+ hours), went to school and ran the Youth Group at my church. It was busy, it flew buy and I think I loved every tired minute of it.
My schedule has opened up dramatically and I have spent the last month really trying to figure how to step the ministry up a notch. I am glad to say that after one year I believe that I am past the "experimental stage" of ministry development. After seeing the momentum of this ministry really pick up speed over the past couple of months it is clear that God has big plans for us and I am ready to push this thing into overdrive.
Here is a brief summary of the events over the last year.
1. We built a Studio. I believe for me this was a big achievement. It's actual usefulness isn't that great, however it really made a major impact on me. It was like "OK now your in this for real" Yes it is in the upstairs of my church, yes it consists of makeshift lighting and 3 buckets of green paint from Lowe's. But it is a place to go in the middle of the night and just create. It's as if Transplant Ministries has left the idea stage and now has a physical conception.
2. Our direction has changed. This is probably most important. I believe starting this ministry I had a direction I wanted to go, then I started listening to Way of the Master Radio. The direction in my mind has completely changed. At first it was Christian Entertainment/Information based now I think it is headed in a more evangelical direction. WOTM really showed me how to witness and place everything in God's hand completely. To a point where I can say it is not my ministry anymore but His. I am not perfect I am struggling with the concept still. It is a lot harder then normal when you have a media ministry. It's hard to balance selfish "Look at Me, Look at Me" with "Watch our videos, watch our videos" we are a media ministry by the way. If no one watches us then were lost to internet infinity. I believe there is a healthy sense of "Look at Me" allowed for commercial promotion ha ha.
3. We debated Brian Sapient. Now everyone knows him but at the time he wasn't that popular. What it did do was jump start our video counts, and gave us some independent coverage and name recognition. It also challenged me in terms of debate and challenged me to learn more, this really helped my personal walk with God transform.
4. We made Good Videos. A Good amount of them. We started off with Rapture 1 and Rapture 2 which by itself was seen over seven thousand times since November of 06. Then we made Red Letter Christians as you can see starting with the rapture videos and transforming to the Red Letter Christian Videos the passion and quality of our videos has changed over the year. We learned more editing skills, better graphic work and so on. We have started to place a lot more time into each video. We find that this really separates us from other YouTube Videos which are rushed and placed on air. The Red Letter Christian video actually took us several weeks and we actually shot it in two different locations. The current shot had bad audio because of the fountain in the background and the shot you will never see was lit terribly and wasn't passionate enough.
5. We worked with His Holy Space. This may not seem like a lot. However I believe in a few years I will look back and say, that was it. Working with HHS will be one of those points in the lifetime of a ministry that transformed it and sent it where it needs to be. The doors that can open, the lives that will be reached all because of one Commercial Spot is something I am really excited about seeing progress. I honestly thought this whole thing would never get off the ground and I believe that this little thing has tossed it pretty high. I really want to think Jeff Bridges for giving little old Transplant Ministries the opportunity to do big things.
6. We reached over 20,000 views. Now this may not be a lot in terms of YouTube video counts however what is not mentioned is the fact that YouTube will never feature any sort of Christian Media. Anyone who gets featured can have several thousand video counts over night. But after doing some research and talking to YouTube editors I discovered the only way to get attention is to promote, promote promote. So using MySpace Forums and Groups thats what I did. And about a few weeks ago we hit 20k views and rising. All the Glory to God.
So what's in store for Transplant Ministries. Honestly I have no idea. I have some ideas, dreams and prayers. Were getting off the ground. So here are my goals for the next year. (Notice I said Mine, He may have other plans.)
1. I want to reach 100,000 video views combined on GodTube and YouTube. This is small. I really want more. It's not hard to do and I believe that it can be done in months as opposed to a year.
2. I want more commercial opportunities. I believe that doing side job videos for major Christian Companies can benefit us financially but also really promote some great Christian ministries out there. I want to use the skills God has given me to help other ministries look very professional and refined in their promotional material. You don't need a lot of money to create quality products, you need someone who is creative. I believe by. Creating more partnerships like the one with HHS we can get our name out there as well as bring in a good amount of revenue.
3. I want more supporters. This is what I hate. I hate asking for money, asking for support etc etc etc. No matter how much I do it I still feel bad and I feel like the very televangelist I despise. I really do not want to have to beg much longer. By working on commercial partnerships we can avoid this but until those come in please make a donation using the link over on the right side of this page. It is all done securely via PayPal and every single dime will be used to benefit this ministry.
