
Thank You Paris Hilton...The Almighty One?

Thank You Paris...

Umm, Hello Paris? It's me Marcus, the one from VA...I know I haven't spoken to you in a while and I have placed other news first. I know. Please forgive me, I was just so into the Jesse Davis Case and the Immigration Amnesty Bill while you were being persecuted for me that I just simply forgot to talk to you.

I want to thank you again for the persecution you endure, for the sake of Me. Sometimes the News can become so boring, that if it wasn't for you I just don't know what CNN and Fox would cover all day.

Thank you for providing food for the paparazzi's children. They work so hard to glorify you. Sometimes I think that me sitting on my couch watching you on TV is not enough.

Also I want to confess that recently I only read about you on the Magazine racks while waiting in line at Wal-Mart. I know you would never shop there, but lately funds has been tight and my Saks of Fifth Avenue Card has been declined do to lack of payments. Again I know I should actually buy the magazine instead of just reading it in the aisle, so I want to confess that I have been stealing. Oh and while on that note, I only record the News on my Tivo, so I skip the commercials (Is that stealing to? Get back with me?)

Paris, I want to pray for other countries. They do not have someone to look up to like we do. I pray specifically for Europe. Ever since the Death of Dianna the Paparazzi have been starving to death, it was supposed to be good times once David Beckham got Married to the Spice Girl, but he has since relocated to America. Paris, you really know how to fill our basket but do you think you could share your glory some?

Anyways thank you so much for your work in my Life and I pray for your continued worship and glory throughout all nations.

To Paris be the Glory, Amen.

Sounds sort of Silly doesn't it. Yep. It's ridiculous. But isn't that what America has become? What is difference between idolizing a celebrity and praying to her? I want to propose that America has become nothing more then Idol Worshippers.

It reminds me of the Israelites. They just witnessed God allowing them access over the Red Sea...God. The Creator. The one who gave Life, to dust. The very Dust that Paris came from.

Afterwards what do they do, they build up an idol of melted gold. A stupid incompetent heifer. Now don't get me wrong I am not calling Paris a Heifer, remember she was Created in the Image of God. But she is worthless in comparison to a God who created matter, just as the Calf was the Israelites created.

God has blessed America. He has given us freedom from tyranny, very little war on our home front. None alive today could ever imagine suburban warfare as it happens in Baghdad or other countries.

Yet we give praise to Paris and her disciples, Brittney and Lindsay. We may not pray to her, but we (myself included) spend hours watching news about her. We feed the paparazzi's children at night by our own indulgences.

As Bill O'Reilly said. We hate to cover this, we want it to go away yet, we will not do well in business without covering it.

Were Feeding the Idol. Is God done Blessing America? Have we smashed the Ten Commandments?

God has several kinds of wrath. There is Hell, There is Anger, but then there is the other one, a Wrath that many do not understand or even think about. This is the one where God wipes his hands in a clapping motion and says "OK" I am done with you. So Be it.

The Israelites prayed for a a King. God said no. Please God they proclaimed, God said "No, I know whats good for you" PLEASE GOD the shouted so finally God said..OK, So be it.

The Words "So be it, fend for yourself" coming from a God who runs everything, is the beginning of our own self destruction.

Is America experiencing the Wrath of God. The one where God removes his hands of protection and leaves us at the mercy of our own kings?

I am a firm believer that he has. Now do not get me wrong. He still works in America, people can still get saved and great miracles can still happen, but I believe his blessings are not as abundant. Consider it the Standard working of God. As if God has sort of placed his blessings on a minimalistic quota for America and I am not talking about prosperity.

As Christians, we need to stand up and rally for God to place his Hand on us again. All we can do is pray. We should pray for a revival like the Chinese do for us everyday.

Imagine a country who is under Communist reign. Who's Christians are persecuted, and tortured daily. Yet the Christians grow in number daily. The Christian House Church grows by 40,000 people a day. Even under persecution from the Chinese army.

What do they pray for? They pray for America's revival. They also pray for continued communist rule. They pray that they do not soon become a a democracy because they are worried about God's Glory being diminished by free will.


And we worship Paris? We should pray for her, not to her. Pray that she "found God" but not just the God of "The Secret." Pray that Paris finds the God of redemptive salvation. The God that breathed life into a worthless pile of dust, and created something in His image. The God who's name is above all names. The God who cannot call himself the God of Everything...because he would then limit himself to it.

Because surely this God is worth four hours a night on Fox News, and every other television station.


Transplant Ministries on Evan Almighty

...and they market this to churches?


The Creation Museum

So if you haven't heard by now Answers in Genesis has opened their 27 million dollar creation museum. I really want to go. It can almost be considered coveting. I will admit to it. So after reviewing their site today I came across this cartoon. It made me laugh pretty hard, So I thought you might enjoy it.


