Consider this the Geek in Me...
Consider this the Geek in me...
But I love Space. I am not really a fan of Sci-Fi Movies, or Star Trek. I probably only love star wars as much as every guy. But Space is something that I truly love to learn about. Perhaps if I was not called into ministry and continued on my path to Computer Geekdom, I could be working for NASA right now.
I think as Christians we look up to the sky and say "Heaven." We look to the Earth and say "Creation", but it is not true. Everything is Creation. From the cricket that crawls up your leg in the middle of the night (Don't ask) to the stars God created in the farthest depth of the Galaxy knowing we would never see...It's all part of God's glorious creation.
I think Space is important. Sure it is important to science, I am sure there may be some discoveries that could help Humanity if God wills us to find it. But more importantly I think Space Travel is allowed, so we can intern give ultimate Glory to God.
I guess there are a lot of Christians who assume that Space Travel places all the Glory on Man, and I have to agree. It can. Everything science does apart from God is giving glory to Man, but that being said I thank God for the images the Hubble has given us.
We look to the stars because they have a sort of infinite knowledge to them, Something man longs for. Humanity longs for learning, we long for information and awareness. We cannot get that from Earth so we look to space as a way of learning more, both as the Christian and the Non. As Non-Christians look for wonders and discovery, Christians look for God's Glory. What Scientist use to disprove God, Christians see how Big he really is. The infinite size of space is limited, by the More then Infinite size of God.
When we get to heaven and God shows us the name of every star, every new color, and all the wonders of his creation we had all along. We will still have an eternity to keep learning. Imagine learning everything! How this works, how that works, how this Law of Gravity Works, how creation came from Ex Nihilo (From nothing)...Everything. Then we discover that God has an entire Eternity planned of stuff we have never heard of before. We bask in the knowledge of God, constantly learning and admiring him and his ways. Never ever knowing it all, but always knowing everything...yep that baffles me to.
This is why I feel Space Travel and Scientific observation is OK with God as long as we Honor him with it.
It reminds me of Apollo 8. In December of 1968 three astronauts were the first to orbit the moon. Upon doing so they were told that the ears of the world would be listening and to say something of value. Upon seeing this amazing view that no one but them and God has ever seen they could think of nothing better to do then read from Genesis 1..."In The Beginning God..." They gave glory to the Creator for allowing them to even be able to view the glory of His Creation like No One has ever done. Here is the Image they took. It is the most downloaded, copied, reproduced photograph ever taken in Human History...It's called EarthRISE.
So what brought me to this point?
Well Recently Google announced a partnership with the X-Prize foundation. X-Prize is an organization designed to encourage scientific development apart from Government interest via Private Enterprise. Their first major success came from their first challenge of 10 Million to anyone who flew a spacecraft to Orbit and back again via private funds. It was a huge success and as you all know Virgin Galactic is in the process of using those aircraft for privatized space travel. I pray that one day it becomes cheap so I can view God's creation from his viewpoint while still alive...
But anyway they have announced a new one. This time with Google and they are awarding 30 Million Dollars to the team that successfully carries a Lunar Rover onto the moon and explores it's surfaces...
Now here comes the point of all this...
Wouldn't it be great if Christian Investors, Godly Scientist and Educators teamed up together to accomplish this and win for God's Glory? Imagine. Not only would the first Privately Funded Lunar Lander be built by Creation Scientist, but what a message that would send to all of Earth of a Creator who gave us the knowledge to do that very thing so HE may be glorified.
What if the 30 Million Dollar Prize was spent on Mission Work and spreading the Gospel?
Consider this a challenge... If there are any Christian Scientist out there (Attention Dr. Jason Lisle) let's get this thing rolling.
It may be a long shot, but one can reach for the stars can't he?
But I love Space. I am not really a fan of Sci-Fi Movies, or Star Trek. I probably only love star wars as much as every guy. But Space is something that I truly love to learn about. Perhaps if I was not called into ministry and continued on my path to Computer Geekdom, I could be working for NASA right now.
I think as Christians we look up to the sky and say "Heaven." We look to the Earth and say "Creation", but it is not true. Everything is Creation. From the cricket that crawls up your leg in the middle of the night (Don't ask) to the stars God created in the farthest depth of the Galaxy knowing we would never see...It's all part of God's glorious creation.
I think Space is important. Sure it is important to science, I am sure there may be some discoveries that could help Humanity if God wills us to find it. But more importantly I think Space Travel is allowed, so we can intern give ultimate Glory to God.
I guess there are a lot of Christians who assume that Space Travel places all the Glory on Man, and I have to agree. It can. Everything science does apart from God is giving glory to Man, but that being said I thank God for the images the Hubble has given us.
We look to the stars because they have a sort of infinite knowledge to them, Something man longs for. Humanity longs for learning, we long for information and awareness. We cannot get that from Earth so we look to space as a way of learning more, both as the Christian and the Non. As Non-Christians look for wonders and discovery, Christians look for God's Glory. What Scientist use to disprove God, Christians see how Big he really is. The infinite size of space is limited, by the More then Infinite size of God.
When we get to heaven and God shows us the name of every star, every new color, and all the wonders of his creation we had all along. We will still have an eternity to keep learning. Imagine learning everything! How this works, how that works, how this Law of Gravity Works, how creation came from Ex Nihilo (From nothing)...Everything. Then we discover that God has an entire Eternity planned of stuff we have never heard of before. We bask in the knowledge of God, constantly learning and admiring him and his ways. Never ever knowing it all, but always knowing everything...yep that baffles me to.
This is why I feel Space Travel and Scientific observation is OK with God as long as we Honor him with it.
It reminds me of Apollo 8. In December of 1968 three astronauts were the first to orbit the moon. Upon doing so they were told that the ears of the world would be listening and to say something of value. Upon seeing this amazing view that no one but them and God has ever seen they could think of nothing better to do then read from Genesis 1..."In The Beginning God..." They gave glory to the Creator for allowing them to even be able to view the glory of His Creation like No One has ever done. Here is the Image they took. It is the most downloaded, copied, reproduced photograph ever taken in Human History...It's called EarthRISE.
So what brought me to this point?
Well Recently Google announced a partnership with the X-Prize foundation. X-Prize is an organization designed to encourage scientific development apart from Government interest via Private Enterprise. Their first major success came from their first challenge of 10 Million to anyone who flew a spacecraft to Orbit and back again via private funds. It was a huge success and as you all know Virgin Galactic is in the process of using those aircraft for privatized space travel. I pray that one day it becomes cheap so I can view God's creation from his viewpoint while still alive...
But anyway they have announced a new one. This time with Google and they are awarding 30 Million Dollars to the team that successfully carries a Lunar Rover onto the moon and explores it's surfaces...
Now here comes the point of all this...
Wouldn't it be great if Christian Investors, Godly Scientist and Educators teamed up together to accomplish this and win for God's Glory? Imagine. Not only would the first Privately Funded Lunar Lander be built by Creation Scientist, but what a message that would send to all of Earth of a Creator who gave us the knowledge to do that very thing so HE may be glorified.
What if the 30 Million Dollar Prize was spent on Mission Work and spreading the Gospel?
Consider this a challenge... If there are any Christian Scientist out there (Attention Dr. Jason Lisle) let's get this thing rolling.
It may be a long shot, but one can reach for the stars can't he?