Right now we are in such desperate need of video equipment. It is so expensive. We don't need the best equipment in the business but we do need equipment that works. Are cameras are breaking, are microphones are losing quality and my computer is in need of serious upgrades. The cameras we need are over four thousand a piece. We really need two cameras to do some of the things I have in mind. Also we need lighting equipment. Professional Video Lighting is not cheap at all. One light kit can cost over thousand dollars. We have a green screen but we have never been able to light it effectively to use it so needless to say we don't. Oh but we want to so bad. Some of the ideas we have are really going to transform Christian Media but in order to be effective they have to be good in every step along the way.
4. I want to make more Gospel Oriented Videos. This is something that has plagued me for awhile. I want to present the Gospel using media in new ways. I know the Gospel will never change. The word will never sway or return void. So I have been racking my brain thinking of ways to show the Transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ in a snazzy short video. So pray for me as this is our work in progress. I am already feeling the creative pressure.
5. I need help. The thing is the help I need cannot come from people over the internet. I need actual communication and maybe a volonteer staff. The problem is they have to be media savy, creative and of course on fire Christians. This is not an easy task. Only God can bring together the people I need. So pray that over the next few months when I say "We at Transplant Ministries" I will not just be referring to Me Myself and I.
6. I want to start speaking at churches on the importance of good media and the use of the internet to preach the gospel. Maybe do small little conferences over two days or something. There is ton's to discuss and I believe that there is a huge hunger for information and knowledge of this subject.
So again to all those that have prayed for us. To all those that have supported us we thank you. With your help we really are reaching thousands of people with the Gospel, and encouraging others to do the same. Remember the easiest way to support Transplant Ministries is to tell others about us. Like one of our videos. Send it to some friends, place it on your MySpace. The more video counts we get the more easier our videos will be to find in searches and what not.
I want to close with this. Below is a letter from a random YouTube viewer. I get comments all of the time. Most of them are not very uplifting. Then I got this letter.
KUDOS!!!! the message made me challenge my thinking of God. He's tough, He's kind and everything in between, However, If I can't stand on the FACT that God does have wrath in the end towards unsaved people, He has condemnation towards sin, and ultimately Jesus is our hope and escape from those uncomfortable things... Wow I feel stronger because of your video. I can say that if someone challenges me on those issues, I cannot with good conscious say anything but yes, He will judge sinners to hell. That's it... Can't deny it and make Jesus a mamby pamby God who just "loves everybody..."
It's one of those letters that let's you know you are on the right track. Thank God for letters like that.
Again thanks for a wonderful year and heres to an even better second.
ALL the Glory to God.
- Marcus Pittman
His Holy Space Promotional Video!
Now I know what your thinking...Christians? Copying Culture? Again? Isn't Transplant Ministries supposed to create original concepts and "Counter" culture.
If Flashbacks of Christian T-Shirts that transform famous logo's to cheesy Christian symbolism rush to mind your not alone. Me To.
However, MySpace has been taken over by porn and filth. I cannot even go on there anymore without getting daily friend requests from porn advertisement bots.
MySpace has lost control of their site.
So new alternative competitors were made and praise God His Holy Space was thunk up.
HHS is a totally different sort of MySpace it is full of evangelism resources, videos and encouragement. It even has a prayer wall where you can share your requests about anything and have over eleven thousand people view your request.
Another thing I love about HHS is that the owner is not some impersonal TOM. He is a servant and he is actually there to help you with encouragement and guidance. I guess that's how I met him...What started as a few prayer requests for my video ministry turned into an opportunity to create a web promo.
Over the past few months I designed a web promo, we set out on a plan to record voice testimonials of people who love the site.
Then everything Changed...Praise God.
I guess HHS grew over those few months and now the promo was then turned into an actual TV commercial. Not only that the audio changed as well.
The new commercial also came complete with narration from a personal (earthly) hero of mine (besides the Obvious Sunday School Ones)
Todd Friel.
If you have not heard of him then your listening to way to much emergent speakers. Todd Friel is the host of the very popular Way of the Master Radio. For those of you that never heard every week his sarcasm and positive discernment really challenged me to think critically and use discernment when it comes to "Christians" who fail at sharing the Gospel. He has revolutionized my personal theology and has transformed the original goals of this ministry.
So who cares?
Well if you have been praying for us or supporting us over the past year you should.
God has given us this amazing "in" with two amazing ministries. His Holy Space and Way of the Master.
And as of right now my relationship with WOTM and Todd is nothing more then that of a lonely fan boy, waiting for the next Star Trek Convention (TRNASFORMED) I know God can use this for really amazing things.
Like the story of Joshua...
Small Steps.
Lot's of Time.
Big Things.
So pray for us as we venture into the new realm of promotional productions.
Only God knows where that will lead.
Below is the first video produced by Transplant Ministries on a professional level. To God be the Glory.
Buy tracks at www.livingwaters.com