Aortic Aneurysm....

So over the past few months I have been having trouble swallowing food and I have had to undergo several tests and struggles. finally the doctors have found out the problem... Please pray for me as I go through this tough time, but more importantly pray God is glorified because if it.

Please watch the Video Blog I created about this, I hope to diary as much as I can, to show God's glory being prevailed.


Start the disucssion that doesnt emerge!

So over the past few weeks I have been thinking of ways Transplant Ministries can help other Christians involved with media and design.

So what I came up with was the Transplant Discussion! No it has nothing to do with an emerging conversation or anything of the sort...

What it does do is give you a place to post your favorite Christian YouTube videos plus the worst Christian videos.

Most importantly it has several areas where you can get assistance with your videos and evangelism shoots. If you have any questions, need some advice on how to make your media better this is the place for you.

Collaborate with other Christian Artist, Team Up with others to work on projects, find gigs, fellowship and create with the goal being on the Creator.

There is nothing like it on the Internet. Please Visit by clicking the discussion tab at the top of the page or the photo below...Be Sure to Sign up...Signing Up is Free!


How does Transplant Ministries blend Media and Evangelisim?

Transplant Ministries is passionate about evangelism. Spreading the Gospel is the most important mission objective ever given to man. Surpassing the mission to go to the moon, surpassing the objectives of wars.

So Transplant asks the Question...

What can we do to make sure the most amount of people hear the gospel?

We answer it this way.

Create Quality Media that shares the Gospel, Proclaims the Good news, and yes I dare say...Entertaining.

The message is going to be rejected no matter what, but at least with a good presentation people will watch the entire program.

...Even people that hated The Passion of the Christ...Watched the entire Movie, some watched because of the message, while others came to see a great movie. Either way the Gospel was proclaimed.

Who wants to praise The Creator of Creativity to music that is out of tune and off key.

So here is what we do.

1. We want to help other ministries create quality presentations. This means doing editing, making graphics, cleaning up audio and s. Making it less harsh to the eyes.

2. We want to produce Quality Media on our own, High End, evangelism trainings, iPod Gospel Tracts called PODtract(s).

3. We want to train the church with the needed knowledge to create high end media, with low budget equipment. We would love to give presentations to your church on the Importance of Christian Media in a world of YouTube and MySpace...Give us a call.

If you are making a video and have a question, want to know how you can make it better (IE meeting standard rules for a basic video presentation, Lightning, Sound, Editing) send us a line, Free Critiques...Call us the Simon Cowell of Christian Media.

All of this is not for ourselves. It is so people will not turn you video off within the first five seconds, it is so the reason they stop watching is because they so despise your message, their heart is so burdened because they heard, and paid attention to every word you said, from the first 5 seconds to eternity.


Below are some of our videos. If you like any of them, please send them to other people, go to YouTube and comment and Rate. YouTube's search is based on a popularity poll. The more you do this the easier videos are to find among the millions uploaded everyday.

The following is a Promotional video we created for HisHolySpace.com does the narrator sound familiar? The video is soon to be aired across the country on SkyAngel...

Drive Thru Evangelism - Self Explanatory

Rapture Episode One.


Transplant Welcomes EvangelismTeam.com!

Transplant Ministries has started working on promotional material for EvangelismTeam.com, If you never visited their site Evangelism Team has tons of resources for all of your outreach needs. They also have Media. So go there, watch their witness encounters and pray that God is Greatly Glorified due to our partnership...

Be on the lookout for a nice new DVD that will have some really impressive graphics that we created and of course as the name of the website implies EVANGELISM!

If you are new to Transplant Ministries let me take a moment to thank you for stopping in and visiting. Transplant Ministries is dedicated to Powerful Christian Media productions. We believe that in such a media driven society the only way for Christian Media to stand out and make an Impact is to counter secular media with the exact same standard for quality. If the secular world's standard for creativity and quality is high for our own entertainment value, how much higher should our standard for quality and creativity be for the creator of creativity. When you look at it that way, you should cry out to God in fear as we look at today's "Standard" for christian media. ugh...

For all the supporters of TM, please pray for us as we head into this exciting time of expansion, please pray that we are able to convert all the growth into a God Glorifying ministry that is financially stable. Over the past few weeks I have felt the direction of this ministry shift into more of a Ministry Support Ministry. Providing quality graphics and video for other ministries is a really great way to expand other ministries and increasing God's Glory ten fold. An amateur video gives the impression of an amateur ministry, however professional video and graphics can really expand a ministries audience.

In a way it boils down to the whole The Passion of the Christ VS Cloud Ten Rapture movies comparison. See the difference a professional production makes.

Anyways thanks to Evangelism Team!

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