
How can You Help.

Let's face it God has given us talent and creativity and we want to use. Right now were working several jobs running other CHURCH MINISTRIES for no pay.

But if anyone cares deeply about what we believe please let us know what we can do to get some funding.

We have a flat out televangelist stlye donation button click on it and be transported to a safe and secure site (PayPal) which will let you make anonymous donations with your credit card!!!!....

Not the most Magical thing in the world, but if you make a donation we will give you a free bottle of miracle water straight from our kitchen sink....ha ha no. Sorry no Miracle oil's water, or books to give away.We just want to make great videos and outreach YouTube and the internet with the true Gospel. (The one that shares how holy, righteous and just our God is) We don't have any fancy gimmicks.

Maybe you don't have any money but you can make good music, we are always in need of Royalty Free Music. This is music that is not owned by any copyrights (other then yours). We use it as background music and to help the mood if the projects.

Maybe you have some old Video Equipment that you do not want anymore, e-mail Marcus and let him know what you Got. We will glady pay for shipping and drive down there and pick whatever up for you.

So I cannot think of anything else but maybe you have some idea's or products you would be willing to donate... We might even be willing to set up some Business Deals (IE Commercial Sponsorship)

Well pray for us, pray for the people we reach and how it reaches people with the Gospel.

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us or call 434-221-4596

Red Letter Christians

Transplant Ministries New Look

Hello everyone, I went on blogger and added a Transplant ministries Blog to give some professional appeal to this site. That way the Start Page isint a Junk pile of information.

Let me know what you think...